LionHeart working with Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland

LionHeart working with Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland

LionHeart working with Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland

  • Press Release

Closer working relationships are being forged between LionHeart and the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland – the largest professional body for the construction, land and property sectors in Ireland – to try and raise more awareness of the charity’s services among its members.

LionHeart CEO Davina Goodchild paid a recent visit to SCSI in Dublin to highlight the support that Irish surveyors are eligible for through the charity.

Although based in the UK, LionHeart is able to offer support to RICS professionals all over the world, including financial grants in circumstances such as ill-health, bereavement or disability, and support for people who are out of work or facing redundancy to help them get back to work.

LionHeart’s free professional counselling service is also now being offered to RICS/ SCSI members in the Irish Republic for the first time. The service has grown rapidly in recent years and is now requested by 1 in 5 of the people who approach the charity for help.

It is also hoped that establishing closer links with some of the bigger firms in Ireland will lead to future opportunities to offer some of LionHeart’s popular training and development workshops, which include financial planning as well as mental health awareness and wellbeing sessions.

  Below: LionHeart CEO Davina Goodchild pictured with SCSI president Claire Solon


Davina Goodchild said: “Our aim is to ensure that no-one ever faces a problem alone. With the expert advice and support we are able to offer, we hope to help prevent life’s problems from becoming life’s crises.

“We have helped many people through difficult times in their lives and although we are based in the UK, our support is available to RICS professionals living in Ireland or anywhere else in the world. What we really hope is that by forging closer links with SCSI, there will be greater awareness of who we are and what we do, and that more Irish members will ask us for help if they need it.

“The people who come to us for help are people facing everyday challenges; they are not the crisis situations that most people might think of when they think of LionHeart. Actually, they are mostly of working age, with everyday issues like stress, difficulties with work life balance, just the challenges of working in a demanding environment and what that can bring.

“A number of people contact us when they are having difficulty paying their RICS fees. In the course of the conversation that follows, it usually becomes clear that there’s something else going on: maybe illness, maybe they’ve lost their job or a relationship breakdown has led to financial challenges. They are all situations in which LionHeart’s experienced support officers and counsellors are able to help.”

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