Category: Property Guidance

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This is a comprehensive document developed by the SCSI and RICS to provide guidance to property professionals...

Valuation of woodlands and forests, 2nd edition

The aim of this professional standard is to highlight the main factors that affect the valuationof woodlands...

GDPR Considerations during the Property Sales Process

Click here to read guidance on processing personal data during the property sales process including for...

Sample LPT Valuation Report

This Sample Report has been prepared to provide assistance and structure to practitioners in relation...

International Valuation Standards (IVS)

The latest version of International Valuation Standards which was published on 31 July 2021 with an effective...

Valuer Registration FAQs Document

In a Valuer Registration CPD, Paddy Darmody provides a brief overview of Red Book and Valuer Registrations,...

SCSI Complaints Handling Procedure Letter

Sample Complaints Handling Procedure Letter

Valuation Considerations for the Valuation of Commercial Assets in the Context of Sustainability

The role of the valuer is to consider all factors relevant to value. The aim of this document is to support...

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