Job Details
Building Control and other Consultants for An Bord Pleanála
Qualifications Required
Applications are invited from Members of the professions in the table below to be included on a panel of Building Control and other consultants for An Bord Pleanála. Evidence of formal membership and Registration (where appropriate) of the relevant professional body will be required.
- Architecture
- Engineering
- Surveying
Other professional membership may be considered subject to demonstration of suitable relevance and experience.
Experience Required
Satisfactory knowledge, background and recent relevant experience in preparing and/or assessment of fire safety certificate applications (Part B of the Building Regulations) and Disability Access certificate applications (Part M of the Building Regulations).
Nature of Work
The appointed consultants will be required to provide reports in relation to the Building Control Acts, 1990 and 2007 and include details of assessment and recommendations on appeals and applications received by the Board. The appointed consultants must be able to provide such reports in a timely fashion and within strict timescales.
Rates of Payment
Fee per day is €835 with time estimate authorised in advance. An Bord Pleanála reserves the right in particular cases to request the panel member to provide a quotation for a fixed fee or any other reasonable form of price.
Amount of Work
The appointed part-time consultants are not being engaged as employees and the appointments made do not attract any statutory protection available to employees or superannuation rights. The part-time engagement is offered on a contract for services basis only and does not attract any employment conditions. No undertaking will be given in relation to the actual number of cases assigned. If work is unsatisfactory no further files will be assigned.
Conflict of Interest
No work for the Board may be undertaken which might result in a pecuniary or other beneficial interest to you (other than the payment from the Board). No work which might conflict with the specific case work being done for the Board may be undertaken. . In this regard, panel members will be asked to sign a Declaration of Interest Form indicating any interest they may have in each case allocated to them.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct for Board Members, Employees and Certain Other Persons applies to specialist consultants which is available on this website An Bord Pleanála Code of Conduct 2023 (
Applications with a CV should be sent to Ms. Sarah Byrne, Human Resources, An Bord Pleanála by e-mail to .
Applicants may be short-listed on the basis of the information supplied. Interviews may be held in January/February 2024.