Building Conservation Accreditation

Building Conservation Accreditation

The conservation and maintenance of our built and natural heritage assets represent a major activity for real estate professionals in Ireland.  There are a vast number of challenges that professional conservators must be aware of. The daily management of our historic assets is a complex undertaking.  The scale of the task faced by the conservation sector is significant.

The RICS/SCSI Building Conservation Accreditation (BCAS) provides a rigorous assessment and monitoring programme, which ensures that individuals’ affecting the historic built and natural environment understand the approach[es] required to afford our historic assets their best chance going forward. They are taught and experienced to articulate the impact of their decisions to all stakeholders  these stakeholders include occupiers, owners, investors, government, national heritage bodies, amenity societies and the public.

What need does the certification serve?

The effective management of our built heritage assets require factors to be considered that are beyond those recognised for conventional assets.  These factors include the cultural and social value of an asset, its materials and construction, desire for public access and the impact of legislative requirements.

As a result, clients with a vested interest in heritage assets seek professionals who can demonstrate an understanding of these factors and possess the knowledge and skills to manage the expectations of multiple stakeholders. 

Looking for a building conservation expert?

View our list of RICS/SCSI conservation accredited experts in Ireland:

Name Location Website Email
Kian Buckley
Martin English
David Humphreys
Frank Keohane
Gavin McCall
Liam Mulligan

Why become SCSI/RICS Accredited in Building Conservation?

There are professional benefits to being an accredited professional which include:

  • Professional status: Market yourself with the use of an exclusive logo
  • Access to work: Many funding bodies and owners of heritage assets prescribe or expect professionals to have an appropriate accreditation in conservation.
  • Recognition: Clients and employers can be assured of your standards, maintained by a regulatory system of quality assurance through SCSI and RICS.
  • Promotion: Your details are listed on both the RICS and SCSI websites.
  • Support and Networking: You have access as an accredited member to the Building Conservation Forum, and specialist CPD.


Who is accreditation for?

RICS, SCSI and related professionals with established experience as custodians of historic assets.  This includes those involved in conservation, restoration, sale, purchase, management, protection or recognition of historic buildings, monuments or sites.

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Hold Assoc RICS, Assoc SCSI, MRICS/MSCSI, FRICS/FSCSI and any degree or a recognised professional qualification.
  • Have sufficient relevant and responsible practical experience to be able to demonstrate the competencies.
  • Have current experience in the built heritage  sector.


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