The Ageing Demographic and the Impact on Business and Society
The Ageing Demographic and the Impact on Business and Society
Online CPD, .
Ireland is ageing. The number of older people in the country, currently standing at around one million, is set to double in the next 25 years.
As a centre or facility manager, you need to understand how that will impact on you and the businesses you support. Yes, there is an onus to create a safe and accessible premises for older people, but there is also a huge opportunity to grow business from an increasingly healthy and active cohort that likes to shop, has the time to shop and are notably loyal to businesses that treat them well. Oder people control 50% of all consumer spending in Europe, the percentage rising considerably higher in specific areas such as food, clothing, homewares, restaurant and travel. So it makes complete sense for businesses to put a few simple low cost or no cost changes in place to demonstrate Age Friendliness, to achieve recognition as an Age Friendly Business and receive an Age Friendly Charter.
In this webinar Orlaith Carmody will give an overview on the impact of the ageing demographic on business and the economy, and the steps businesses can take to prepare for and benefit from the change. She will show how your facility can become an Age Friendly premises, and then step through how each individual shop or business can take part in online training, and also receive their Charters.
Age Friendly Ireland is a shared service hosted by Meath County Council, which aims to make Ireland a great place in which to grow old. The Age Friendly movement is an initiative of the World Health Organisation, as a response to the rapidly ageing demographic the world over.
Speaker bio:
Orlaith Carmody, Principal Advisor for Age Friendly Ireland’s Business Recognition Programme, is a business and executive coach and consultant, and a recognised expert advisor, facilitator and strategist. She has delivered coaching, training and workshops all over the world. Orlaith is the author of the bestselling book, Perform As A Leader, (Ballpoint Press, 2015) which shares her coaching and teaching over 20 years.
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