As part of our Autumn 2024 APC training calendar, the SCSI is providing a new, online workshop for APC Final Assessment Chairpersons on Tuesday, 1st October 2024.
This new workshop is intended to equip you with the skills and guidance to allow you to effectively and confidently Chair an SCSI Final Assessment interview.
Jon Lever, FRICS of DeLever Ltd. will deliver this online top-up training workshop for existing and new SCSI Final Assessment Chairpersons.
As an RICS Final Assessment Assessor and Assessor Trainer, Jon has vast experience, and he is a former member of the Governing Council. Jon Lever FRICS is an RICS UK Licenced Assessor Trainer (15 years), APC Auditor Trainer (15 Years), former RICS Training Advisor (18 Years) and RICS Governing Council Member (5 years). He has trained over 7,500 chartered members to become APC assessors and few tens of thousand APC Candidates, Supervisors & Counsellors. APC Chair and Assessor (23 Years), over 2,000 APC mock Interviews and RICS Final Assessments facilitated.
Following the completion of this workshop, in order to further support the growth of your new skillset, you will be invited to Chair an assessment panel for the following cycle of Final Assessment interviews in order to become a recognised SCSI APC & Final Assessment Chairperson. The opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the assessment process benefits both your professional development and your employer as you will be able to provide guidance and insight to trainees as they undergo the assessment process.
Acting as an APC & Final Assessment Chairperson will also contribute towards your annual SCSI CPD requirement.
Completion of this full workshop will earn 4 CPD Hours.