SCSI Conservation Course Day 3
SCSI Conservation Course Day 3
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The course has been curated by the SCSI and its Conservation Committee to provide an introduction to Building Conservation in Ireland. It aims to provide an introductory level of knowledge and understanding for professionals who work with, or are interested in working with traditional buildings. Participants may be new to historic buildings, or currently deal with them in some capacity, and in doing so may wish to compliment this working experience with the formal learning offered by the course. A range of experts from Ireland and the UK will share their knowledge and experiences through lectures and case studies each day.
Indicative course topics:
Day 3: Traditional materials and techniques
Day 4: Dampness, services, retrofit and building regulations
Day 5: Works procurement, specification, cost and management
Please find an indicative timetable and speaker list here
All lecture recordings will be made available to participants for a period of time after each day, allowing participants who may not be able to attend in person to catch up on any lectures they miss.
Course Dates & Information
Dates: 4 October, 11 October, 18 October, 1 November, 8 November
Times: 9.00am – 3.30pm
This course will be delivered online via Zoom. Participants will receive Zoom links and access details prior to the course commencement.
SCSI Members (full 5 days) – €750
Non-Members (full 5 days) – €900
One Day Ticket: €170 per day
SCSI members will be awarded CPD hours for attendance at this course.
SCSI Education Team
Education Team