Book A Class Visit
Book A Class Visit
Class Visit
What is a class visit?
We send young chartered surveyors to school classrooms to engage with young people, share about surveying professions and help them find out more about what a career in surveying could be like!
Why book a class visit?
Booking a class visit is one of the best ways to help young people explore careers in construction, land & property surveying. Help connect your students with great opportunities in these dynamic fields by having a young chartered surveyor in to present.
Having a Chartered Surveyor come speak provides students with the opportunity to:
- Understand what a career in surveying is like
- Speak with a Chartered Surveyor and hear about their daily duties, responsibilities and exciting projects they are working on including buildings and projects students see on the way to school or even on tv.
- Identify the essential skills a surveyor needs and what leaving certificate subjects are useful to becoming a Chartered Surveyor
- Learn about college courses available and CAO points
- Find out about the SCSI and the benefits of becoming a student member in college.
If you have other questions about having class visits or are interested in exploring more opportunities to promote surveying professions in your area, please contact us at
Book A class Visit
Contact the education team to book a class visit!