Trust Chartered Surveyors and agents for all of your construction, land and property needs. Find a surveyor near you.
Full Name | Post-nominal | Professional Type | Organisation | Region | URL | Membership Number | Additional Information | ||||||||||
John Agar | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Agar Commercial Property Consultants | Dublin Region | jagar[at] | Website | 10010 | Hover Here |
Manus Agnew | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Quinn Agnew | Dublin Region | magnew[at] | 10011 | |||||||||||
Ann-Marie Ahern | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Ahern Auctioneers | Southern Region | info[at] | Website | 10012 | ||||||||||
Derek Ahern | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | Southern Region | derekahernda[at] | 10014 | |||||||||||
David McDonagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Tom McNamara & Partners | Dublin Region | davidmcd1987[at] | 10016 | |||||||||||
James Ahern | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | jamesahern.qs[at] | 10017 | ||||||||||||
Sean Ahern | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Southern Region | s.ahern[at] | 10019 | |||||||||||
Stephen Aherne | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | TWM Select Asset Management Ltd. | Dublin Region | reachste[at] | 10020 | |||||||||||
David Aherne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Patrick Molloy & Partners | Southern Region | dave[at] | Website | 10023 | ||||||||||
Paul Aherne | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Douglas Newman Good | Dublin Region | paulaherne[at] | 10025 | |||||||||||
Willie Aherne | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | willie.aherne[at] | 10027 | |||||||||||
Niki Alderdice | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Lambert Smith Hampton | Northern Ireland Region | nalderdice[at] | Website | 10030 | Kevin Alfred | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | South Eastern Region | kalfie2000[at] | 10032 |
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John Algar | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Avision Young | Dublin Region | jalgar[at] | 10033 | |||||||||||
Kevin Allen | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Allen Quantity Surveying Services | Southern Region | kevinallenqs[at] | 10038 | |||||||||||
Tom Allen | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Tom Allen & Co. | Southern Region | tom[at] | 10040 | |||||||||||
Paul Anderson | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | panderson1515[at] | 10049 | |||||||||||
Aldo Paul Andreucetti | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Clare County Council | Southern Region | aandreucetti[at] | 10051 | |||||||||||
Peter Anglim | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | JLL | Dublin Region | peter.anglim[at] | 10058 | |||||||||||
Ken Arlow | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | PM Group | Dublin Region | ken.arlow[at] | 10064 | |||||||||||
James Armitage | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | James Armitage & Associates | South Eastern Region | info[at] | 10065 | |||||||||||
Heather Armstrong | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide | Dublin Region | heather.armstrong[at] | 10066 | |||||||||||
David Arnold | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | gmaguire.maguire[at] | 10070 | |||||||||||
Brendan Arrigan | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Arrigan Geo Surveyors | Western Region | arrigangeo[at] | Website | 10071 | ||||||||||
Kenneth Arthur | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | KV Arthur Associates Ltd | Western Region | info[at] | Website | 10073 | Padraig Arthur | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Chancery Group Consultancy Services | South Eastern Region | padraig.arthur[at] | 10075 |
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Ronan Arthur | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Arthur & Lees Auctioneers Ltd | Southern Region | ronanarthur[at] | 10076 | |||||||||||
Ivor Ashe | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Avision Young | Dublin Region | ivor.ashe[at] | 10079 | |||||||||||
Stephen Ashe | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | stephen.ashe[at] | 10080 | |||||||||||
Tom Aspell | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | tom.aspell[at] | 10082 | |||||||||||
Declan Bagnall | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | BDM Property | Dublin Region | declan[at] | 10091 | |||||||||||
Brian Bagnall | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | BDM Property | Dublin Region | brian[at] | 10093 | |||||||||||
Sally Bailey | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Bailey Chartered Surveyors | Dublin Region | sally[at] | 10097 | |||||||||||
Callum Bain | Assoc. SCSI | Rural Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | callum.bain[at] | 10098 | |||||||||||
Rhona Baker | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | AIB Group | South Eastern Region | Rhona.Baker[at] | 10102 | |||||||||||
Alan Baldwin | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | The Building Consultancy | Dublin Region | alan[at] | 10103 | |||||||||||
Alan Baldwin | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | North & East Housing Association CLG | North Eastern Region | baldwin.alan2[at] | 10104 | |||||||||||
Sandra Banim | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | CME Auctioneers | South Eastern Region | sandrabanim[at] | 10112 | |||||||||||
Neil Bannon | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bannon | Dublin Region | nbannon[at] | 10117 | |||||||||||
Tomas Bannon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | AECOM | North Eastern Region | t.banno[at] | 10118 | |||||||||||
Maria McBennett | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | barbourmc[at] | 10120 | ||||||||||||
Jeremy Barnes | MSCSI, MRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor | MacCabe Durney Barnes | Dublin Region | jbarnes[at] | Website | 10125 | ||||||||||
Joseph Barrett | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Michael Barrett Partnership | Southern Region | joseph.barrett[at] | 10136 | |||||||||||
Michael Barrett | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Michael Barrett Partnership | Southern Region | michael.barrett[at] | 10137 | |||||||||||
Paul Barrett | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | paul.barrett[at] | 10139 | ||||||||||||
Paula Barrett | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Paula Barrett Properties Ltd | Dublin Region | paula[at] | 10140 | |||||||||||
AJP Barron | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | vida[at] | 10142 | ||||||||||||
Cathal Barry | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | Cathal[at] | 10146 | ||||||||||||
Clodagh Barry | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | clodagh.mcelhinney[at] | 10148 | ||||||||||||
Kevin Bartley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kerin Contract Management Ltd. | Southern Region | kevin.bartley[at] | 10159 | |||||||||||
Robert Bartley | Assoc. SCSI | Geomatics Surveyor | Murphy Geospatial | South Eastern Region | rbartley[at] | 10160 | |||||||||||
Declan Baxter | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Baxter Real Estate | Dublin Region | declan[at] | Website | 10164 | ||||||||||
Nicholas Baxter | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Colliers International | South Eastern Region | nicholas.baxter[at] | 10165 | |||||||||||
Ronan Baxter | MSCSI, MRICS | Project Management Surveyor | The Royal College Of Surgeons In Ireland | Dublin Region | ronanbaxter[at] | 10166 | |||||||||||
Maureen Bayley | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | South Eastern Region | maureenjbayley[at] | 10167 | |||||||||||
Fergal Beacon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mitchell McDermot | Dublin Region | fbeacon[at] | 10169 | |||||||||||
Trina Beakey | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Beirne & Wise | Dublin Region | trina.beakey[at] | 10170 | |||||||||||
Gillian Beale | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Tailte Éireann | Dublin Region | gillian.beale[at] | 10171 | |||||||||||
Clive Beatty | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Claregate Management Services Ltd. | Dublin Region | cbeatty[at] | Website | 10174 | ||||||||||
Joseph Beggs | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | McGahon Surveyors | North Eastern Region | joe.beggs[at] | 10179 | |||||||||||
Avril Behan | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Solas | Dublin Region | avbehan[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10180 | Cearbhall Behan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Behan Irwin & Gosling | Southern Region | cbehan[at] | 10181 |
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David Behan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Paul Construction | Dublin Region | dbehan[at] | 10182 | |||||||||||
John Behan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | behan.john8[at] | 10183 | |||||||||||
Joseph Beirne | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Beirne & Wise | Dublin Region | joe.beirne[at] | Website | 10187 | ||||||||||
Graham Bell | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Bell Property Consultants | Dublin Region | graham[at] | 10190 | |||||||||||
Marcus Bell | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | KNIGHT FRANK LTD. | Dublin Region | marcusbell45[at] | 10191 | |||||||||||
Carol Bellamy | Assoc. SCSI | Arts and Antiques Surveyor | Bellamy Fine Art | South Eastern Region | cb[at] | Website | 10193 | Hover Here |
Olivia Bellamy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Tailte Éireann | Dublin Region | olivia.bellamy[at] | 10194 | |||||||||||
Christopher Belton | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lisney | Dublin Region | c.belton.09[at] | 10196 | Hover Here |
Fintan Bennett | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Brendan Merry & Partners | Dublin Region | fbennett[at] | 10199 | |||||||||||
Victoria Bentley | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Dublin Region |[at] | 10204 | |||||||||||
Roger Berkeley | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Berkeley & Associates | Dublin Region | roger[at] | 10210 | |||||||||||
David Bernie | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cumming Group | Dublin Region | dbernie[at] | 10216 | |||||||||||
David Bewley | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | dbewley[at] | 10219 | |||||||||||
Richard Bielenberg | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | richard.bielenberg[at] | 10222 | |||||||||||
Cian Bineid | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | SORENSEN CONSTRUCTION | Southern Region | cian[at] | 10223 | |||||||||||
John Birmingham | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Asset & Property Management Consultant | Dublin Region | john[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10227 | ||||||||||
Mary Birmingham | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | mary[at] | 10228 | ||||||||||||
Donal Birthistle | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | REF PM | Dublin Region | donalbirthistle[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10230 | Shane Black | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Shane Black Property Advisors & Agents | North Eastern Region | shane[at] | Website | 10231 |
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Jonathan Blackmore | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying, Geomatics Surveying | BKMSurveying | Southern Region | bkmsurveying[at] | 10232 | |||||||||||
David Blanc | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Dublin Region | david.blanc[at] | 10236 | |||||||||||
Michael J Blaney | FSCSI, FRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor | Dublin Region | michael.blaney[at] | 10237 | ||||||||||||
Jonathan Blennerhassett | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rogerson Reddan & Associates | Dublin Region | jonathan.blennerhassett[at] | 10240 | |||||||||||
Eddie Bohan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Edward J. BOHAN AND SON | Dublin Region | eddie[at] | 10245 | |||||||||||
J.A. Bohan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hwbc | Dublin Region | jbohan[at] | 10246 | |||||||||||
Mark Bolger | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Bolger Quantity Surveyors Limited | South Eastern Region | mark[at] | Website | 10253 | ||||||||||
Danny Bonner | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Bonner Loss Assessing & Surveying | Northern Ireland Region | dannycbonner[at] | 10257 | |||||||||||
Seán Bonner | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Eoin O’Neill Property Advisers | Dublin Region | sean[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10260 | ||||||||||
Joanne Boswell | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | MELCORPO | Dublin Region | joanne[at] | 10263 | |||||||||||
David Bourke | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Accel Lifts Limited | Dublin Region | david.bourke[at] | Website | 10266 | ||||||||||
Laura Bourke | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin City Council | North Eastern Region | laura.bourke[at] | 10269 | |||||||||||
Mark Peter Bourke | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | mbourke1982[at] | 10270 | ||||||||||||
Owen M. Bourke | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | obourke113[at] | 10273 | ||||||||||||
Liam Bowens | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Celtic Surveys Ltd | North Eastern Region | sales[at] | Website | 10274 | Damian Bowers | Assoc. SCSI | Quantity Surveying | Damian Bowers & Associates | Dublin Region | damian[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10275 |
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John Bowler | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | Dublin Region | Johnrossbow[at] | 10276 | |||||||||||
Dan Boyd | FSCSI, FRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | danandclare[at] | 10279 | ||||||||||||
Michael Boyd | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | – | South Eastern Region | mboyd[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10280 | Anthony Boylan | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Boylan Farrelly Quantity Surveyors | Dublin Region | tonyb26[at] | 10284 |
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Liam Boylan | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Liam Boylan CQS | Dublin Region | liamboylan[at] | 10286 | |||||||||||
Paul Boylan | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | paul.boylan[at] | 10287 | |||||||||||
Paul Boylan | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Paul B. Boylan & Associates | Dublin Region | paulbboylan[at] | 10288 | |||||||||||
Chris Boyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | OPW | Dublin Region | chris.boyle[at] | 10289 | |||||||||||
Des Boyle | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Boyle Commercial | Dublin Region | djb[at] | 10290 | |||||||||||
Donal Boyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | donal.boyle[at] | 10291 | |||||||||||
Frank Boyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | frankboyle1958[at] | 10293 | ||||||||||||
Joe Boyle | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Townlink Construction Ltd. | Dublin Region | joe.boyle[at] | 10296 | |||||||||||
Linda Boyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Western Region | Linda.Boyle[at] | 10298 | |||||||||||
Marguerite Boyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Sherry Fitzgerald New Homes | Dublin Region | marguerite_boyle[at] | 10299 | |||||||||||
Niall Boyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KSN | Northern Ireland Region | niallboyleqs[at] | 10301 | |||||||||||
Patrick Boyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Dublin Region | p.boyle[at] | 10303 | |||||||||||
Martina Bracken | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | martina.bracken[at] | 10309 | |||||||||||
Fergal Bradley | FSCSI, FRICS | Building Surveying | F. Bradley & Co. | Western Region | fergal[at] | 10313 | |||||||||||
Phil Bradley | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | – | North Eastern Region | philbradley1[at] | 10316 | |||||||||||
Karolina Bradshaw | Assoc. SCSI | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Wyse Property Management Ltd. | Dublin Region | Karolina.bradshaw[at] | 10318 | |||||||||||
Ben Brady | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Castlethorn Management Services | Dublin Region | bbrady[at] | 10319 | |||||||||||
Donal Brady | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dng Brady Estate Agents | North Eastern Region | info[at] | 10324 | |||||||||||
Eugene Brady | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cumming Group | North Eastern Region | e_brady83[at] | 10325 | |||||||||||
Gareth Brady | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Walls Construction Ltd | Dublin Region | Gareth.brady[at] | 10327 | |||||||||||
Gerard Brady | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | gerard-brady[at] | 10329 | ||||||||||||
Kevin Brady | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Andrew Nugent & Associates | Dublin Region | kevin[at] | Website | 10331 | ||||||||||
Liam Brady | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Property Partners Garrett Loftus | Western Region | liam[at] | 10333 | Paul Brady | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | paul.brady[at] | 10336 |
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Pauline Brady | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Tetrarch Capital Ltd | Dublin Region | pbrady[at] | 10337 | |||||||||||
Philip Brady | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | philip[at] | 10338 | ||||||||||||
Seamus Brady | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | BAM Building Ltd | Southern Region | sbrady[at] | 10339 | |||||||||||
Sheamus Brady | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin City Council | South Eastern Region | sheamus.brady[at] | 10340 | |||||||||||
Vincent Brady | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | vincent.brady[at] | 10344 | |||||||||||
Paul Brain | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KSN | Dublin Region | paulbrain[at] | 10345 | |||||||||||
Kevin Brannigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Brannigan Associates | Western Region | kbrannigan[at] | 10351 | |||||||||||
Kieran Bray | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Glenveagh Properties PLC | Dublin Region | braykieran[at] | 10355 | |||||||||||
Denis Breen | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Harris Coyle Breen | Southern Region | denis.breen[at] | 10358 | |||||||||||
Emmett Breen | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Update Technology | Dublin Region | ebreen[at] | Website | 10359 | ||||||||||
Patrick Breen | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | pbreenqs[at] | 10361 | ||||||||||||
Rebecca Breen | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Murphy Mulhall | Southern Region | rb[at] | 10362 | |||||||||||
Ruairi Breen | Assoc. SCSI | Building Surveying | Breen Building Design Ltd | Southern Region | ruairibreen1[at] | 10364 | |||||||||||
Aoife Brennan | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | abrennan[at] | 10365 | |||||||||||
Darren Brennan | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying; Registered Valuer | Thorntons Chartered Surveyors | Dublin Region | darren.brennan[at] | Website | 10367 | Hover Here |
Eva Brennan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Shanley Brennan Associates Ltd. | South Eastern Region | eva[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10371 | ||||||||||
Gavin Brennan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hwbc | Dublin Region | gbrennan[at] | 10372 | |||||||||||
John Brennan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Brennan Associates | South Eastern Region | john[at] | 10374 | |||||||||||
John Brennan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | ABN | Southern Region | jbrennan[at] | 10375 | |||||||||||
Laurence Brennan | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Savills | Dublin Region | larry.brennan[at] | 10376 | |||||||||||
Maurice Brennan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | mauricemauricebrennan[at] | 10379 | ||||||||||||
Natalie Brennan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Aviva Life and Pensions Ireland DAC | Dublin Region | brennan.natalie[at] | 10382 | |||||||||||
Niall Brereton | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Bannon | Dublin Region | nbrereton[at] | 10388 | |||||||||||
Paul Breslin | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Breslin & Company | Dublin Region | paul[at] | 10392 | |||||||||||
Jacqueline Brett | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | jchbrett[at] | 10394 | ||||||||||||
Alexandra Brindley | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Cairn Homes PLC | Dublin Region | alibrindley[at] | 10398 | |||||||||||
John Briody | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Arup Consulting Engineers | Dublin Region | johnnybriody[at] | 10400 | |||||||||||
David Brock | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | davidbrock[at] | 10403 | ||||||||||||
Darren Broderick | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | darrenbroderick8[at] | 10405 | ||||||||||||
David Broderick | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | – | Southern Region | dbrogo85[at] | 10406 | |||||||||||
Michael J Broe | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Michael J Broe & Associates | South Eastern Region | info[at] | 10409 | |||||||||||
Emma Brogan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KSN | South Eastern Region | emmabrogan[at] | 10410 | |||||||||||
Helen Brogan | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Acquired Brain Injury Ireland | Dublin Region | helen.brogan[at] | 10411 | |||||||||||
John Brogan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | J. J. Rhatigan & Company | Western Region | Johnjbrogan[at] | 10412 | |||||||||||
Clive Brookes | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Buildcost | Dublin Region | cbrookes[at] | 10413 | |||||||||||
Aidan Brophy | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | ESB | Dublin Region | aidan.brophy[at] | 10414 | |||||||||||
John Brophy | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Brophy Estates | Dublin Region | brophyjohn[at] | Website | 10418 | ||||||||||
John Brophy | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | j.brophy[at] | Website | 10419 | |||||||||||
John Brophy | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Fingal County Council | North Eastern Region | john.brophy[at] | 10420 | |||||||||||
Micheal Brosnan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cork County Council | Southern Region | micheal.brosnan[at] | 10424 | |||||||||||
Padraic Brosnan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | pbqs[at] | 10425 | Hover Here |
Ronan Brosnan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cork County Council | Southern Region | ronan.brosnan[at] | 10427 | |||||||||||
Gareth Brown | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | G. M. Brown Building Surveying | Other | gmbrown.surv[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10429 | ||||||||||
Karen Moore | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CIE Group Property Management | Dublin Region | karen.moore[at] | 10430 | |||||||||||
Brigid Browne | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Fortress Planning | Southern Region | brigid[at] | Website | 10435 | Hover Here |
Conor Browne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rogerson Reddan & Associates | South Eastern Region | conor.browne[at] | 10437 | |||||||||||
David Browne | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor | Atlantic Esta | South Eastern Region | david.browne[at] | 10439 | |||||||||||
James Browne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Southern Region | jamesgbrownecharteredsurveyor[at] | 10441 | ||||||||||||
Michael Browne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | South Eastern Region | mbrowne[at] | 10446 | |||||||||||
Noel Browne | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | – | Southern Region | browne.noel[at] | 10447 | |||||||||||
Peter Browne | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Browne Corrigan Chartered Surveyors | Dublin Region | pbrowne[at] | 10448 | |||||||||||
Seamus Browne | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Seamus Browne | Southern Region | property[at] | 10449 | |||||||||||
Thomas Browne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | tom.browne[at] | Website | 10450 | Cara Bruder | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Cairn Homes PLC | Dublin Region | cara.bruder[at] | 10455 |
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John Bruder | FSCSI, FRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor | Dublin Region | j.bruder[at] | Website | 10456 | |||||||||||
Michael Bruen | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Department of Housing, Planning & Community Local Government | Dublin Region | Michael.Bruen[at] | 10458 | |||||||||||
Colm Buckley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | Colm.Buckley[at] | 10469 | |||||||||||
David Buckley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | PM Group | Southern Region | david.buckley[at] | 10470 | |||||||||||
David Buckley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Deloitte | North Eastern Region | david.buckley21[at] | 10471 | |||||||||||
John Buckley | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Searrach Property Consultants Ltd | Southern Region | jhnbuckley[at] | 10473 | |||||||||||
Patrick Buckley | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Southern Region | padraigobuachalla[at] | 10474 | ||||||||||||
Diana Bukartaite | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | diana.bukartaite[at] | 10477 | |||||||||||
Simon Bull | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Southern Region | simon.bull[at] | 10478 | ||||||||||||
Cian Burke | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Western Region | ciansburke[at] | 10481 | ||||||||||||
Darragh Burke | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | darragh.burke[at] | 10482 | ||||||||||||
Darren Burke | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | dburke[at] | 10484 | ||||||||||||
Enda Burke | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | RF Property Management | Western Region | endabrfpm[at] | 10486 | |||||||||||
Fergal Burke | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Avision Young | Dublin Region | fburke[at] | 10488 | |||||||||||
Kevin Burke | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | Kevin_burke99[at] | 10498 | ||||||||||||
Patrick Burke | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Lettings | Dublin Region | pburke[at] | 10501 | |||||||||||
Alfie Burns | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Alfie Burns & Associates | South Eastern Region | alfie[at] | 10507 | |||||||||||
Darragh Burns | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Jim Burns & Co Ltd | Southern Region | info[at] | 10508 | |||||||||||
Eugene Burns | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Bannon | North Eastern Region | eburns[at] | 10509 | |||||||||||
Michael Burns | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Michael Burns Property | Southern Region | info[at] | 10510 | |||||||||||
David Busteed | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry Fitzgerald Brennan Busteed | Southern Region | david[at] | 10514 | |||||||||||
Gavin Butler | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Savills | Dublin Region | gavin.butler[at] | 10517 | |||||||||||
John Butler | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | john.butler[at] | 10519 | |||||||||||
Niall Butler | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Airport Authority PLC | South Eastern Region | Niall.Butler[at] | 10522 | |||||||||||
Dale Buttrick | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | dalebuttrick[at] | 10527 | ||||||||||||
Jason Byers | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Kennedy Wilson | Dublin Region | jbyers[at] | 10528 | |||||||||||
Ciaran Byrd | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | ABL Surveyors | North Eastern Region | ciaran[at] | Website | 10529 | Alan Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KSN | Northern Ireland Region | alan.byrne12[at] | 10530 |
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Alfred Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Albon Project Management Ltd. | Southern Region | albon[at] | 10532 | |||||||||||
Anthony Byrne | Assoc. SCSI | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Anthony Byrne Property Services | North Eastern Region | anthony[at] | Website | 10533 | ||||||||||
Antoinette Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Individual Member | Dublin Region | antoinettenbyrne[at] | 10534 | |||||||||||
Brendan Byrne | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | North Eastern Region | info[at] | Website | 10536 | Brian Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cleary & Doyle Construction Ltd | South Eastern Region | bbyrne[at] | 10537 |
| | ||
Colin Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | O’Reilly Hyland Tierney & Associates | Dublin Region | colin.byrne[at] | 10540 | |||||||||||
Desmond Byrne | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bannon | Dublin Region | dbyrne[at] | 10542 | |||||||||||
David Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Eircom Ltd. | North Eastern Region | david.byrne2[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10544 | Hover Here |
David Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | dbyrne[at] | 10545 | |||||||||||
Declan Byrne | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Declan Byrne & Co | Western Region | declanbyrneauctioneer[at] | 10546 | |||||||||||
Declan Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | University of Limerick | Southern Region | declangkbyrne[at] | 10547 | |||||||||||
Emer Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | TU Dublin | Dublin Region | emer.byrne[at] | 10550 | |||||||||||
Fergus Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Irish Life Investment Managers | Dublin Region | fergus.byrne[at] | 10552 | |||||||||||
Fionnuala Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Google Ireland | Dublin Region | fbyrne[at] | 10553 | |||||||||||
John Byrne | Assoc. SCSI | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Wyse Property Management Ltd. | South Eastern Region | john.byrne[at] | 10561 | |||||||||||
Joseph Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Self Employed | South Eastern Region | joe-byrne[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10562 | Hover Here |
Kevin Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | North Eastern Region | kevbyrne[at] | 10564 | Hover Here |
Michael Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Michael Byrne Estates | Dublin Region | michaelbyrneestates[at] | 10570 | |||||||||||
Paul Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | P V Byrne Ltd | South Eastern Region | pbyrneauctioneers[at] | 10574 | |||||||||||
Philip Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Coonan Property | South Eastern Region | philipb[at] | 10575 | |||||||||||
Sean Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Trident Building Consultancy | North Eastern Region | sean.byrne[at] | 10579 | |||||||||||
Thomas Byrne | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | tbyrne[at] | 10582 | |||||||||||
Aimee Cafferty | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Wyse Property Management Ltd. | Dublin Region | aimee.cafferty[at] | 10585 | |||||||||||
Conor Cahalane | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Maynooth University, | South Eastern Region | conor.cahalane[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10586 | Hover Here |
Tim Cahalane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cahalane & Lynch Associates | Southern Region | tim[at] | Website | 10588 | ||||||||||
Daniel Cahill | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lisney | Dublin Region | dcahill[at] | 10590 | |||||||||||
Liam Cahill | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | liam.cahill102[at] | 10592 | Shane Cahir | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | shane.cahir[at] | 10594 |
| | |||
John Cairns | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Hibernia Real Estate Group Limited | Dublin Region | jcairns[at] | 10596 | |||||||||||
Stephen Cairns | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Falcon | Southern Region | scairns[at] | 10597 | |||||||||||
Shane Caldwell | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | IPUT | Dublin Region | scaldwell[at] | 10600 | |||||||||||
Helen Callaghan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lisney | Dublin Region | hcallaghan[at] | 10603 | |||||||||||
Aonghus Callanan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | TC Estimating Services Ltd | Western Region | aonghus[at] | Website | 10609 | ||||||||||
Andrew Campbell | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Ardmac Ltd. | North Eastern Region | andrew.campbell[at] | 10611 | |||||||||||
Bruce Campbell | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | bruce.campbell2[at] | 10613 | |||||||||||
Edward Campbell | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Colliers International | Western Region | Eddie.Campbell[at] | 10614 | |||||||||||
Margaret Campbell | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Margaret Campbell Property Consultants Ltd. | Dublin Region | margmcampbell[at] | 10620 | |||||||||||
Paul Campbell | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | North Eastern Region | paulc[at] | 10622 | |||||||||||
Paul Campbell | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying; Project Management Surveyor | TU Dublin | North Eastern Region | Paul.Campbell[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10623 | ||||||||||
Stephen Campbell | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | stephen[at] | 10627 | ||||||||||||
Patrick Campion | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | AIB | Dublin Region | patrick.j.campion[at] | 10629 | |||||||||||
Maura Canny | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | O’Reilly Property Plus | Southern Region | mauracanny[at] | 10634 | |||||||||||
David Cantwell | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hooke & Macdonald Ltd | Dublin Region | davidc[at] | 10637 | |||||||||||
Patrick Caplice | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Patrick Caplice Auctioneers | Southern Region | pat[at] | Website | 10639 | ||||||||||
Andrew Carberry | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Power Property | North Eastern Region | andrew[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10641 | Hover Here |
David Carberry | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | David.Carberry[at] | 10642 | |||||||||||
Brian Carey | MSCSI, MRICS | Project Management Surveyor | Cluid Housing Association | Western Region | briancarey131[at] | 10644 | |||||||||||
Edward Carey | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Edward Carey Property | North Eastern Region | edward[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10645 | ||||||||||
Liz Carey | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Focus Ireland | Dublin Region | lizjcarey[at] | 10646 | |||||||||||
John Carey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Paul Construction | Southern Region | jcarey[at] | 10649 | |||||||||||
Martin Carey | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | martincareycqs[at] | 10650 | ||||||||||||
Mark Carlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Kennedy Wilson | Dublin Region | carlinmark[at] | 10653 | |||||||||||
Gerard Carmody | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Ger Carmody Auctioneer | Southern Region | ger[at] | 10654 | |||||||||||
Declan Carney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Dublin Region | d.carney[at] | 10659 | |||||||||||
Rita Carney | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | JLL | South Eastern Region | rita.carney[at] | 10662 | |||||||||||
John Carpendale | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Individual Member | South Eastern Region | jcarpendale[at] | 10666 | |||||||||||
Gerard Carr | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | carrger[at] | 10668 | ||||||||||||
Oliver Carr | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Southern Region | o.carr[at] | 10671 | |||||||||||
Pat Carr | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd | Southern Region | p.carr[at] | 10672 | |||||||||||
Patrick Carr | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Hibernia Real Estate Group Limited | Dublin Region | pcarr[at] | 10673 | |||||||||||
Ryan Carragher | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kelly & O’Callaghan Ltd. | North Eastern Region | ryan.carragher[at] | 10675 | |||||||||||
John Carrigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Aptiv | Northern Ireland Region | john.carrigan[at] | 10676 | |||||||||||
Anne Carroll | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bank of Ireland | Dublin Region | anne.carroll2[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10678 | ||||||||||
Brian Carroll | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry Fitzgerald Carroll | North Eastern Region | brian[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10679 | Hover Here |
Neil Carroll | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Murphy Process Engineering | Dublin Region | neilcarroll[at] | 10690 | |||||||||||
NJ Carroll | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | N. J. Carroll & Associates | Dublin Region | admin[at] | 10691 | |||||||||||
Denis Carron | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Carron And Walsh | Dublin Region | dcarron[at] | Website | 10696 | ||||||||||
Anthony P Carter | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | anthony.p.carter[at] | 10700 | ||||||||||||
Sam Carthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Kroll Advisory (Ireland) Ltd | South Eastern Region | Sam.Carthy[at] | 10705 | |||||||||||
Seamus Carthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | REA Seamus Carthy | Western Region | seamus[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10706 | Thomas Carthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | thomas.carthy[at] | 10707 |
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Anne Carton | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | P.N. O’gorman Ltd. | South Eastern Region | anne.carton[at] | 10710 | |||||||||||
PJ Carton | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | pjcarton[at] | 10711 | ||||||||||||
Bronagh Carty | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Paul Construction Ltd | Northern Ireland Region | bronaghwalsh12[at] | 10712 | |||||||||||
Daniel Carty | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Jones Lang La Salle | North Eastern Region | daniel.carty[at] | 10713 | |||||||||||
Christina Casey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | christina.a.casey[at] | 10718 | ||||||||||||
John Casey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John J Casey & Co. | Southern Region | jjcasey[at] | 10721 | |||||||||||
Patricia Casey | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Quillsen | Dublin Region | p.casey[at] | 10724 | |||||||||||
Rosemary Casey | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Casey Commercial | Western Region | rosemary[at] | 10728 | |||||||||||
Thomas Casey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kane Crowe Kavanagh | Southern Region | tjcasey[at] | 10731 | |||||||||||
Ciaran Cassidy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | ccassidy[at] | 10739 | |||||||||||
Declan Cassidy | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Quillsen | Dublin Region | d.cassidy[at] | 10741 | |||||||||||
Derek Cassidy | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Derek Cassidy Chartered BS | North Eastern Region | derekcassidy965[at] | 10743 | |||||||||||
Helen Cassidy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Helen Cassidy | Western Region | helencassidyauctioneer[at] | Website | 10745 | ||||||||||
Tomas Cassidy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Office Of Public Works | North Eastern Region | tomas.cassidy[at] | 10749 | |||||||||||
Barry Chambers | MSCSI, MRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Elkstone Capital Partners Ltd | Dublin Region | barry[at] | Website | 10759 | ||||||||||
Darren Chambers | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | djchambers73[at] | 10760 | ||||||||||||
Peter Chambers | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | – | South Eastern Region | peterchambersmail[at] | 10761 | |||||||||||
Patrick Chapman | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mulcahy McDonagh & Partners | Dublin Region | pchapman[at] | 10767 | |||||||||||
Anneliese Charlesworth | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | MKN Property Group | Southern Region | anneliesecharlesworth[at] | 10768 | |||||||||||
Simon Chawner | Assoc. SCSI | Project Management Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | simon[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10769 | Alain Chenaux | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | TU Dublin – Bolton Street | South Eastern Region | alain.chenaux[at] | 10771 |
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Patrick Chesser | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Chesser Auctioneers Ltd | Southern Region | pchesser[at] | Website | 10773 | ||||||||||
Cian Clancy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | BAM Contractors Ltd | Dublin Region | cclancy[at] | Website | 10781 | ||||||||||
David Clancy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | QRE Real Estate Advisers | Southern Region | david.clancy[at] | 10782 | |||||||||||
Brian Clarke | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Clarke Auctioneers Ltd. | South Eastern Region | brian[at] | Website | 10786 | ||||||||||
Daniel Clarke | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | John Ross & Co | Northern Ireland Region | dclarke[at] | 10788 | |||||||||||
Daragh Clarke | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | SSgA | Dublin Region | daraghclarke[at] | 10789 | |||||||||||
David Clarke | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Goodbody Stockbrokers | Dublin Region | david.w.clarke[at] | 10790 | |||||||||||
Lena Clarke | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | TU Dublin – Bolton Street | Dublin Region | lena.clarke[at] | 10792 | |||||||||||
Michael Clarke | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | IPUT | Dublin Region | mclarke[at] | 10794 | |||||||||||
Noel Clarke | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Tuath Housing Association | North Eastern Region | noelclarke1[at] | 10796 | |||||||||||
Orla Clarke | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Eircom Ltd. | Dublin Region | orla.clarke[at] | 10797 | |||||||||||
Patrick Clarke | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Jacobs Engineering Ireland Ltd | Dublin Region | clarkep[at] | 10799 | |||||||||||
Peter Clarke | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kerrigan Sheanon Newman | Dublin Region | pclarke[at] | 10801 | |||||||||||
Stephen Clarke | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Clarke Auctioneers Ltd. | South Eastern Region | stephen[at] | Website | 10805 | ||||||||||
Stephen Clarke | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | O’donoghue & Clarke | Southern Region | sclarke[at] | 10806 | |||||||||||
Conor Clavin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | MERCURY ENGINEERING | South Eastern Region | conclav[at] | 10808 | |||||||||||
Colin Cleary | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | HSE | Dublin Region | colin.cleary[at] | 10811 | |||||||||||
Michael Cleary | FSCSI, FRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor | Cleary Mccabe & Associates | Dublin Region | michael[at] | Website | 10814 | Hover Here |
T.J. Cleary | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | thomascleary[at] | 10818 | ||||||||||||
Thomas Cleary | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rogerson Reddan Ltd | Southern Region | thomas.cleary[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10819 | Hover Here |
Ronan Clerkin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Housing Agency | Dublin Region | ronan.clerkin[at] | 10820 | |||||||||||
James Clifford | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cogent Associates | Dublin Region | j.clifford[at] | 10826 | |||||||||||
Frank Cloherty | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Frank Cloherty Chartered Surveyor | Western Region | info[at] | 10831 | |||||||||||
John Clohessy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | DNG O’Sullivan Hurley | Western Region | john[at] | Website | 10832 | ||||||||||
Kieran Clohessy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rogerson Reddan & Associates | Southern Region | kieran.clohessy[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10833 | ||||||||||
Anthony Cloonan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cogent Associates | Dublin Region | a.cloonan[at] | 10835 | |||||||||||
Mark Coady | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Hardy Partnership | Dublin Region | markcoady[at] | 10836 | |||||||||||
Alan Coakley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Ardmac Limited | Dublin Region | alan.coakley[at] | 10837 | |||||||||||
Robert Coakley | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | TWM Select Asset Management Ltd. | Dublin Region | robbie[at] | 10839 | |||||||||||
Gordon Cobbe | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | gordon.cobbe[at] | 10841 | ||||||||||||
Daryl Cody | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Nolan Construction Consultants | South Eastern Region | Darylcody08[at] | 10844 | |||||||||||
Jason Cody | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Gannon Homes Ltd. | South Eastern Region | jason.cody[at] | 10845 | |||||||||||
John Coen | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | john[at] | 10847 | ||||||||||||
Emma Coffey | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Port Company | South Eastern Region | ecoffey[at] | 10850 | |||||||||||
Ian Coffey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Suir Engineering Ltd | Southern Region | icoffey72[at] | 10851 | |||||||||||
Elaine Coghlan | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | elainecoghlan[at] | 10855 | |||||||||||
Michael Coghlan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Coghlan | Southern Region | info[at] | 10857 | |||||||||||
Jackie Cohalan | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cohalan, Downing | Southern Region | jcohalan[at] | 10858 | |||||||||||
Maurice Cohalan | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Southern Region | mcohalan[at] | 10859 | ||||||||||||
Emma Cole | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bank of Ireland | Dublin Region | emma.cole[at] | 10862 | |||||||||||
Stuart Cole | Assoc. SCSI | Arts and Antiques Surveyor | Adams | Dublin Region | s.cole[at] | 10863 | |||||||||||
Daragh Coleman | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Coleman Cost Management Limited | Southern Region | rdcirl[at] | 10865 | |||||||||||
DJ Coleman | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Seamus Monahan & Partners | Dublin Region | david.coleman[at] | 10867 | |||||||||||
John Coleman | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | john.coleman[at] | 10869 | |||||||||||
Martin Coles | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mulcahy McDonagh & Partners | Western Region | mcoles[at] | 10870 | |||||||||||
Brenda Colgan | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | HSE | South Eastern Region | brenda.colgan[at] | 10872 | |||||||||||
Neil Colin | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Currie & Brown | Dublin Region | neil.colin[at] | 10875 | Hover Here |
Sean Collett | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Individual Member | Dublin Region | seancollett47[at] | 10880 | |||||||||||
Scott Colley | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Kennedy Wilson Europe Ltd | Dublin Region | scolley[at] | 10881 | |||||||||||
Darina Collins | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | O’brien Collins | North Eastern Region | darina[at] | 10885 | |||||||||||
Shaun Collins | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | SC Property Consultants Limited | Dublin Region | shaun_collins26[at] | 10892 | |||||||||||
Holly Collis-Lee | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Savills | Dublin Region | holly.collislee[at] | 10893 | |||||||||||
David Collum | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Intel (Ireland) Ltd | Western Region | info[at] | 10895 | |||||||||||
John Colwell | Assoc. SCSI | Geomatics Surveyor | DMC Survey | North Eastern Region | dmclandsurvey[at] | 10896 | |||||||||||
Gerry Comaskey | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Wolfe Developments Ltd. | Dublin Region | gerrycomaskey[at] | 10898 | |||||||||||
Niamh Comber | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Douglas Newman Good | Dublin Region | comber.niamh[at] | 10899 | |||||||||||
Aisling Comerford | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | South Eastern Region | aislingcomerford[at] | 10900 | |||||||||||
Aoife Comerford | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | South Eastern Region | acomerford[at] | Website | 10901 | ||||||||||
Gary Comerford | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kroll Advisory (Ireland) Ltd | South Eastern Region | gary.comerford13[at] | 10903 | |||||||||||
Paschal Conboy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | paschalconboy[at] | 10910 | |||||||||||
Damien Conefrey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Jones Engineering | Western Region | dconefrey[at] | 10915 | |||||||||||
Gary Conlon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | O’Byrne Jenkins Chartered Quantity Surveyors | Dublin Region | gary[at] | 10918 | |||||||||||
Kevin Conlon | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Fine Grain Property (Ireland) Limited | Western Region | kevin.conlon[at] | 10919 | |||||||||||
Sinead Conlon | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | ESB | Dublin Region | sinead.conlon[at] | 10922 | |||||||||||
Michael Conmy | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying; Registered Valuer | Plan Design Associates | Western Region | michael[at] | 10923 | |||||||||||
Sandra Conmy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | North’s | Dublin Region | sandra.conmy[at] | 10924 | |||||||||||
Helen Connaughton | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | HSE | Western Region | helen.connaughton1[at] | 10925 | |||||||||||
Ivan Connaughton | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor | Ivan Connaughton Auctioneer | Western Region | info[at] | Website | 10926 | Hover Here |
Chris Connelly | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Self | Dublin Region | chris[at] | 10935 | |||||||||||
Barry Connolly | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | bconnolly[at] | 10938 | |||||||||||
Catherine Connolly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Jones Lang La Salle | Dublin Region | catherine.connolly[at] | 10940 | |||||||||||
Derek Connolly | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Lugus Capital Advisors Management Ltd | Dublin Region | derek.connolly[at] | 10944 | |||||||||||
James Connolly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | james.connolly[at] | 10948 | ||||||||||||
Lucy Connolly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | DLR Properties Ltd | Dublin Region | lucyconnolly[at] | 10951 | |||||||||||
Martin Connolly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | South Eastern Region | mgfconnolly1[at] | 10952 | ||||||||||||
Maura Connolly | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | KSN | Dublin Region | mconnolly[at] | 10953 | |||||||||||
Neil Connolly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | neilconnolly[at] | 10956 | ||||||||||||
Tim Connolly | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Reencon Development Services Ltd | Northern Ireland Region | info[at] | Website | 10958 | ||||||||||
Natasha Beegan Connolly | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Western Region | natashabeegan[at] | 10959 | ||||||||||||
Coleman Connor | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | O’connor Shannon | Dublin Region | coleman[at] | 10960 | |||||||||||
john connor | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Western Region | johnconnorproperties[at] | 10961 | ||||||||||||
Michael Conran | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | mike.conran[at] | 10964 | ||||||||||||
Anthony Conroy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | antoin.conroy[at] | 10965 | ||||||||||||
Basil Conroy | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Basil Conroy & Co. | Dublin Region | basil[at] | 10966 | |||||||||||
Edward Conroy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | JS Dooley Contracting Limited | South Eastern Region | eddie[at] | 10968 | |||||||||||
John Conroy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | conjohncon70[at] | 10970 | ||||||||||||
Michael Conroy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | South Eastern Region | michaelconroy[at] | 10971 | ||||||||||||
Rory Conroy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | R.C.Q.S | Dublin Region | roryrcqs[at] | 10974 | |||||||||||
Matthew Conry | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dawson Real Estate Alliance Ltd | South Eastern Region | matthew[at] | 10975 | |||||||||||
Siobhan Convery | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Harvey | Dublin Region | SConvery[at] | 10977 | |||||||||||
Damien Conway | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Andrew Nugent & Associates | Dublin Region | damien[at] | 10979 | |||||||||||
Eoin P Conway | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Weir And Conway | Dublin Region | eoin[at] | 10982 | |||||||||||
Genevieve Conway | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Aramark Property | Dublin Region | Genevieve_ohare[at] | 10983 | |||||||||||
John Conway | MSCSI, MRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Conway Auctioneers Ltd | South Eastern Region | john[at] | Website | 10984 | ||||||||||
Lawrence Conway | Assoc. SCSI | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Lawrence J.Conway Property Services | Dublin Region | info[at] | Website | 10986 | ||||||||||
Miriam Conway | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | South Eastern Region | miriam[at] | 10990 | ||||||||||||
Ollie Conway | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | ollie.conway[at] | 10991 | |||||||||||
Rory Conway | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Ballincastle Property Services Ltd. | Western Region | info[at] | Website LinkedIn | 10992 | ||||||||||
Stephen Conway | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | stephen.conway[at] | 10993 | |||||||||||
Jonathan Cooke | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | Jonathan.Cooke[at] | 10996 | |||||||||||
Seamus Cooke | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Aramark Property | Dublin Region | cooke-seamus[at] | 10998 | |||||||||||
Brian Cooling | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | coolingbrian[at] | 11001 | ||||||||||||
Barry Coonagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Barry F Coonagh | Dublin Region | barrycoonaghqs[at] | 11002 | Hover Here |
Will Coonan | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Coonan Property | South Eastern Region | willc[at] | 11003 | |||||||||||
Anthony Cooney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | AV Cooney | Dublin Region | tony[at] | 11006 | |||||||||||
Brian Cooney | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | brian.cooney[at] | 11007 | ||||||||||||
Conor Cooney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | ccooney10[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11008 | Hover Here |
Philip Cooney | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cooney Industrial Auctions Ltd | Dublin Region | phil[at] | Website | 11010 | Hover Here |
Michael Cooper | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Fine Grain Property (Ireland) Limited | North Eastern Region | michaelalexcooper[at] | 11013 | |||||||||||
Leona Corbett | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Western Region | Leona.Corbett[at] | 11016 | |||||||||||
Ronan Corbett | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | ronan.corbett[at] | 11017 | |||||||||||
Glen Corcoran | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | DNG Glen Corcoran | South Eastern Region | glen[at] | 11020 | |||||||||||
Jackie Corcoran | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | J. J. Rhatigan & Company | Western Region | jcorcoran[at] | 11021 | |||||||||||
Thomas Corcoran | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | MacMinn O’Reilly Mahon Partners | South Eastern Region | tom[at] | 11025 | |||||||||||
Neil Corkery | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Tailte Éireann | Southern Region | neil.corkery[at] | 11028 | |||||||||||
Patrick Cormican | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Sherry Fitzgerald New Homes | Western Region | patrick.cormican[at] | 11031 | Sean Corr | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Dublin Region | corr.sean[at] | 11032 |
| | ||
Tom Corr | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Corr Property Consultants Ltd | South Eastern Region | tom.corr[at] | Website | 11033 | John Corridan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Corridan Auctioneers and Chartered Surveyors | Southern Region | john.corridan[at] | Website | 11034 | Hover Here | |
Ciarán Corrigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | ciaran.corrigan[at] | 11036 | |||||||||||
Paul Corrigan | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Paul Corrigan & Associates Ltd. | Dublin Region | PC6500[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11038 | Robert Corrigan | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Browne Corrigan Chartered Surveyors | Dublin Region | rcorrigan[at] | 11039 |
| | |
Simon Corrigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | simoncorrigan[at] | 11040 | ||||||||||||
Andrew Corry | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | andrew[at] | 11042 | ||||||||||||
Richard Corry | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Aramark Property | Dublin Region | corry-richard[at] | 11044 | |||||||||||
Nicholas Corson | FSCSI, FRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Finnegan Menton Limited | Dublin Region | ncorson[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11045 | ||||||||||
Anne Costello | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | annemcostello28[at] | 11048 | ||||||||||||
David Costello | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry Fitzgerald Royal | North Eastern Region | david[at] | 11051 | |||||||||||
Deirdre Costello | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | JLL | Dublin Region | deirdre.costello[at] | 11052 | |||||||||||
James Costello | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Valuation Office Ireland | Dublin Region | james.costello[at] | 11055 | |||||||||||
John Costello | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Costello Commercial | Dublin Region | johncostello[at] | 11058 | |||||||||||
Paula Costello | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | O’farrell Cleere | Dublin Region | paula[at] | 11061 | |||||||||||
Peter Costello | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Peter Costello (survey & Design) Ltd | Western Region | PeterCostello.QS[at] | 11063 | |||||||||||
Rachel Costello | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | rachelok95[at] | 11064 | |||||||||||
Seamus Costello | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cope Foundation | Southern Region | costellos[at] | 11065 | |||||||||||
Sheila Costello | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Western Region | sheila[at] | 11066 | ||||||||||||
Walter Costello | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Other | walter.f.costello[at] | 11067 | ||||||||||||
David Costelloe | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Costelloe Estate Agents | Southern Region | david[at] | Website | 11068 | ||||||||||
Patrick Costelloe | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | p.costelloe[at] | 11069 | |||||||||||
Siobhan Costelloe | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Costelloe Estate Agents | Southern Region | siobhan.costelloe[at] | Website | 11072 | ||||||||||
Derek Costigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Project Management Ltd. | North Eastern Region | derekcostigan[at] | 11073 | |||||||||||
Brian Cotter | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John J Casey & Co. | Southern Region | brian[at] | 11074 | |||||||||||
Mark Cotter | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Edward Cotter Partnership | Southern Region | mark.cotter[at] | 11076 | |||||||||||
Joe Coughlan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Joseph Coughlan Associates | Dublin Region | joe[at] | 11080 | |||||||||||
Mark Coughlan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Turner & Townsend | Dublin Region | markcoughlan87[at] | 11081 | |||||||||||
Odhran Coughlan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Lioncor Developments Ltd | North Eastern Region | odhrancoughlan[at] | 11082 | |||||||||||
Rob Coughlan | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Cohalan, Downing | Southern Region | rcoughlan[at] | Website | 11084 | ||||||||||
Emma Courtney | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Knight Frank | Dublin Region | emma.courtney[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11091 | ||||||||||
Nick Coveney | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | nick.coveney[at] | 11092 | |||||||||||
Niall Cox | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | niall.cox[at] | 11096 | |||||||||||
Charles Coyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | c.coyle[at] | 11100 | ||||||||||||
Jason Coyle | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Harris Coyle Breen | Southern Region | jason.coyle[at] | 11101 | |||||||||||
JL Coyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Joseph Coyle & Associates | Western Region | joecoyle[at] | 11103 | |||||||||||
Joseph Coyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Joseph Coyle & Associates | Western Region | coyle_joseph[at] | 11104 | |||||||||||
Sarah Coyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Irish Life Investment Managers | Dublin Region | sarah.coyle[at] | 11113 | |||||||||||
Irene Coyne | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hynes & Son Ltd | North Eastern Region | irenecoyne[at] | 11114 | |||||||||||
Sean Coyne | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | sean.coyne[at] | 11118 | |||||||||||
John Craddock | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Craddock Estates | Dublin Region | john[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11119 | Hover Here |
Grace Cranley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | gracebolger[at] | 11124 | |||||||||||
Nick Crawford | Assoc. SCSI | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor | Individual Member | Dublin Region | nick[at] | Website | 11127 | Hover Here |
Susan Creaby | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Focus Ireland | South Eastern Region | creabys[at] | 11128 | |||||||||||
Matt Creagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | CQS Consulting (Irl) Ltd. | North Eastern Region | matt.creagh[at] | 11129 | |||||||||||
Ron Cregan | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | ron.cregan[at] | 11144 | |||||||||||
Andrew Cremin | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | South Eastern Region | andrew.cremin[at] | Website | 11146 | Rory Crerar | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Herman White | Dublin Region | rory[at] | 11147 |
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Edwin Crinion | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Sisk | Dublin Region | e.crinion[at] | 11151 | |||||||||||
Frank Cronan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | frankcronan[at] | 11155 | |||||||||||
Cathal Cronin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | O’Reilly Hyland Tierney & Associates | Dublin Region | cathal.cronin[at] | 11157 | |||||||||||
CJ Cronin | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Avision Young | Dublin Region | ccronin[at] | 11158 | |||||||||||
Daniel Cronin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Avision Young | Dublin Region | danielcronin[at] | 11159 | |||||||||||
Darragh Cronin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Savills | Dublin Region | darragh.cronin[at] | 11160 | |||||||||||
Ian Cronin | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | RR Donnelley Global Turnkey Ltd | Southern Region | ian.j.cronin[at] | 11162 | |||||||||||
Jason Cronin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | jason.cronin[at] | 11165 | ||||||||||||
John Cronin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | johnrkcronin[at] | 11166 | ||||||||||||
Jonathan Cronin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | cronin_j[at] | 11167 | ||||||||||||
Thomas Cronin | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Irish & European Cork Ltd | Southern Region | tj[at] | 11172 | |||||||||||
John Cross | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | South Eastern Region | johncross[at] | 11175 | ||||||||||||
Angela Crossan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Angela Crossan Quantity Surveyors | Western Region | angela[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11177 | ||||||||||
Nigel Crowe | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kane Crowe Kavanagh | Southern Region | nigelcrowe[at] | 11185 | |||||||||||
Patrick Crowe | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor | Aldi Stores (ireland) Ltd | South Eastern Region | pat.crowe[at] | Website | 11187 | ||||||||||
Sharon Crowe | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Coonan Property | South Eastern Region | sharonc[at] | 11188 | |||||||||||
Adrian Crowley | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | A Crowley | Southern Region | adriancrowley38[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11189 | Andrew Crowley | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Crowley | Western Region | info[at] | Website | 11191 |
| |
Ciara Crowley | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Southern Region | ciara_crowe[at] | 11194 | ||||||||||||
Claire Crowley Cullen | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | clairecrowleyqs[at] | 11195 | ||||||||||||
David Crowley | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Focus Surveys Ltd | Southern Region | david[at] | 11196 | |||||||||||
James Crowley | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | – | Southern Region | crowleyjamesj[at] | Website | 11200 | ||||||||||
Kevin Crowley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | kevin[at] | 11202 | ||||||||||||
Rowena Crowley | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | CrowleyRowena[at]Gmail.Com | 11204 | ||||||||||||
Katherine Cruise | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bank of Ireland | Dublin Region |[at] | 11207 | |||||||||||
David Cuddy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | CuddyQS | Southern Region | info[at] | Website | 11209 | ||||||||||
Edward Cull | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Jones Lang La Salle | North Eastern Region | eddie.p.cull[at] | 11212 | |||||||||||
Aisling Cullen | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | North Eastern Region | aislingcullen2[at] | 11213 | |||||||||||
Anthony Cullen | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying; Registered Valuer | Thorntons Chartered Surveyors | Dublin Region | tony.cullen[at] | Website | 11214 | ||||||||||
David Cullen | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | David Cullen Building Surveying | South Eastern Region | david[at] | Website | 11215 | ||||||||||
David Cullen | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Euro Car Parks | Dublin Region | dcullen[at] | 11216 | |||||||||||
Dylan Cullen | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor | Appreciating Assets | Dublin Region | dylan[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11217 | Laura Cullen | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | DAVY STOCKBROKERS | Dublin Region | laura.cullen[at] | 11219 |
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Claire Culleton | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | AECOM | Dublin Region | Claire.culleton[at] | 11222 | |||||||||||
Mark Culleton | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | JLL | South Eastern Region | mculleton[at] | 11223 | |||||||||||
Jenna Culligan | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Sigma Retail Partners | Dublin Region | jculligan[at] | 11226 | |||||||||||
Lynda Coyne Culloty | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Coyne & Culloty Real Estate Alliance | Southern Region | lcoyne[at] | 11229 | |||||||||||
John Cumisky | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | john[at] | 11232 | ||||||||||||
Colm Cummins | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Electricity Supply Board | South Eastern Region | colm.cummins[at] | 11234 | |||||||||||
Edward Cummins | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | South Eastern Region | edwardjcummins[at] | 11235 | Hover Here |
Kevin Cummins | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KDSC Services Ltd | Southern Region | kdscltd[at] | Website | 11236 | Hover Here |
Martin Cummins | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KMCS@KPMG | South Eastern Region | martin.cummins26[at] | 11237 | |||||||||||
Andrew Cunningham | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Savills | Dublin Region | andrew.cunningham[at] | 11241 | |||||||||||
Barry Cunningham | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Barry Cunningham Quantity Surveyor | Western Region | bcunninghamqs2[at] | 11242 | |||||||||||
Peter Cunningham | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CIE Group Property Management | Dublin Region | peter.cunningham[at] | 11243 | |||||||||||
Ciaran Curley | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | ccurlss[at] | 11253 | ||||||||||||
Niall Curley | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | BDM Property | Dublin Region | niall[at] | 11255 | |||||||||||
Gary Curran | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying; Registered Valuer | Other | garycurran[at] | 11257 | ||||||||||||
Kate Curran | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Moynihan Curran Chartered Surveyors | Southern Region | kate[at] | Website | 11259 | ||||||||||
Maureen Curran | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Hwbc | Dublin Region | mcurran[at] | 11260 | |||||||||||
Patrick Curran | FSCSI, FRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | patrick.curran[at] | 11261 | ||||||||||||
Thomas Curran | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | tom.curran[at] | 11262 | |||||||||||
Declan Curtin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Chartered Land Ltd. | Dublin Region | dcurtin[at] | 11265 | |||||||||||
John Curtin | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | P. J. Hegarty & Sons | North Eastern Region | john.curtin[at] | 11267 | |||||||||||
Kieran Curtin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | HWBC Limited | Dublin Region | kcurtin[at] | 11268 | |||||||||||
Peter Curtin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Peter Curtin & Co. | Dublin Region | info[at] | 11269 | |||||||||||
W J Curtin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | W J Curtin And Associates | South Eastern Region | wjcurtinqs19[at] | 11270 | |||||||||||
Barry Cusack | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | North Eastern Region | barry.cusack[at] | 11272 | |||||||||||
Mark Cusack | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | DNG Cusack Dunne | Southern Region | markcusack[at] | Website | 11273 | Nigel Cusack | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Carron And Walsh | South Eastern Region | ncusack[at] | Website | 11275 |
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Damian Cussen | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Department of Housing, Planning & Community Local Government | South Eastern Region | damcussen[at] | 11279 | |||||||||||
Alicia Daly | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | HSE | Dublin Region | alicia[at] | 11285 | |||||||||||
Clodagh Daly | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Clodagh Daly Auctioneers Ltd | South Eastern Region | clodagh[at] | 11290 | |||||||||||
Colin Daly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Henderson Park Advisors (Ireland) Limited | Dublin Region | cdaly[at] | 11291 | |||||||||||
Dervla Daly | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Savills | Dublin Region | dervla.daly[at] | 11295 | |||||||||||
Dominic Daly | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | – | Southern Region | info[at] | 11297 | |||||||||||
John Daly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | johndaly2000[at] | 11301 | ||||||||||||
John Daly | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry Fitzgerald Daly Kenmare | Southern Region | info[at] | Website | 11302 | ||||||||||
Kevin Daly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | AIB Group | Dublin Region | kevin.f.daly[at] | 11304 | |||||||||||
Liam Daly | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Technological University of the Shannon | Southern Region | Liam.Daly[at] | 11306 | |||||||||||
Máire Daly | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Southern Region | maire.daly[at] | 11308 | ||||||||||||
Mandy Daly | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Colliers International | Dublin Region | mandycoughlan[at] | 11309 | |||||||||||
Noel Daly | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Western Region | noelcathiedaly[at] | 11314 | ||||||||||||
Paul Daly | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | – | Dublin Region | paul.daly[at] | 11316 | |||||||||||
Pauline Daly | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | JLL | Dublin Region | pauline.daly[at] | 11317 | |||||||||||
Thomas Daly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Northern Ireland Region | dalytommy[at] | 11322 | ||||||||||||
Sinead Daly-Dillon | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Eoin Dillon & Associates Real Estate Alliance | Southern Region | sinead[at] | 11324 | |||||||||||
Michael Daniels | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Michael H Daniels & Co | Southern Region | info[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11325 | Eoin Darby | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Darby and Associates Quantity Surveyors Limited | Dublin Region | eoin[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11326 | Hover Here | |
Alan Darmody | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Clancy Construction | Southern Region | adarmody[at] | 11331 | |||||||||||
Jack Darmody | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | j.darmody[at] | 11332 | ||||||||||||
Paddy Darmody | FSCSI, FRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Society Of Chartered Surveyors Ireland | Southern Region | paddy[at] | 11334 | |||||||||||
Cathal Daughton | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Lisney | North Eastern Region | cdaughton[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11335 | ||||||||||
Tom Davenport | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | tomdavenport61[at] | 11338 | ||||||||||||
Patrick Davey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | JJ Rhatigan & Co | Western Region | pdavey23[at] | 11342 | Hover Here |
Zoe Davis | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | ESB | Dublin Region | zoe.davis[at] | 11348 | |||||||||||
Fiona Dawson | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | fiona.dawson[at] | 11351 | ||||||||||||
John Dawson | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dawson Real Estate Alliance Ltd | South Eastern Region | john[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11354 | ||||||||||
Kay Dawson | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | M and W Ireland | South Eastern Region | kay.dawson[at] | 11355 | |||||||||||
Stephen Day | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | sday[at] | 11358 | |||||||||||
Margaret de Burca | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | magsdbee[at] | 11361 | ||||||||||||
sorcha de eyto | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | sorchadeeyto[at] | 11363 | |||||||||||
Roseanne De Vere Hunt | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide | Dublin Region | roseanne.hunt[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11367 | Hover Here |
Robert Deane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | rdeaneqs[at] | 11370 | ||||||||||||
Michael Deasy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Deasy Walley Partnership | Southern Region | m.deasy[at] | 11375 | |||||||||||
Niall Deegan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | niall.deegan[at] | 11380 | |||||||||||
Dominic Deeny | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | dominicandcarmel[at] | 11382 | ||||||||||||
Philip Deeny | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | J McAuley Quantity Surveyors | Northern Ireland Region | info[at] | 11383 | |||||||||||
Christopher Deery | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Logical Real Estate Consulting | Dublin Region | christopher[at] | 11386 | |||||||||||
Darina Delahunt | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Kennedy Wilson Europe Ltd | South Eastern Region | DDelahunt[at] | 11389 | |||||||||||
Aisling Delaney | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Delaney Estates | Dublin Region | aisling[at] | 11390 | |||||||||||
Brendan Delaney | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Savills | South Eastern Region | brendangdelaney[at] | 11391 | |||||||||||
Edgar Delaney | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Focus Surveys Ltd | Southern Region | ed[at] | 11393 | |||||||||||
John Delaney | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | Johndelaneyqsmail[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11396 | |||||||||||
Tom Delaney | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Bord Na Mona | North Eastern Region | tom.delaney[at] | 11400 | |||||||||||
Louise Delaney (Boland- Delaney) | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kerrigan Sheanon Newman | Dublin Region | ldelaney[at] | 11401 | |||||||||||
Roy Deller | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Savills | Dublin Region | roy.deller[at] | 11404 | |||||||||||
Brian Dempsey | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | DNG Group Ltd | Dublin Region | briandempsey[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11408 | ||||||||||
Conor Dempsey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mitchell McDermot | Dublin Region | cdempsey[at] | 11409 | |||||||||||
Ed Dempsey | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Ed Dempsey & Associates | Dublin Region | ed[at] | Website | 11410 | ||||||||||
Geraldine Dempsey | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor | Chubb Insurance | Dublin Region | gdempsey[at] | 11411 | |||||||||||
Joseph Dempsey | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Western Region | joedempsey81[at] | Website | 11413 | |||||||||||
Loman Dempsey | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Loman Dempsey Property Consultants | North Eastern Region | loman[at] | 11415 | |||||||||||
Finbarr Dench | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Self Employed | South Eastern Region | bdsurveys[at] | 11417 | |||||||||||
Steven Denehan | Assoc. SCSI | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Southern Region | steven.denehan[at] | 11418 | Hover Here |
Desmond Dennehy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | des.dennehy[at] | 11419 | |||||||||||
Lia Dennehy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Savills | Southern Region | lia.dennehy[at] | 11420 | |||||||||||
Darragh Dennigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | McGarrell Reilly Management | North Eastern Region | darragh[at] | 11422 | |||||||||||
Mark Denvir | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | denvirsligo[at] | 11427 | ||||||||||||
Eddie Dermody | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Suir Engineering Ltd | South Eastern Region | edermody[at] | 11428 | |||||||||||
Ian Dermody | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | JLL | Dublin Region | ian.dermody[at] | 11429 | |||||||||||
Declan Derrane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Castle Ceilings & Partitions Ltd | Western Region | dderrane[at] | 11430 | |||||||||||
Barry Desmond | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Cradock Ltd. | South Eastern Region | barrydesmond[at] | 11431 | |||||||||||
Ian Devane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Currie & Brown | Southern Region | ianjdev10[at] | 11433 | |||||||||||
Gary Devenney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | gary.devenney[at] | 11436 | |||||||||||
John Devery | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | johndevery[at] | 11439 | ||||||||||||
Allen Devine | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Savills | Dublin Region | allen.devine[at] | 11440 | |||||||||||
Claire Devlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | The Building Consultancy | North Eastern Region | clairedevlin1989[at] | 11444 | |||||||||||
John Devlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Avision Young | Dublin Region | jdevlin[at] | 11446 | |||||||||||
Terry Devlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | terry.devlin[at] | 11447 | |||||||||||
barry diamond | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kilcawley Construction | Western Region | barrydiamond10[at] | 11449 | |||||||||||
Ronan Diamond | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lisney | Dublin Region | rdiamond[at] | 11451 | |||||||||||
Mark Diffily | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying; Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Nolan Construction Consultants | Southern Region | mark[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11452 | Andrew Diggins | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Aramark Property | South Eastern Region | adiggins66[at] | 11453 |
| | |
John Dignam | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Dublin Region | jp.dignam[at] | 11454 | |||||||||||
Thomas Dillane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | CuddyQS | Southern Region | dhomas87[at] | 11457 | |||||||||||
Eoin Dillon | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Eoin Dillon & Associates Real Estate Alliance | Southern Region | edillon[at] | Website | 11458 | ||||||||||
John Dillon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John F Dillon & Associates | Dublin Region | john[at] | 11460 | |||||||||||
Merritt Dillon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | merritt.dillon[at] | 11462 | ||||||||||||
Rory Dillon | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | rdillon[at] | 11463 | |||||||||||
David Dineen | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CIE Group Property Management | Dublin Region | david.dineen[at] | 11469 | |||||||||||
Diarmuid Dineen | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Ned O’Shea & Sons Ltd. | Southern Region | ddineen[at] | 11470 | |||||||||||
Eamonn Dineen | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Southern Region | e.dineen[at] | 11471 | |||||||||||
Peter Diviney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | adsurveying3[at] | 11475 | ||||||||||||
Paul Dixon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dixon & Dever Project Development Services Ltd | Western Region | paul[at] | 11478 | |||||||||||
Sean Dixon | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Ed Dempsey & Associates | Dublin Region | sean.dixon[at] | Website | 11479 | ||||||||||
Bruce Dodd | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Avision Young | Dublin Region | bruce.dodd[at] | 11480 | |||||||||||
Denis Doherty | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Aramark Property | Dublin Region | doherty-denis[at] | 11488 | |||||||||||
Guy Doherty | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Dublin Region | guydoherty1[at] | Website | 11489 | ||||||||||
John Doherty | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Doherty Building Surveying | Western Region | info[at] | 11491 | |||||||||||
Jonathan Doherty | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | jdoh07[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11492 | Hover Here |
Kevin Doherty | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Coyle Doherty & Company | Northern Ireland Region | kevin[at] | 11493 | |||||||||||
Louise Doherty | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | louise.doherty[at] | 11495 | |||||||||||
Michael Doherty | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Andrew Nugent & Associates | Dublin Region | mhdoherty[at] | 11497 | Michael Doherty | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | michael.doherty[at] | 11499 |
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Jane Dolan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | Janedolan1[at] | 11509 | ||||||||||||
John Dolan | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | John Dolan Auctioneers | Western Region | info[at] | 11510 | |||||||||||
Paul Donaghy | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | AECOM | North Eastern Region | paul.donaghy[at] | 11517 | |||||||||||
John Donegan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Aldamar Property Ltd | Dublin Region | john.donegan[at] | 11519 | |||||||||||
Kevin Donnellan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | kevdonn[at] | 11521 | ||||||||||||
Padraic Donnellan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Steadfast Building Services | Southern Region | padraic.steadfast[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11523 | Sean Donnellan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Tailte Éireann | Southern Region | sean.donnellan[at] | 11524 |
| | |
Anne Donnelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Hines | Dublin Region | anne.donnelly45[at] | 11525 | |||||||||||
Damien Donnelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | damien[at] | 11527 | ||||||||||||
Desmond Donnelly | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hooke & Macdonald Ltd | Dublin Region | desd[at] | 11528 | |||||||||||
Gary Donnelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Northern Ireland Region | info.allstarcontracts[at] | 11529 | ||||||||||||
Niall Donnelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | DONNELLY Surveyors | North Eastern Region | info[at] | 11534 | |||||||||||
Siobhan Donnelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Donnelly Property Services | South Eastern Region | donnellypropertyservices[at] | 11535 | |||||||||||
John Donoghue | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor | Uisce Éireann | Southern Region | John.Donoghue[at] | 11540 | |||||||||||
Brian Donohoe | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | brian.donohoe[at] | 11541 | |||||||||||
Celia Donohoe | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | REA Brady | Western Region | celia[at] | Website | 11542 | ||||||||||
Claire Forde | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CIE Group Property Management | Dublin Region | Claire.Forde[at] | 11543 | |||||||||||
Edmond Donohoe | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Donohoe Properties | South Eastern Region | ed[at] | 11544 | |||||||||||
Michael Donohoe | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | mdonohoe1[at] | 11546 | ||||||||||||
Micheal Donohoe | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Jones Engineering | Dublin Region | donohoemchel[at] | 11547 | |||||||||||
Brendan Dooley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cogent Associates | Western Region | b.dooley[at] | 11558 | |||||||||||
Patrick Dooley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Department Of Education & Science | South Eastern Region | dooleypatrick24[at] | 11560 | |||||||||||
John Doorly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | OPW | Dublin Region | john.doorly[at] | 11564 | |||||||||||
Declan Doran | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | DUNDALK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY | North Eastern Region | deckyd[at] | 11566 | |||||||||||
Fidelma Doran | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Streets Ahead Property Services | North Eastern Region | fidelma[at] | 11567 | |||||||||||
Niall Doran | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | North Eastern Region | njdoran[at] | 11570 | ||||||||||||
M J Dorman | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mark Dorman & Associates | Southern Region | dormanm[at] | 11573 | |||||||||||
Paul Dorney | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Prestige Properties Ltd | Dublin Region | info[at] | 11575 | |||||||||||
Donagh Dougan | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dougan FitzGerald Estate Agents Ltd | Southern Region | info[at] | 11576 | |||||||||||
Terry Dougan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | AIB Group | Dublin Region | terry.d.dougan[at] | 11577 | |||||||||||
Edmund Douglas | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Colliers International | Dublin Region | Edmund.Douglas[at] | 11579 | |||||||||||
Jamie Douglas | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hunters Estate Agent | Dublin Region | jamiedou[at] | 11580 | |||||||||||
Trevor Dowd | FSCSI, FRICS | Building Surveying | Trident Building Consultancy Ltd | Other | trevor.dowd[at] | Website | 11583 | ||||||||||
Harold Dowey | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Watts | Northern Ireland Region | harry.dowey[at] | 11586 | |||||||||||
denis dowling | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Allen & Smyth Construction | South Eastern Region | denis.dowling[at] | 11588 | |||||||||||
Jane Dowling | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | j.dowling[at] | 11591 | ||||||||||||
Justin Dowling | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Hibernia Real Estate Group Limited | Dublin Region | jdowling[at] | 11594 | |||||||||||
Sean Downey | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Construction Industry Federation | North Eastern Region | sean.downey[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11600 | ||||||||||
Aisling Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | ATU Sligo | Southern Region | aisling.kad[at] | 11604 | |||||||||||
Barry Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cumming Group | Dublin Region | bdoyle[at] | 11607 | |||||||||||
Darragh Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Savills | South Eastern Region | Darragh.Doyle[at] | 11614 | |||||||||||
James Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Irish Life Investment Managers | Dublin Region | james.doyle[at] | 11617 | |||||||||||
John Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | J.p. & M. Doyle Ltd. | Dublin Region | john.doyle[at] | 11619 | |||||||||||
Kieran Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Kildare County Council | Dublin Region | kdoyle[at] | 11620 | |||||||||||
Lesley Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | IPB Insurance | Dublin Region | lesleydoylersa[at] | 11621 | |||||||||||
Liam Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Phelan Doyle Ltd | Dublin Region | liam[at] | 11622 | |||||||||||
Martin Doyle | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Dublin Region | martin.doyle[at] | 11624 | |||||||||||
Michael Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | BDM Property | Dublin Region | mike[at] | Website | 11626 | ||||||||||
Neil Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | ndoyle[at] | 11627 | ||||||||||||
Paul Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Bannon | Dublin Region | pdoyle[at] | 11629 | |||||||||||
Richard Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Doyle Morris Group | Dublin Region | richard.doyle[at] | 11630 | |||||||||||
Richard Doyle | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | DNG Group Ltd | South Eastern Region | richarddoyle[at] | 11631 | |||||||||||
Sean Stephen Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Doyle Quantity Surveying & Project Management | South Eastern Region | sean[at] | Website | 11633 | Hover Here |
Declan Doyle | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | O’Connor Doyle | Dublin Region | d18doyle[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11640 | ||||||||||
Kenneth Draper | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry Fitzgerald Draper | Western Region | ken.draper[at] | 11646 | |||||||||||
James Drew | FSCSI, FRICS | Building Surveying | James Drew And Associates | Western Region | jdrewassociates[at] | Website | 11648 | ||||||||||
Peter Droney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Droney Partnership | Dublin Region | peter[at] | 11652 | |||||||||||
Sean Drudy | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | SCD Project Consultancy Ltd | Dublin Region | scdengconsultancy[at] | 11653 | |||||||||||
Aidan Drummond | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Vision Contracting Ltd | Southern Region | aidan.drummond[at] | 11655 | |||||||||||
Deirdre Drummond | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Permanent Tsb | Dublin Region | deioleary[at] | 11657 | |||||||||||
Shane Duane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Peter F. Costello & Partners | Western Region | shaneduane1[at] | 11659 | |||||||||||
Aileen Duff | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Individual Member | Dublin Region | duffaileen[at] | 11661 | |||||||||||
Aidan Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | P. J. Hegarty & Sons | North Eastern Region | aidanpduffy[at] | 11663 | |||||||||||
Alan Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | TUS Midlands | North Eastern Region | Alan.Duffy[at] | 11664 | |||||||||||
Àlan DUFFY | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Airport Authority PLC | North Eastern Region | alanpduffy[at] | 11665 | |||||||||||
Brian Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | McGovern Surveyors | Dublin Region | brian[at] | 11669 | |||||||||||
Christopher Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Omega Surveying Services | Dublin Region | chris[at] | 11670 | |||||||||||
Darren Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | ABCL | North Eastern Region | darren[at] | 11674 | |||||||||||
Deirdre Duffy | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | deeduffy[at] | 11675 | ||||||||||||
Donal Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kerrigan Sheanon Newman | Dublin Region | dduffy[at] | 11676 | |||||||||||
James Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Irish Prison Service | Western Region | jpduffy[at] | 11678 | |||||||||||
John Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | John Duffy Chartered Surveyors | North Eastern Region | john[at] | Website | 11679 | ||||||||||
John Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | AECOM | Dublin Region | John.Duffy2[at] | 11680 | |||||||||||
John (Sean) Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John P. Duffy Surveyors | North Eastern Region | seanduffyqs[at] | 11682 | |||||||||||
Maria Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | QRE Real Estate Advisers | Dublin Region | lennon.maria[at] | 11686 | |||||||||||
Paul Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Duffy Auctioneers | Western Region | paul[at] | 11690 | |||||||||||
Shane Duffy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Savills | Dublin Region | shane.duffy[at] | 11692 | |||||||||||
Dan Duggan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | dandugganprop[at] | 11699 | ||||||||||||
Joanne Duggan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Tailte Éireann | Southern Region | joanneduggan1985[at] | 11700 | |||||||||||
William Duggan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | Other | duggan.willie[at] | 11701 | |||||||||||
David Duignan | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | David Duignan Architect | North Eastern Region | duignandavidc[at] | 11702 | |||||||||||
Kevin Duke | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | DQS Consulting Limited | Dublin Region | kevinduke044[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11704 | ||||||||||
Niall Dullaghan | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Aramark Property | Dublin Region | dullaghan-niall[at] | 11708 | |||||||||||
Andrew Duncan | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Duncan Auctioneers | North Eastern Region | andrew[at] | 11711 | David Duncan | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Self Employed | North Eastern Region | davidduncan1[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11712 | Hover Here | ||
Laura Duncan | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | CME Auctioneers | South Eastern Region | lduncan[at] | 11713 | |||||||||||
Natalie Dunleavy | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Gresham House | Dublin Region | n.dunleavy[at] | 11718 | |||||||||||
Alexandra Dunne | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Office Of Public Works | Dublin Region | alexandria.dunne[at] | 11719 | |||||||||||
Gillian Dunne | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | DNG Cusack Dunne | Southern Region | gilliandunne[at] | 11727 | |||||||||||
John Dunne | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hume Auctioneers Ltd | South Eastern Region | info[at] | Website | 11731 | ||||||||||
Matthew Dunne | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Matt Dunne & Associates | South Eastern Region | info[at] | 11732 | |||||||||||
Michael Dunne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | mdunne72[at] | 11733 | ||||||||||||
Neala Dunne Keating | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Hyland Keating | South Eastern Region | nealadunne[at] | Website | 11735 | ||||||||||
Paul Dunne | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | pauldunnework[at] | 11736 | ||||||||||||
Ciaran Dunphy | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | DNG Ella Dunphy | South Eastern Region | ciaran[at] | Website | 11742 | ||||||||||
Ella Dunphy | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | DNG Ella Dunphy Residential & Commercial | South Eastern Region | ella[at] | 11743 | |||||||||||
James Dunphy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | MCNALLY HANDY & PARTNERS | Dublin Region | james[at] | Website | 11744 | ||||||||||
John Dunphy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Nolan Construction Consultants | South Eastern Region | john[at] | Website | 11745 | ||||||||||
Finbarr Dunwoody | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | FJD Surveyors | North Eastern Region | finbarr[at] | 11747 | |||||||||||
Gerard Dunworth | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Gerard Dunworth & Associates | Southern Region | gerdunworth[at] | 11748 | |||||||||||
Dermot Durack | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | PM Group | Dublin Region | dermot[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11750 | ||||||||||
Sean Durcan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kerrigan Sheanon Newman | Dublin Region | sdurcan[at] | 11751 | |||||||||||
Annemarie Durkan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Office Of Public Works | North Eastern Region | annemarie.durkan[at] | 11753 | |||||||||||
Donal Durkan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | donaldurkan[at] | 11755 | ||||||||||||
Roisin Durnin | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Paddy Greene | North Eastern Region | roisin[at] | 11759 | |||||||||||
Hannah Dwyer | FSCSI, FRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | JLL | Dublin Region | hannah.dwyer[at] | 11762 | |||||||||||
Katherine Dwyer | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | kat.m.dwyer[at] | 11763 | ||||||||||||
Matthew Dwyer | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Austin Reddy & Company | Dublin Region | mdwyer[at] | 11764 | |||||||||||
Gillian Earley | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | | 11773 | |||||||||||
Robert Earls | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Sherry Fitzgerald Myles Doyle | South Eastern Region | robert[at] | 11775 | |||||||||||
Mark Earley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | McLoughlin Construction Consultants Ltd | Southern Region | markearley22[at] | 11776 | |||||||||||
David Eaton | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Savills | Dublin Region | david.eaton[at] | 11777 | |||||||||||
Michael Ebbs | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | michaeljebbs[at] | 11778 | ||||||||||||
Brian Edwards | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Southern Region | brian.s.edwards[at] | 11786 | |||||||||||
Aiden Egan | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | North Eastern Region | aiden.egan[at] | 11788 | ||||||||||||
Brendan Egan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | BNP Paribas Real Estate | Dublin Region | brendan.egan[at] | 11789 | |||||||||||
Brendan Egan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council | South Eastern Region | brendanegan[at] | 11790 | |||||||||||
Conor Egan | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Savills | South Eastern Region | conor.egan[at] | 11791 | |||||||||||
David Egan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | david.egan[at] | 11793 | |||||||||||
David Egan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | South Eastern Region | david.egan[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11794 | ||||||||||
Niall Egan | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | Niall.Egan[at] | 11797 | |||||||||||
Niall Egan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | P. J. Hegarty & Sons | Dublin Region | nialljosephegan[at] | 11798 | |||||||||||
Warren Egan | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | Eganwarren[at] | 11801 | ||||||||||||
David Eggers | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Irish Life Investment Managers | Dublin Region | davidpeggers[at] | 11804 | |||||||||||
Dean Elcock | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mitchell McDermot | Western Region | deanelcock[at] | 11805 | |||||||||||
John C Elliott | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Elliott & FitzGerald | Dublin Region | john[at] | 11811 | |||||||||||
Lily Ellis | FSCSI, FRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | lily.ellis[at] | 11813 | ||||||||||||
Siobhan English | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | siobhan.english[at] | 11815 | ||||||||||||
Catherine Ennis | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bank of Ireland | Dublin Region | catherine.ennis[at] | 11818 | |||||||||||
Sean Enright | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Enright Construction Consultants | Dublin Region | sean[at] | 11821 | |||||||||||
Simon Ensor | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Dublin Region | simon.ensor[at] | 11824 | |||||||||||
Mark Etherington | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | mark.etherington[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11826 | |||||||||||
John Eustace | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | AIB Group | Dublin Region | john.eustace[at] | 11828 | |||||||||||
Anna-Claire Fagan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | acfagan[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11834 | |||||||||||
Jonathan Fagan | Assoc. SCSI | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Western Region | jonathanfagan01[at] | 11836 | ||||||||||||
Pierce Fagan | Assoc. SCSI | Planning and Development Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | South Eastern Region | pierce[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11838 | |||||||||||
Seamus Fagan | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Seamus Fagan & Associates | North Eastern Region | info[at] | 11839 | |||||||||||
Steven Fagan | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Burlington Real Estate | Dublin Region | stevenfagan6[at] | 11840 | |||||||||||
Carley Fahey | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Mcnally, Handy & Partners | Other | carley[at] | Website | 11841 | ||||||||||
Conor Fahey | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Aramark Property | Dublin Region | fahey-conor[at] | 11842 | |||||||||||
James Fahey | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | National Treasury Management Agency | Dublin Region | faheyj24[at] | 11844 | |||||||||||
Terry Fahey | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Valuation Office Ireland | South Eastern Region | terence.fahey[at] | 11845 | |||||||||||
Tom Fahy | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Knight Frank | Dublin Region | tom.fahy[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11848 | Andrew Fallon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | Other | andrew.fallon[at] | 11852 |
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Ollie Fallon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | National Transport Authority | North Eastern Region | ollie[at] | 11855 | |||||||||||
Sonia Fallon | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | soniafallon[at] | 11856 | ||||||||||||
Edward Falvey | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Falvey Surveying | Southern Region | edwardfalvey601[at] | 11858 | |||||||||||
Enda Fanning | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | JJ Rhatigan & Co Ltd | Western Region | efanning[at] | 11859 | |||||||||||
Eithne Farr | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | eithne.farr[at] | 11866 | ||||||||||||
Bernadette Farrell | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Kehoe & Associates | South Eastern Region | bernie[at] | 11869 | |||||||||||
Brian Farrell | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Brophy Farrell Real Estate Alliance | South Eastern Region | brian[at] | 11871 | |||||||||||
Liam Farrell | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Farrell | Western Region | liam[at] | 11872 | |||||||||||
Noel Farrell | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Noel J. Farrell & Associates | Western Region | nfa[at] | 11875 | |||||||||||
Oliver Farrell | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Foley Auctioneers | North Eastern Region | oliverfarrell[at] | Website | 11876 | ||||||||||
Philip Farrell | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | – | South Eastern Region | philip.farrell[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11879 | Hover Here |
Sheila Farrell | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | sheila.farrell[at] | 11881 | |||||||||||
Gerard Farrelly | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | gerard[at] | 11884 | ||||||||||||
James Farrelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Colliers International | Dublin Region | jdfarrelly[at] | 11885 | |||||||||||
Paul Farrelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Transport Infrastructure Ireland | Dublin Region | paul.farrelly[at] | 11889 | |||||||||||
Matt Farrelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Project Management Ltd. | Dublin Region | matt.farrelly[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11892 | ||||||||||
Robert Fay | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | robertfay[at] | 11899 | ||||||||||||
James Fee | MSCSI, MRICS | Project Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | james.fee[at] | 11901 | ||||||||||||
Bill Feehely | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Bill Feehely & Associates | Southern Region | bfacqs[at] | 11902 | |||||||||||
Mervyn Feely | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Mervyn Feely & Associates | Dublin Region | mervynfeely2002[at] | 11904 | |||||||||||
Paul Feeney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kilcawley Construction | Western Region | paulf[at] | 11907 | |||||||||||
Orla Feerick | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Feerick Property | Western Region | info[at] | Website | 11910 | ||||||||||
Colm Fehily | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Vision Contracting Ltd | Southern Region | colm.fehily[at] | 11912 | |||||||||||
Jackie Feighery | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Talbot | Southern Region | jackie[at] | 11914 | |||||||||||
Kevin Fennessy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | MMD Construction Cork Ltd | Southern Region | kfennessy[at] | 11917 | |||||||||||
Ian Ferguson | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Baker Wilkins & Smith | South Eastern Region | ian.ferguson2009[at] | 11920 | |||||||||||
Michael Ferry | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | The Building Consultancy | Dublin Region | michael[at] | 11925 | |||||||||||
Donal ffrench-O’Carroll | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Elliott FitzGerald | Dublin Region | dffoc15[at] | 11927 | |||||||||||
Anna-Kate Fields | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | annakate.fields[at] | 11929 | |||||||||||
Enda Fields | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | North Eastern Region | enda.fields[at] | 11930 | ||||||||||||
Jason Finch | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | South Eastern Region | jason.s.finch[at] | 11934 | ||||||||||||
Evelyn Finegan | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | IPUT | Dublin Region | evelyn.finegan12[at] | 11936 | |||||||||||
James Fingleton | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Fingleton & Company | South Eastern Region | info[at] | 11938 | |||||||||||
Paul Finlay | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | The Building Consultancy | North Eastern Region | paul[at] | 11943 | |||||||||||
Anthony Finn | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Dublin Region | a.finn[at] | 11947 | |||||||||||
Lisa Finn | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | lisamariefinn[at] | 11949 | Hover Here |
Cathriona Finn O’Regan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Education Authority | Western Region | oregancatriona[at] | 11952 | |||||||||||
Barry Finnegan | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Haines | Dublin Region | bfinnegan[at] | 11956 | |||||||||||
Emmet Finnegan | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Savills | Dublin Region | emmetf503[at] | 11957 | |||||||||||
Eugene Finnegan | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Thorntons Chartered Surveyors | North Eastern Region | finneganeugene[at] | 11958 | |||||||||||
Iain Finnegan | FSCSI, FRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Finnegan Menton Limited | Dublin Region | ifinnegan[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11960 | ||||||||||
Sarah Finnegan | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor | Avision Young | Dublin Region | sarahfinnegan[at] | 11966 | |||||||||||
Michelle Finnerty | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Aramark Property | Dublin Region | michellefinnerty[at] | 11968 | |||||||||||
Paul Finucane | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | paul.finucane[at] | 11970 | |||||||||||
Laura Firth | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | laura[at] | 11971 | ||||||||||||
Paul Fisher | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Fisher Property Management | North Eastern Region | paul[at] | Website | 11973 | Audrey Fitzgerald | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | G.v.m. Auctioneers (kilmallock) | Western Region | audreyfitzgerald[at] | 11974 |
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Brendan Fitzgerald | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying; Registered Valuer | Fitzgerald Cost Management | Western Region | brendan[at] | 11977 | |||||||||||
Helena FitzGerald | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | FitzGerald Chambers Auctioneers Ltd | Dublin Region | helena[at] | 11981 | |||||||||||
Miguel Fitzgerald | FSCSI, FRICS | Property Finance and Investment | Greystar Ireland | Other | miguel.fitzgerald[at] | Website LinkedIn | 11987 | ||||||||||
Peter FitzGerald | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | peter[at] | 11989 | ||||||||||||
Suzanne Fitzgerald | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Paul McDowell Ltd | Dublin Region | suzanne[at] | 11991 | |||||||||||
David Fitzgibbon | MSCSI, MRICS | Property Finance and Investment | National Asset Management Agency (NAMA) | Dublin Region | david.fitzgibbonbb[at] | 11993 | |||||||||||
Sandra Fitzgibbon | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | sandrafitzgibbon[at] | 11994 | ||||||||||||
Geoffrey Fitzjohn | FSCSI, FRICS | Rural Surveyor | Geoffrey Ht Fitzjohn | Western Region | geoffreyfitzjohn[at] | 11995 | |||||||||||
Charlotte Fitzmaurice | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Embassy Estates | Dublin Region | charlotte.fitzmaurice[at] | 11996 | |||||||||||
Marcus Fitzmaurice | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | marcus[at] | 11998 | ||||||||||||
Robert Fitzmaurice | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Primark Arthur Ryan House | South Eastern Region | rfitzmaurice[at] | 12000 | |||||||||||
Alan Fitzpatrick | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Tailte Éireann | North Eastern Region | alanfitzer[at] | 12001 | |||||||||||
Brendan Fitzpatrick | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | brendan.fitzpatrick[at] | 12002 | ||||||||||||
Conor Fitzpatrick | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | JLL | South Eastern Region | conor.fitzpatrick[at] | 12006 | |||||||||||
D I Fitzpatrick | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | North*s Property | Dublin Region | donal.fitzpatrick[at] | 12007 | |||||||||||
George Fitzpatrick | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | G A Fitzpatrick & Associates | South Eastern Region | fitzpatrickgeorge[at] | 12008 | |||||||||||
Jacqueline Fitzpatrick | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lisney | Dublin Region | jfitzpatrick[at] | 12009 | |||||||||||
Mark Fitzpatrick | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Northern Ireland Region | markfitz93[at] | 12013 | ||||||||||||
Philip Fitzpatrick | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kerrigan Sheanon Newman | North Eastern Region | pfitzpatrick[at] | Website | 12016 | ||||||||||
Sarah Fitzpatrick | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bank of Ireland | Dublin Region | Sarah.Fitzpatrick2[at] | 12019 | |||||||||||
Nessa Fitsimons | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | T. & J. Gavigan Real Estate Alliance | North Eastern Region | nessa[at] | 12024 | |||||||||||
Yvonne Flaherty | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Tuath Housing Association | North Eastern Region | yvonneflaherty[at] | 12030 | |||||||||||
Bobby Flanagan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | bobflanagan[at] | 12032 | ||||||||||||
Darren Flanagan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kerrigan Sheanon Newman | Dublin Region | dflanagan[at] | 12034 | |||||||||||
Peter Flanagan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | BNP Paribas Real Estate Ireland | Dublin Region | peter.flanagan[at] | 12039 | Hover Here |
Shane Flanagan | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dng Flanagan Ford | Western Region | shane[at] | 12040 | |||||||||||
PJ Flanagan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Amet Project Management Limited | Southern Region | pjflanagan2[at] | 12041 | |||||||||||
Margaret Flannery | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Edward Cotter Partnership | Southern Region | margaret.flannery[at] | 12045 | |||||||||||
Katherine Flattery | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | North Eastern Region | kflattery[at] | 12048 | ||||||||||||
Myles Fleeton | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | – | Dublin Region | myles[at] | 12049 | |||||||||||
Eustelle Fleming | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide | Western Region | eustelle.fleming[at] | 12051 | |||||||||||
Margaret Fleming | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | None | Dublin Region | fleming.m.mgt[at] | 12053 | |||||||||||
Shane Fleming | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Fleming Real Estate | Dublin Region | shane[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12056 | Hover Here |
Thomas Fleming | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | Southern Region | thomasjfleming[at] | 12057 | |||||||||||
Helen Fletcher | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Avision Young | Dublin Region | helen.fletcher[at] | 12059 | |||||||||||
Neil Flood | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Capital Property Group | Dublin Region | neil[at] | 12067 | |||||||||||
Donnchadh Floyd | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Southern Region | d.floyd[at] | 12069 | |||||||||||
Adam Flynn | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Arcadis | South Eastern Region | adamflynn15[at] | 12070 | |||||||||||
Caitriona Flynn | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Individual Member | Dublin Region | caitriona.flynn[at] | Website | 12071 | ||||||||||
Francis Flynn | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Robert B Daly & Son Ltd | North Eastern Region | frank[at] | Website | 12075 | Gregory Flynn | FSCSI, FRICS | Project Management Surveyor; Quantity Surveying | AECOM | Dublin Region | greg.flynn[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12077 |
| |
Mary Flynn | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin City Council | South Eastern Region | marycolletteflynn[at] | 12083 | |||||||||||
Michael Flynn | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Midland Mapping Services | South Eastern Region | midmap[at] | 12084 | |||||||||||
Peter Flynn | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Robert B Daly & Son Ltd | North Eastern Region | peter[at] | Website | 12087 | Stephen Flynn | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | MBM | Other | stevejflynn[at] | 12090 |
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Julie Fogarty | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Fogarty | Southern Region | julie[at] | Website | 12092 | ||||||||||
Katherine Fogarty | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Geraghty | North Eastern Region | katherine[at] | 12093 | |||||||||||
Ross Fogarty | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Knight Frank | Dublin Region | ross.fogarty[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12095 | ||||||||||
Vincent Fogarty | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Other | vincent.fogarty[at] | 12096 | ||||||||||||
Bart Foley | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | bartfoley[at] | 12099 | ||||||||||||
Brian Foley | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Jones Investments Limited | Dublin Region | mrbrianfoley[at] | 12100 | |||||||||||
Eamonn Foley | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Planning and Development Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | South Eastern Region | eamonn.foley[at] | 12102 | |||||||||||
John Foley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | South East Technological University | South Eastern Region | johnpfoley22[at] | 12105 | |||||||||||
John Foley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Uisce Éireann | Western Region | john_foley[at] | 12106 | |||||||||||
Liam Foley | MSCSI, MRICS | Project Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | liam[at] | 12107 | ||||||||||||
Paul Foley | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Edward Cotter Partnership | Southern Region | paul.foley[at] | 12109 | |||||||||||
Siobhan Foley | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Mason Estates | Dublin Region | siobhan.foley[at] | 12111 | |||||||||||
Michael Foody | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Swift Property Services | Southern Region | michaelfoody62[at] | 12114 | |||||||||||
Andrew Foran | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Quillsen | Dublin Region | a.foran[at] | 12115 | |||||||||||
Hugh Forde | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | HSE | Western Region | hughfordeproperty[at] | 12116 | |||||||||||
Patrick Forde | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Patrick H. Forde | Southern Region | phforde[at] | 12118 | |||||||||||
Paul Forde | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Ervia | Southern Region | paulfordeqs[at] | 12119 | |||||||||||
Colman Forkin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | colman.forkin1[at] | 12121 | ||||||||||||
Matthew Forkin | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Individual Member | South Eastern Region | matt[at] | Website | 12122 | ||||||||||
Anthony Forte | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Douglas Newman Good | Dublin Region | tonyforte[at] | 12126 | |||||||||||
Sarah Fortune | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Hwbc | Dublin Region | sfortune[at] | 12127 | |||||||||||
Stefan Foster | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Kennedy Wilson Europe Ltd | Dublin Region | sfoster[at] | 12129 | |||||||||||
Jack Fox | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Fine Grain Property | Dublin Region |[at] | 12136 | |||||||||||
John Freeman | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | PM Group | South Eastern Region | John.Freeman[at] | 12142 | |||||||||||
Ward Frisby | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | ward.frisby[at] | 12151 | ||||||||||||
Mari Frisby | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | F J Frisby & Associates Ltd | Dublin Region | mari[at] | 12152 | |||||||||||
Michael Frisby | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Dublin Region | frisby.michael[at] | 12153 | |||||||||||
Thomas Frisby | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | South Eastern Region | tgfrisby[at] | 12154 | |||||||||||
Colin Fulham | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Fulham Quantity Surveying Consultants | South Eastern Region | colinfulham[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12155 | ||||||||||
Mairead Furey | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Western Region | mairead.furey[at] | 12158 | ||||||||||||
Maeve Furlong | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | maevefurlong1[at] | 12159 | ||||||||||||
William Furlong | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | william.furlong[at] | 12160 | |||||||||||
Niall Gaffney | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | IPUT | Dublin Region | ngaffney[at] | 12164 | |||||||||||
Raymond Gaffney | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | South Eastern Region | office[at] | 12165 | ||||||||||||
Ivan Gaine | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Sherry Fitzgerald New Homes | Dublin Region | ivan.gaine[at] | 12167 | |||||||||||
Adrian Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Albert Strain & Associates | Western Region | adrian[at] | 12170 | |||||||||||
Aidan Gallagher | Assoc. SCSI | Quantity Surveying | My Quantity Surveyor Ltd | Western Region | aidan[at] | 12171 | |||||||||||
Colin Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | North Eastern Region | info[at] | Website | 12173 | Hover Here |
Conor Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Gallagher Quigley | Dublin Region | conor[at] | Website | 12175 | ||||||||||
Damian Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | 2020dgallagher[at] | 12176 | ||||||||||||
Fergus Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Minerals Surveyor | Kilsaran Concrete | North Eastern Region | fergus.gallagher[at] | Website | 12180 | ||||||||||
Gemma Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | gemma.gallagher[at] | 12181 | |||||||||||
Isabelle Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Quintain Development Ireland Ltd | Dublin Region | Igallagher[at] | 12183 | |||||||||||
James Gallagher | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | James Gallagher Valuation Surveyor | Western Region | james[at] | Website | 12186 | ||||||||||
Jim Gallagher | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Corry Estates | Dublin Region | Jim[at] | 12189 | |||||||||||
Kieran Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | kjgallagher90[at] | 12193 | ||||||||||||
Mark Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Douglas Newman Good | Dublin Region | gallamark[at] | 12194 | |||||||||||
Noel Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | ESB | Dublin Region | ngcqs25[at] | 12199 | |||||||||||
Sean Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Irish Rail | North Eastern Region | gallaghersean43[at] | 12202 | |||||||||||
Simon Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | Dublin Region | simongallagher75[at] | 12204 | |||||||||||
Thomas Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Quantum Surveyors Ltd. | Western Region | info[at] | 12205 | |||||||||||
Thomas Gallagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | T.J. Gallagher & Co | Dublin Region | info[at] | 12206 | |||||||||||
Edward Gallanagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor | Edward F. Gallanagh | South Eastern Region | fgallanagh[at] | 12209 | |||||||||||
Helen Gallery | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Helen Gallery Auctioneers & Valuers | Southern Region | helenmgallery[at] | 12211 | |||||||||||
Damien Galligan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Global Rail Australia Pty | Other | dgalligan86[at] | 12212 | |||||||||||
Tracy Galligan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | North Eastern Region | tracygalligan[at] | 12213 | |||||||||||
Annamaria Gallivan | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Property Partners Gallivan | Southern Region | amg[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12214 | Damien Gallogly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | Damien.Gallogly[at] | 12215 |
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Kieran Galvin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | JLL | Dublin Region | Kieran.galvin[at] | 12217 | |||||||||||
Majella Galvin | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Southern Region | majella[at] | 12218 | Margaret Galvin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Nama | Dublin Region | maggalvin[at] | 12219 |
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Micheal Galvin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | TDR Quantity Surveying Services | Southern Region | michealgalvin[at] | 12220 | |||||||||||
Julie Gannon | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Gannon Homes Ltd. | Dublin Region | julie[at] | 12228 | |||||||||||
Andrew Gargan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | andrew.gargan[at] | 12234 | ||||||||||||
Donal Gargan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Ardmac Ltd. | Dublin Region | donal.gargan[at] | 12235 | |||||||||||
Peter Garrigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | peter.garrigan[at] | 12239 | |||||||||||
Sarah Garry | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | sarah.garry[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12241 | ||||||||||
David Garvey | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | david.garvey[at] | 12244 | |||||||||||
Alan Garvin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Sisk | Dublin Region | alangarvin[at] | 12247 | |||||||||||
Martin Garvin | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | martin[at] | 12250 | |||||||||||
Cecilia Gately | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | cecilia.gately[at] | 12252 | |||||||||||
Stephen Gaughran | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Fingal County Council | North Eastern Region | stephen.gaughran[at] | 12257 | |||||||||||
Cara Gavigan | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | T. & J. Gavigan Real Estate Alliance | North Eastern Region | cara[at] | 12258 | |||||||||||
Eamon Gavigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor | Glenveagh Homes Ltd | North Eastern Region | eamon.gavigan[at] | 12259 | |||||||||||
Michael Gavigan | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | T & J Gavigan Real Estate Alliance | North Eastern Region | michael[at] | 12261 | |||||||||||
Thomas Gavigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | T.& J. Gavigan | North Eastern Region | tom[at] | Website | 12262 | Hover Here |
Aidan Gavin | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Western Region | aidan.gavin[at] | 12264 | |||||||||||
Karen Gaynor | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | H.j. Byrne & Co. Ltd | Dublin Region | karen[at] | Website | 12267 | Hover Here |
Paul Gaynor | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Gaynor Miller Ltd | South Eastern Region | paulgaynor[at] | 12268 | |||||||||||
Nessan Geary | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Paul Construction | Southern Region | ngeary[at] | 12271 | |||||||||||
Helen Geoghegan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | helen.geoghegan[at] | 12273 | |||||||||||
Tony Geoghegan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Tony Geoghegan & Associates | Southern Region | accounts[at] | 12275 | |||||||||||
Ciara Geraghty | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | North Eastern Region | ciara.geraghty[at] | 12277 | |||||||||||
Ray Geraghty | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bannon | North Eastern Region | rgeraghty[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12280 | ||||||||||
Karen Germaine | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Brady O’Flaherty | Dublin Region | germaine2009[at] | 12282 | |||||||||||
Malcolm Gerry | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | MPG Surveys | Western Region | malcolm[at] | Website | 12283 | Leonard Gildea | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | lennygildea[at] | 12299 |
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Damian Giles | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Walls Construction Ltd | Dublin Region | Damian.Giles[at] | 12300 | |||||||||||
John Giles | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | P. J. Hegarty & Sons | Dublin Region | John.giles[at] | 12303 | |||||||||||
Tara Giles | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Aramark | Dublin Region | giles-tara[at] | 12304 | |||||||||||
David Gill | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | dgill[at] | Website | 12307 | |||||||||||
Johanna Gill | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | TMF Group | Dublin Region | johanna.gill[at] | 12309 | |||||||||||
Declan Gilleece | FSCSI, FRICS | Building Surveying; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Southern Region | declan.gilleece[at] | Website | 12310 | |||||||||||
John Gillespie | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | DNG Gillespie Lowe | Dublin Region | john.gillespie[at] | 12316 | |||||||||||
Michael Gillespie | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | MURRAY AND GILLISPIE QS | Dublin Region | michael[at] | 12317 | |||||||||||
Conor Gillett | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Jones Lang La Salle | Dublin Region | conorgillett[at] | 12319 | |||||||||||
Niall Gilligan | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Niall Gilligan Auctioneers | Southern Region | info[at] | Website | 12322 | ||||||||||
Patrick Gillooly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Kennedy & Associates | Dublin Region | patrickg[at] | 12323 | |||||||||||
Adrian Gilmartin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Glenveagh Properties PLC | Western Region | adrian.gilmartin[at] | 12324 | |||||||||||
Anna Gilmartin | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | anna.gilmartin[at] | 12325 | |||||||||||
Paul Gilmartin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Dublin Region | p.gilmartin[at] | 12327 | |||||||||||
Kevin Gilmore | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | kevin[at] | 12331 | ||||||||||||
Aideen Gilsenan | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Grafton Group Plc | South Eastern Region | aideen.gilsenan[at] | 12332 | |||||||||||
Peter Gilsenan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Tailte Éireann | Dublin Region | peter.gilsenan[at] | 12337 | |||||||||||
Brian Gilson | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lisney | Dublin Region | bgilson[at] | 12338 | |||||||||||
Ian Given | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | TWM Select Asset Management Ltd. | Dublin Region | ian[at] | 12343 | |||||||||||
Anthony Glackin | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | anthony.glackin[at] | 12346 | |||||||||||
Eoin Gleeson | Assoc. SCSI | Building Surveying; Quantity Surveying | Gleeson & Associates | Western Region | info[at] | Website | 12348 | ||||||||||
Jonathan Gleeson | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Gleeson | Southern Region | jonathan[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12350 | ||||||||||
Declan Glynn | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | McHugh Glynn & Associates Ltd. | Southern Region | declan[at] | 12355 | |||||||||||
Michael Glynn | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Pat Callanan | Western Region | mike[at] | 12357 | |||||||||||
Johnny Godfrey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | ESB Networks | Southern Region | johnny-godfrey[at] | 12358 | |||||||||||
Philip Godfrey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mulcahy McDonagh & Partners | Dublin Region | pdgodfrey[at] | 12359 | |||||||||||
Christopher Gogarty | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Seamus Monahan & Partners | Dublin Region | chris.gogarty[at] | 12363 | |||||||||||
John Goggin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | PM Group | Southern Region | goggin.johnpatrick[at] | 12365 | |||||||||||
Viorel Gogu | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Valuation Office Ireland | South Eastern Region | viorel.gogu[at] | 12367 | |||||||||||
Martin Gohery | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Gohery Properties | Western Region | mg[at] | 12368 | |||||||||||
Robert Goodwin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | robertdavidgoodwin[at] | 12373 | ||||||||||||
Joseph Gordon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | joegordonqs[at] | 12377 | ||||||||||||
Lynda Gordon | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | lynda.m.gordon[at] | 12378 | ||||||||||||
Ciarán Gorham | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Arcadis | Dublin Region | ciaran.gorham[at] | 12381 | |||||||||||
Triona Gorman | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Dublin Region | triona.gorman[at] | 12388 | |||||||||||
Edwina Governey | MSCSI, MRICS | Property Finance and Investment | Hibernia Real Estate Group Limited | Dublin Region | egoverney[at] | 12400 | |||||||||||
John Grace | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Cairn Homes PLC | South Eastern Region | jgracesurveyor[at] | 12402 | |||||||||||
Matt Grace | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | matt.grace[at] | 12404 | |||||||||||
Robert Grace | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Grace Real Estate Alliance | South Eastern Region | robbie[at] | Website | 12405 | ||||||||||
Christopher Grady | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kerrigan Sheanon Newman | Dublin Region | cgrady[at] | 12406 | |||||||||||
David Graham | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Murphy Geospatial | South Eastern Region | dgraham[at] | 12409 | |||||||||||
Stephen Graham | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Arcadis | Dublin Region | stephen.graham[at] | 12411 | |||||||||||
Anthony Grant | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | GIA | Dublin Region | tony.grant[at] | 12412 | |||||||||||
Harriet Grant | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide | Dublin Region | harriet.grant[at] | 12417 | |||||||||||
Leo Gray | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | North Eastern Region | leopatgray[at] | 12420 | ||||||||||||
Paul Greaney | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | TUS Midlands | Southern Region | paul.greaney[at] | Website | 12428 | ||||||||||
Godfrey Greene | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Godfrey Greene | South Eastern Region | godfreygreenekk[at] | 12434 | |||||||||||
Kevin Greene | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Department of Justice | Dublin Region | kev[at] | 12437 | |||||||||||
Michael Greene | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Redmond Property | Dublin Region | michael[at] | Website | 12438 | Hover Here |
Niall Greene | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | niall.greene[at] | Website | 12439 | ||||||||||
Michael Grehan | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Dublin Region | michael.grehan[at] | 12446 | |||||||||||
Adrian Griffin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | adrian1griffin[at] | 12450 | ||||||||||||
Michael Griffin | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | – | South Eastern Region | info[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12459 | ||||||||||
Muireann Griffin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Tesco Ireland Limited | Southern Region | muireann.griffin[at] | 12460 | |||||||||||
Colman Grimes | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | cgrimes[at] | Website | 12463 | |||||||||||
Paul Grimes | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Paul Grimes & Associates Ltd. | North Eastern Region | paul[at] | Website | 12469 | ||||||||||
Francis Gerard Grogan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | frankgrogandoha[at] | 12471 | ||||||||||||
Patrick Grogan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | AECOM | Western Region | pat.grogan[at] | 12475 | |||||||||||
William Grogan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lavelle Chartered Surveyors | South Eastern Region | billy[at] | Website | 12477 | ||||||||||
Ronan Grufferty | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | North Eastern Region | ronangrufferty[at] | 12481 | ||||||||||||
Charles Grumbridge | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | charlesgrumbridge[at] | 12482 | ||||||||||||
JC Gubbins | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Murphy Gubbins Chartered Surveyors | Southern Region | jcgubbins[at] | 12484 | |||||||||||
Philip Guckian | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide | North Eastern Region | philip.guckian[at] | 12485 | |||||||||||
Niall Guerin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Savills | Southern Region | niall.guerin[at] | Website | 12487 | ||||||||||
Cathal Guiney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | TLI Group | Southern Region | cathal.guiney[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12491 | ||||||||||
Michael Gunne | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | REA Gunne Property | North Eastern Region | m.gunne[at] | Website | 12497 | ||||||||||
Niall Gunne | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Jones Lang La Salle | Dublin Region | niall.gunne[at] | 12498 | |||||||||||
Daniel Gunning | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Dublin Region | daniel[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12499 | |||||||||||
Anthony Hackett | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | hack_t[at] | 12504 | |||||||||||
Stephen Hale | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor | Hwbc | Dublin Region | shale[at] | 12508 | |||||||||||
Francis Halligan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | North Eastern Region | fhalligan01[at] | 12514 | |||||||||||
Mark Hallinan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | AECOM | Southern Region | markhallinan89[at] | 12517 | |||||||||||
Winston Halnon | Assoc. SCSI | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | South Eastern Region | winston[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12521 | |||||||||||
Marie Halpenny | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | marie[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12522 | |||||||||||
Anthony Halpin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | tonyhalpin1966[at] | 12524 | ||||||||||||
Eamonn Sean Halpin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Eamonn Halpin & Company | South Eastern Region | eamonnhalpinandco[at] | 12526 | |||||||||||
John Halpin | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | shalpin[at] | 12527 | ||||||||||||
Hilary Hamill | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry Fitzgerald Lewis Hamill | South Eastern Region | hilary[at] | 12532 | |||||||||||
Michael Hamill | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Respond! Housing Association | Dublin Region | michaelghamill[at] | 12533 | |||||||||||
Edward Hanafin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cohalan, Downing | Southern Region | ehanafin[at] | 12539 | |||||||||||
Breid Hancock | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | HSE | Dublin Region | breid.hancock[at] | 12540 | |||||||||||
Bernard Hanley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Hanley Quantity Surveyors | Southern Region | bernardhanley[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12544 | ||||||||||
George Hanley | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Western Region | george.hanley[at] | 12545 | ||||||||||||
Peter Hanley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Turner & Townsend | Dublin Region | Peter.Hanley[at] | 12547 | |||||||||||
Ray Hanley | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Savills | Dublin Region | ray.hanley[at] | 12548 | |||||||||||
Gavin Hanlon | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hooke & Macdonald | Dublin Region | gavin[at] | 12549 | |||||||||||
Paul Hanly | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Knight Frank | Dublin Region | paul.hanly[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12552 | Christopher Glenn Hanna | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Land Development Agency | Southern Region | ghanna[at] | 12554 |
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Garry Hanna | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Capital Property Group | Northern Ireland Region | garryhanna125[at] | 12555 | |||||||||||
Karl Hannon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Carty Contractors Ltd. | Western Region | karlhannon[at] | 12561 | |||||||||||
Karol Hannon | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Jones Lang La Salle | Dublin Region | karolhannon[at] | 12562 | |||||||||||
Noel Hannon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kerrigan Sheanon Newman | Western Region | noelhannon[at] | 12564 | |||||||||||
Paul Hannon | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Southern Region | paul.hannon[at] | 12566 | |||||||||||
Johnny Hanrahan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | johnnyhanrahan86[at] | 12571 | |||||||||||
Tomas Hansberry | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | tomasghansberry[at] | 12574 | ||||||||||||
Alan Hardy | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Hardy Partnership | Dublin Region | alanhardy[at] | Website | 12578 | ||||||||||
Kenneth Hardy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KPMG Ireland | Dublin Region | ken.hardy[at] | 12579 | |||||||||||
Liam Hargaden | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Jordan Town & Country Estate Agents | South Eastern Region | liam[at] | 12582 | |||||||||||
Ronan Harlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Val O’Brien & Associates | North Eastern Region | ronan[at] | 12588 | |||||||||||
Neil Harper | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Dublin Region | neil.harper[at] | 12593 | |||||||||||
Frank Harrington | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Smith Harrington | North Eastern Region | frank[at] | 12595 | |||||||||||
Gemma Harrington | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Chartered Land Management Ltd. | Dublin Region | hayworthmews[at] | 12596 | |||||||||||
John Harrington | FSCSI, FRICS | Rural Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Smith Harrington | North Eastern Region | john[at] | 12598 | |||||||||||
John Harrington | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Harrington & Co | Dublin Region | john[at] | 12599 | |||||||||||
Michael Harrington | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | michael.harrington[at] | 12600 | ||||||||||||
Rory Harrington | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Savills | North Eastern Region | rory.harrington[at] | 12602 | |||||||||||
Liam Harris | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cork County Council | Southern Region | Liam.Harris[at] | 12606 | |||||||||||
Ross Harris | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Harris Coyle Breen | Southern Region | ross.harris[at] | 12608 | |||||||||||
Ross Harris | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry Fitzgerald New Homes | Dublin Region | Ross.Harris[at] | 12609 | |||||||||||
Stephen Harris | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | stephen[at] | 12610 | ||||||||||||
Darragh Harte | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Blackwater Asset Management | Dublin Region | darragh.harte[at] | 12613 | |||||||||||
Malcolm Hartley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Graham Construction | Other | mdhartley1[at] | 12616 | |||||||||||
Tim Hartnett | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Ardmac Ltd. | Dublin Region | timhartnett74[at] | 12617 | |||||||||||
Margaret Harty | MSCSI, MRICS | Rural Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Harty & Company | South Eastern Region | margaret[at] | Website | 12619 | Paul Harvey | FSCSI, FRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | BNP Paribas Real Estate Ireland | Dublin Region | paul.harvey[at] | 12621 |
| | |
Philip Harvey | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | pharvey[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12623 | |||||||||||
Enda Haughey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mercury Engineering Ltd | North Eastern Region | enda_7[at] | 12629 | |||||||||||
Suzanne Hawe | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | DNG Bray | Dublin Region | suzannehawe[at] | 12633 | |||||||||||
Camilla Hayes | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Carron And Walsh | South Eastern Region | chayes[at] | 12639 | |||||||||||
Deirdre Hayes | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Irish Life Investment Managers | Dublin Region | Deirdre.Hayes[at]ILIM.COM | 12641 | |||||||||||
Garrett Hayes | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Faithful & Gould | Dublin Region | garrett.hayes[at] | 12645 | |||||||||||
William Hayes | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Project Management Ltd. | Southern Region | Liam.hayes[at] | 12646 | |||||||||||
Liam Hazel Junior | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Tailte Éireann | Southern Region | hazeljnr[at] | 12649 | |||||||||||
Leonard Healy | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Leonard C. Healy & Associates | South Eastern Region | leonard.healy[at] | 12664 | |||||||||||
Lisa Healy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bank of Ireland | Dublin Region | lisaa.healy[at] | 12666 | |||||||||||
Michael Healy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | michael.healy[at] | 12671 | ||||||||||||
N R Healy | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Jones Lang Lasalle | Dublin Region | nigel.healy[at] | 12672 | |||||||||||
Niall Healy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Clancourt Management Ltd | Dublin Region | nhealy[at] | 12673 | |||||||||||
Niall Healy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John J Casey & Co. | Southern Region | niall[at] | Website | 12674 | ||||||||||
Norma Healy | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Southern Region | norma.healy[at] | 12675 | |||||||||||
Sarah Healy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Fairgreen Block Management Ltd. | Western Region | sarahhealy8[at] | 12682 | |||||||||||
Sean Healy | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Southern Region | sean.healy[at] | 12683 | |||||||||||
Ted Healy | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Ted Healy & Co Estate Agents Ltd | Southern Region | tedhealy[at] | Website | 12685 | ||||||||||
Owen Hearty | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | KSN | Dublin Region | ohearty[at] | 12688 | |||||||||||
Alan Heatly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Department of Housing, Planning & Community Local Government | South Eastern Region | alan.heatly[at] | 12689 | |||||||||||
Paul Hedderman | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Hedderman Stanley & Associates | Dublin Region | paulhedderman[at] | Website | 12692 | ||||||||||
Sean Hedigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | sean_hedigan[at] | 12693 | ||||||||||||
Barry Heeney | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | – | Dublin Region | barry.heeney[at] | 12696 | |||||||||||
Conor Heeney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Joseph C. Hogan & Sons | Dublin Region | conorheeney[at] | 12697 | |||||||||||
Aidan Heffernan | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Heffernan Auctioneers | South Eastern Region | heffernanauctioneers[at] | 12700 | |||||||||||
Jason Heffernan | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Dublin Airport Authority PLC | Dublin Region | jason.heffernan[at] | 12702 | |||||||||||
Nicole Heffernan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bank of Ireland | South Eastern Region | Nicole.heff[at] | 12704 | |||||||||||
Adrianna Hegarty | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Southern Region | info[at] | 12707 | ||||||||||||
Declan Hegarty | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kennedy Wilson | Southern Region | declanhegarty[at] | 12710 | |||||||||||
Elizabeth Hegarty | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Savills | Southern Region | Elizabeth.Hegarty[at] | 12711 | |||||||||||
J. P. Hegarty | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | P. J. Hegarty & Sons | Dublin Region | john.hegarty[at] | 12713 | |||||||||||
Kim Hegarty | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | South Eastern Region | kim.hegarty[at] | 12715 | |||||||||||
Neal Hegarty | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Irish Life Investment Managers | Dublin Region | colm.hegarty[at] | 12718 | |||||||||||
Paul Hegarty | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Carron + Walsh | Dublin Region | thehego[at] | 12720 | |||||||||||
Oliver Held | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying; Project Management Surveyor | Jones Lang La Salle | Dublin Region | oliver.held[at] | 12722 | |||||||||||
Robert Henaghan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | roberthenaghan[at] | 12723 | ||||||||||||
Jarleth Heneghan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | William Fry | Dublin Region | jarleth.heneghan[at] | 12726 | |||||||||||
Donal Hennessy | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | hennessydonal[at] | 12730 | ||||||||||||
Fergal Hennessy | Assoc. SCSI | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | North Eastern Region | fergal_o_haonghusa[at] | 12731 | ||||||||||||
Geraldine Hennessy | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Dublin Region | geraldine.hennessy[at] | 12732 | |||||||||||
John Hennessy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cairn Homes PLC | Southern Region | johnhennessy79[at] | 12734 | |||||||||||
Mark Hennessy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Thornton & Partners | South Eastern Region | markjosephhennessy[at] | 12735 | |||||||||||
Mark Hennessy | Assoc. SCSI | Quantity Surveying | D. L. Martin & Partners | Dublin Region | mark[at] | 12736 | |||||||||||
Patrick Hennigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | patrick[at] | 12742 | |||||||||||
Enda Henry | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Department of Housing, Planning & Community Local Government | Western Region | endahenry[at] | 12743 | |||||||||||
Thomas Herbert | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | O’Byrne Jenkins Chartered Quantity Surveyors | Dublin Region | therbert4[at] | 12749 | |||||||||||
Hugh Herity | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | HARVEY | Dublin Region | herityhugh[at] | 12750 | |||||||||||
Dermot Herlihy | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Herlihy Auctioneers | Dublin Region | dermot[at] | 12751 | |||||||||||
Martin James Hernon | MSCSI, MRICS | Project Management Surveyor | Housing Agency | Dublin Region | martinhernon[at] | 12752 | |||||||||||
William Hernon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | billyhernon[at] | 12753 | ||||||||||||
Tony Hetherton | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | tony[at] | 12757 | Hover Here |
Alistair Hickey | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Felicity Fox Auctioneers and Chartered Surveyors | Dublin Region | alistair[at] | Website | 12759 | ||||||||||
Declan Hickey | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Casey & Kingston | Southern Region | dhickey[at] | 12761 | |||||||||||
Robert Hickey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Entegro Ltd | South Eastern Region | Roberthickey2021[at] | 12770 | |||||||||||
Robert Hickey | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | North Eastern Region | robert[at] | Website | 12771 | |||||||||||
Vincent Hickey | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Aramark Property | Dublin Region | Hickey-Vincent[at] | 12776 | |||||||||||
John Hickson | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Hickson Chartered Quantity Surveyor | Southern Region | jhqs[at] | 12778 | |||||||||||
Bernard Higgins | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Bank Of Ireland Group Property | Dublin Region | bernard.higgins[at] | 12779 | |||||||||||
Michael Higgins | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Carron And Walsh | Dublin Region | mhiggins[at] | 12782 | |||||||||||
Norman Higgins | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Quintain Development Ireland Ltd | Dublin Region | nhiggins[at] | 12784 | |||||||||||
John Hillis | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Self Employed | Western Region | johnhillis[at] | 12792 | |||||||||||
Jonathan Hillyer | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Jonathan Hillyer | South Eastern Region | jonathan.hillyer[at] | 12793 | |||||||||||
Paul Hipwell | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | phipwell[at] | 12795 | |||||||||||
Willet Ho | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | willet.ho[at] | 12796 | ||||||||||||
Jeffrey Hoare | Assoc. SCSI | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | jeffreyhoare[at] | 12797 | |||||||||||
Robert Hoban | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | RH Building Consultants | North Eastern Region | robert[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12798 | Hover Here |
Jason Hobson Shaw | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | AECOM | Dublin Region | jason.hobson-shaw[at] | 12801 | |||||||||||
Bernadine Hogan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | Bernadine.Hogan[at] | 12808 | |||||||||||
Canice Hogan | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | National Land Surveyors | Western Region | info[at] | 12810 | |||||||||||
Conor Hogan | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | conorhoganproperty[at] | 12812 | |||||||||||
Conor Hogan | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Joseph C. Hogan & Sons | Dublin Region | conorhogan[at] | Website | 12813 | ||||||||||
Liam Hogan | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Hogan Estates | South Eastern Region | info[at] | Website | 12815 | ||||||||||
Lisa Marie Hogan | Assoc. SCSI | Commercial Agency Surveyor | HSE | Dublin Region | lisamariehogan83[at] | 12816 | |||||||||||
Michael Hogan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | michaeljjhogan[at] | 12817 | ||||||||||||
Patrick Hogan | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | patrick.hogan[at] | 12818 | |||||||||||
Dermot Hogan | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Self Employed | Dublin Region | dermothogan1[at] | 12822 | |||||||||||
Barry Hogge | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | AECOM | Western Region | barry.hogge[at] | 12825 | |||||||||||
Michael Holland | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kane Crowe Kavanagh | Southern Region | michaelhollandqs[at] | 12827 | |||||||||||
Thomas Holland | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | Southern Region | tom[at] | 12829 | |||||||||||
Kevin Hollingsworth | FSCSI, FRICS | Building Surveying; Project Management Surveyor | Omega Surveying Services | Dublin Region | kevin[at] | Website | 12830 | ||||||||||
Hugh Holt | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | The Building Consultancy | Dublin Region | hugh[at] | 12837 | |||||||||||
Fergal Hopkins | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | The Lansdowne Partnership | Dublin Region | fhopkins[at] | Website | 12840 | ||||||||||
Aidan Hora | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Hora Property Consultants | Dublin Region | ahora[at] | 12842 | |||||||||||
Derek Horan | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | – | Southern Region | derek[at] | 12845 | |||||||||||
Isobel Horan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | isobelhoran[at] | 12846 | ||||||||||||
Jackie Horan | MSCSI, MRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Dublin Region | jackie.horan[at] | 12847 | |||||||||||
Michael Horan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Transport Infrastructure Ireland | Dublin Region | mfxhoran[at] | 12849 | |||||||||||
Tracy Horan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Avision Young | Dublin Region | Tracy.Horan[at] | 12852 | |||||||||||
Alan Hore | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | alan.hore[at] | 12853 | ||||||||||||
Peter Houlihan | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Quinn Agnew | Dublin Region | phoulihan[at] | 12862 | |||||||||||
Amanda Hourie | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hwbc | Dublin Region | ahourie[at] | 12863 | |||||||||||
Brian Hourigan | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Edward Cotter Partnership | Southern Region | brian.hourigan[at] | 12865 | |||||||||||
Niamh Hourigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Jacobs Engineering | Dublin Region | niamh.hourigan[at] | 12866 | |||||||||||
David Hourihan | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | University College of Estate Management | Other | D.Hourihan[at] | 12867 | |||||||||||
David Howard | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Richmond Homes | Dublin Region | davidandrewhoward[at] | 12868 | |||||||||||
Claude Howlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Claude Howlin Auctioneers Ltd | South Eastern Region | claude[at] | Website | 12872 | Hover Here |
Paul Huberman | FSCSI, FRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | H&H Property Management Consultants Limited | Dublin Region | paul[at] | Website | 12875 | Brian Hughes | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin City Council | South Eastern Region |[at] | 12879 |
| | |
David Hughes | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rose Patrick Ltd, | Dublin Region |[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12884 | Hover Here |
Gordon Hughes | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Gordon Hughes Estates Agents | Western Region | gordon[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12888 |
In 2017, we acquired the successful practice of John Fitzgerald Auctioneers in Ratoath, Co Meath & rebranded that office as Fitzgerald Hughes. This now means with our sister office we can offer houses for sale & to let ‘Coast to Coast’ from The Atlantic Ocean to the Irish Sea as we now cover the following counties; Cavan, Leitrim, Longford, Roscommon, Sligo, Dublin, Meath & Westmeath. If you are considering selling or letting your property please contact our offices to avail of a “Free Valuation” appraisal of your property.”>Hover Here |
Jeff Hughes | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mitchell McDermot | Dublin Region | jhughes[at] | 12890 | |||||||||||
John Hughes | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rogerson Reddan & Associates | Dublin Region |[at] | 12891 | |||||||||||
John Hughes | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region |[at] | 12892 | |||||||||||
Niall Hughes | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | OPW | Dublin Region | niallhu[at] | 12895 | |||||||||||
Patrick Hughes | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lisney | Western Region | patrickjwhughes[at] | 12897 | |||||||||||
William Hughes | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | O’Byrne Jenkins Chartered Quantity Surveyors | Dublin Region | williehughes1[at] | 12900 | |||||||||||
David Humphreys | FSCSI, FRICS | Building Surveying; Project Management Surveyor | Architectural Conservation Professionals | Southern Region | info[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12902 | Marie Hunt | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | IPUT | Dublin Region | mhunt[at] | 12905 |
| | |
Ian Hunter | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Pavilions Administration Ltd | Dublin Region | ihunter[at] | Website | 12906 | ||||||||||
Diarmuid Hurley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | P. J. Hegarty & Sons | Southern Region | diarmuid.hurley[at] | 12908 | |||||||||||
Niall Hurley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | P. J. Hegarty & Sons | Southern Region | niall.hurley[at] | 12911 | |||||||||||
Janette Hurrell | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | jhurrell[at] | 12912 | ||||||||||||
Stephen Hussey | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | McKenna & Associates | North Eastern Region | shussey[at] | Website | 12913 | ||||||||||
Timothy Hutchinson | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hutchinson Auctioneers | South Eastern Region | timothy[at] | Website | 12916 | Hover Here |
Evelyn Hyder | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Evelyn Hyder Consultant | Dublin Region | evelynp.hyder[at] | 12917 | |||||||||||
Donna Hynes | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hynes & Son Ltd | North Eastern Region | dpyke580[at] | Website | 12920 | ||||||||||
Shane Hynes | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Module | North Eastern Region | shane[at] | 12923 | |||||||||||
William Hynes | MSCSI, MRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor | KPMG Ireland | Dublin Region | william.hynes[at] | 12924 | |||||||||||
Rosemary Ibi | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | rosemaryibi2002[at] | Website | 12925 | |||||||||||
Edmund Irish | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Suir Engineering Ltd | Dublin Region | edirish08[at] | 12928 | |||||||||||
Alan Isdell | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | alan.isdell[at] | 12930 | |||||||||||
Amanda Isherwood | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Group | Southern Region | amanda.isherwood[at] | 12931 | |||||||||||
Michele Jackson | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | TWM Select Asset Management Ltd. | Dublin Region | michele[at] | Website LinkedIn | 12932 | ||||||||||
Norman Jackson | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Housing Agency | Southern Region | norman.jackson[at] | 12933 | |||||||||||
Gary Jacobs | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Allen & Jacobs Estates Ltd | Dublin Region | gary[at] | Website | 12935 | ||||||||||
Kevin James | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cogent Associates | Dublin Region | k.james[at] | Website | 12936 | ||||||||||
Robert Jefferson | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Franklin & Andrews (Ireland) Ltd. (Mott MacDonald) | Dublin Region | rob.jefferson[at] | 12941 | |||||||||||
Danny Jenkins | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Tony O’Regan Associates | Southern Region | danny.jenkins[at] | 12944 | |||||||||||
Allyn Jennings | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kildare County Council | Southern Region | aajennings[at] | 12945 | |||||||||||
Finbarr Jennings | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | finbarr.jennings[at] | 12946 | ||||||||||||
Maeve Jennings | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | North Eastern Region | maevejennings[at] | 12947 | ||||||||||||
Wesley Jesson | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KMCS@KPMG | Dublin Region | wesley.jesson[at] | 12949 | |||||||||||
Richard Johnson | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Savills | Dublin Region | richard.johnson[at] | 12953 | |||||||||||
Sven Johnson | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Office Of Public Works | Dublin Region | sven.johnson[at] | 12954 | |||||||||||
Alan Johnston | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Johnston Property Services/management | Dublin Region | jpsjohnston[at] | 12955 | |||||||||||
Ian Johnston | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | State Street Global Advisors Ireland Ltd | Dublin Region | Ian_Johnston[at] | 12956 | |||||||||||
James Johnston | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | TU Dublin – Bolton Street | North Eastern Region | Jimi.Johnston[at] | 12957 | Hover Here |
Mark Johnston | MSCSI, MRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor | Respond! Housing Association | Dublin Region | mark.johnston[at] | 12960 | |||||||||||
Paul Johnston | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | AECOM | Western Region | paul.johnston3[at] | 12962 | |||||||||||
Declan Jones | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mulcahy McDonagh & Partners | Dublin Region | djones[at] | 12965 | |||||||||||
Rebecca Jones | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | rebecca.jones[at] | 12968 | |||||||||||
Emmet Jordan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | P. J. Hegarty & Sons | Dublin Region | emmetjordan1[at] | 12971 | |||||||||||
Patrick Jordan | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Jordan Town & Country Estate Agents | South Eastern Region | paddy[at] | 12973 | |||||||||||
Kate Joyce | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Tuath Housing Association | Dublin Region | k.joyce[at] | 12979 | |||||||||||
Richard Joyce | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | richard.joyce[at] | 12981 | |||||||||||
Sinead Keogh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Western Region | hisinead[at] | 12982 | ||||||||||||
Sebastian Judd | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hooke & Macdonald | Dublin Region | sebastianj[at] | 12985 | |||||||||||
Leanne Kane | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | leanne.kane[at] | 12989 | |||||||||||
Richard Kane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | DPS Engineering | South Eastern Region | richard.w.kane[at] | 12993 | |||||||||||
Clive Kavanagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Jordan Auctioneers | South Eastern Region | clive[at] | 12996 | |||||||||||
Colin Kavanagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Power Property | Dublin Region | colin[at] | 12997 | |||||||||||
Danielle Kavanagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry Fitzgerald Mcmahon | Southern Region |[at] | 12999 | |||||||||||
Derek Kavanagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Department of Housing, Planning & Community Local Government | Dublin Region | derek.kavanagh[at] | 13002 | |||||||||||
Graham Kavanagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Modia Consulting | Dublin Region | gkavanagh[at] | Website | 13003 | ||||||||||
Irene Kavanagh | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Other | ikavanagh[at] | 13005 | |||||||||||
Padraig Kavanagh | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | padraig[at] | Website | 13011 | Hover Here |
Ray Kavanagh | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kane Crowe Kavanagh | Dublin Region | ray.kavanagh[at] | 13013 | |||||||||||
Stephen Kavanagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | stevekavanagh1962[at] | 13014 | ||||||||||||
Tony Kavanagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Western Region | tony.kavanagh[at] | 13015 | |||||||||||
Greg Kaveh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Aviva Life and Pensions Ireland DAC | Dublin Region | kaveh.greg[at] | 13018 | |||||||||||
Daphne Kaye | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | daphne[at] | 13019 | ||||||||||||
Glenn Kealy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Knight Frank | Dublin Region | glenn.kealy[at] | 13020 | |||||||||||
Michelle Kealy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | mkealy[at] | 13021 | |||||||||||
Seamus Kealy | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | BAM Contractors Ltd | Southern Region | skealy[at] | 13022 | |||||||||||
Carol Keane | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Savills | Dublin Region | carol.keane[at] | 13025 | |||||||||||
Cathal Keane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | CuddyQS | Southern Region | ckeane[at] | 13026 | |||||||||||
Colleen Keane O’Rahilly | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | QRE Real Estate Advisers | Southern Region | ckeane80[at] | 13027 | |||||||||||
Edel Keane Murphy | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | South Eastern Region | edel[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13030 | |||||||||||
Jana Keane | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Keane & Thompson | Dublin Region | jana[at] | 13032 | |||||||||||
Joe Keane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | O’Callaghan Properties Ltd. | Southern Region | joe.keane[at] | 13033 | |||||||||||
Joseph Keane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | keanejqs[at] | 13034 | ||||||||||||
John Keane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Aeon Property Consultants | South Eastern Region | jkeane[at] | 13035 | |||||||||||
John Keane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | Johnkeane82[at] | 13036 | ||||||||||||
Katherine Keane | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Galway City Council | Western Region | kathy.keane[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13037 | Hover Here |
Mark Keane | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Other | Mark[at] | 13038 | ||||||||||||
Donal Kearney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Wills Brothers Ltd | Western Region | donalkearney1[at] | 13050 | |||||||||||
Francis Kearney | MSCSI, MRICS | Rural Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Kearney Auctioneers | North Eastern Region | info[at] | 13051 | |||||||||||
Gordon Kearney | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Rooney Auctioneers (limerick) Ltd | Southern Region | gkearney[at] | 13052 | |||||||||||
James Kearney | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | jkearney[at] | 13053 | |||||||||||
Noel Kearney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Nama | Dublin Region | noel.kearney.surveying[at] | 13056 | |||||||||||
Enda Kearns | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Quinn Agnew | Dublin Region | ekearns[at] | 13061 | |||||||||||
Kenneth Keary | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Keary Auctioneering & Insurances | Western Region | kenneth[at] | 13063 | |||||||||||
Brian Keating | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Dublin Region | b.keating[at] | 13065 | |||||||||||
Iris Keating | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Hudson Advisors Ireland Ltd | Dublin Region | IKeating[at] | 13066 | |||||||||||
Kevin Keating | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd | Southern Region | k.keating[at] | 13067 | |||||||||||
Henry Kee | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Henry Kee & Son | Western Region | ballybofey[at] | Website | 13069 | ||||||||||
William Kee | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Nolan Construction Consultants | South Eastern Region | william[at] | 13070 | |||||||||||
Audrey Keegan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Irish Life Financial Services | Dublin Region | audrey.keegan[at] | 13071 | |||||||||||
Stephen Keeler | Assoc. SCSI | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Registered Valuer | O’Neill & Co Chartered Surveyors & Auctioneers | South Eastern Region | stephen[at] | Website | 13075 | ||||||||||
Brian Keenan | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Keenan | Dublin Region | brian.keenan[at] | 13077 | |||||||||||
Ciarán Keenan | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Arcadis | North Eastern Region | ciaran.keenan[at] | 13078 | |||||||||||
David Keenan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rogerson Reddan & Associates | Dublin Region | david.keenan[at] | 13079 | |||||||||||
Eoghan Keenan | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Dublin Region | eoghan.keenan[at] | 13080 | |||||||||||
Lisa Keenan | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Keenan Auctioneers | North Eastern Region | info[at] | 13081 | |||||||||||
Noel Keenan | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Wayne Storey Associates | Northern Ireland Region | noel[at] | 13082 | |||||||||||
Brian Kehoe | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | bwkehoe[at] | 13086 | ||||||||||||
Liam Keighery | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Savills | Dublin Region | liam.keighery[at] | 13093 | |||||||||||
Donal Kellegher | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Land Development Agency | Dublin Region | dkellegher[at] | 13094 | |||||||||||
Mel Kellegher | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CIE Group Property Management | Dublin Region | mel.kellegher[at] | 13095 | |||||||||||
Helena Kelleher | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Quintain Development Ireland Ltd | Dublin Region | hkelleher[at] | 13097 | |||||||||||
Margaret Kelleher | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cohalan, Downing | Southern Region | MKelleher[at] | 13098 | |||||||||||
Patrick Kelleher | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Kelleher & Associates | South Eastern Region | patrick[at] | Website | 13100 | ||||||||||
Regina Kelleher | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Southern Region | reginakelleher[at] | 13101 | ||||||||||||
Deirdre Kelliher | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cogent Associates | Southern Region | deekelliher[at] | 13104 | |||||||||||
keith kelliher | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | info[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13105 | David Kells | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mulcahy McDonagh & Partners | Western Region | davidjameskells[at] | 13106 |
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Alex Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Scott Murphy Chartered Building Surveyors | Dublin Region | akelly[at] | 13108 | |||||||||||
Anthony Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Collen Construction Ltd. | Dublin Region | akelly[at] | 13110 | |||||||||||
Cathal Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | BDM Property | Dublin Region | cathal[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13115 | ||||||||||
Ciaran Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | ciarankelly23[at] | 13116 | |||||||||||
Colin Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | BNP Paribas Real Estate Ireland | Dublin Region | colin.kelly[at] | 13118 | |||||||||||
Edward Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Southern Region | T.Kelly2[at] | 13122 | |||||||||||
Gerard Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Paul Construction | South Eastern Region | gerardkelly1971[at] | 13125 | |||||||||||
Gillian Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | gillian[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13126 | |||||||||||
Jeremy Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Kelly Walsh Property Advisors & Agents | Dublin Region | jeremy[at] | 13130 | |||||||||||
John Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Tailte Éireann | Dublin Region | john.t.kelly[at] | Website | 13133 | ||||||||||
John Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Other | jjpkelly[at] | 13134 | ||||||||||||
Kieran Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | DNG Group Ltd | Southern Region | kieran[at] | 13138 | |||||||||||
Liam Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd. | Southern Region | liam.kelly[at] | 13142 | |||||||||||
Mark Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kelly & O’Callaghan Ltd. | Dublin Region | mark[at] | 13148 | |||||||||||
Mark Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | MK Architecture & Building Surveying Ltd. | South Eastern Region | info[at] | Website | 13149 | ||||||||||
Mark Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | Markfkelly78[at] | 13150 | ||||||||||||
Michael Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | PCM Consulting Inc | Southern Region | mjkellyqs[at] | 13152 | |||||||||||
Michael Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | P J O’DWYER & COMPANY | Dublin Region | michael[at] | 13153 | Hover Here |
Michael Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | MK Surveying and Design | Southern Region | info[at] | Website | 13154 | ||||||||||
Nigel Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | North Eastern Region | kellyproperty[at] | 13155 | ||||||||||||
Noel Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Noel Kelly and Associates | Dublin Region | noelkellyassociatesqs[at] | 13156 | |||||||||||
Patrick Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Southern Region | pat[at] | 13157 | ||||||||||||
Paul Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Mason Owen & Lyons | Dublin Region | pkelly[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13160 | ||||||||||
Peter Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cumming Group | Dublin Region | kelly.peterjames[at] | 13162 | |||||||||||
Shea Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Cumisky Kelly | Dublin Region | shea[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13164 | ||||||||||
Tarla Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | tarlak[at] | 13165 | ||||||||||||
Teresa Kelly | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | CDETB | Dublin Region | tkelly[at] | 13166 | |||||||||||
Tomas Kelly | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | AECOM | Western Region | tomas.kelly[at] | 13167 | |||||||||||
Tony Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd | Southern Region | tkcork[at] | 13169 | |||||||||||
Trevor Kelly | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying; Registered Valuer | Insurance Claim Solutions | Dublin Region | info[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13171 | Adrian Kenneally | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | adrianken122[at] | 13173 |
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Donal Kenneally | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | Southern Region | office[at] | 13174 | |||||||||||
John Kenneally | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Kenneally Property | Dublin Region | john[at] | 13175 | |||||||||||
Brian Kennedy | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Scott Murphy Chartered Building Surveyors | Dublin Region | brian.kenno[at] | 13178 | |||||||||||
Cormac Kennedy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | ckennedy[at] | 13179 | |||||||||||
David Kennedy | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Waterloo Chartered Building Surveyors | Dublin Region | david[at] | Website | 13181 | Hover Here |
Donal Kennedy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Murnane and O’Shea | Southern Region | donalkennedy10[at] | 13182 | |||||||||||
Gillian Kennedy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | South Eastern Region | gillian.kennedy[at] | 13186 | ||||||||||||
Gina Kennedy | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Douglas Newman Good | Dublin Region | ginakennedy[at] | 13187 | |||||||||||
Kyle Kennedy | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Southern Region | kyle[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13194 | Hover Here |
Laurence Kennedy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Northern Ireland Region | l.kennedy[at] | Website | 13195 | |||||||||||
Kieran Kennerney | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Savills | North Eastern Region | kieran.kennerney[at] | 13205 | |||||||||||
Alan Kenny | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Southern Region | a.kenny[at] | 13207 | |||||||||||
Colm Kenny | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | colmkenny[at] | 13210 | ||||||||||||
Enda Kenny | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | enda.kenny[at] | 13212 | ||||||||||||
Fintan Kenny | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Arcadis | Western Region | fintankenny1[at] | 13214 | |||||||||||
Louise Kenny | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | lkenny[at] | 13215 | |||||||||||
Peter Kenny | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Property and Facility Management Surveyor | Knight Frank | Dublin Region | peterekenny[at] | 13219 | |||||||||||
Sara Kenny | Assoc. SCSI | Arts and Antiques Surveyor | Sara Kenny Fine Art | Dublin Region | sara[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13220 | Hover Here |
Fergus Keogh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | fpkeogh[at] | 13228 | ||||||||||||
Frank Keogh | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | DPS Engineering | Dublin Region | Frankkeogh584[at] | 13229 | |||||||||||
Lisa Keogh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | lisa.keogh[at] | 13230 | |||||||||||
Lorcan Keogh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Avision Young | Dublin Region | lorcan.keogh[at] | 13231 | |||||||||||
Roger Keogh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Avision Young | Dublin Region | roger.keogh[at] | 13233 | |||||||||||
Ronan Keogh | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Fine Grain Property (Ireland) Limited | Dublin Region | ronan_keogh[at] | 13234 | |||||||||||
Stephen Keogh | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | OMK Property Consultants | Dublin Region | stephen[at] | 13237 | |||||||||||
Frank Keohane | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Building Conservation Accredited Surveyor | Dublin Region | frank[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13239 | Hover Here |
Thomas Kerin | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Lawlor Burns | Southern Region | tom.kerin[at] | 13245 | |||||||||||
Daniel Kerr | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Paragon QS Ltd | Other | danny716[at] | 13247 | |||||||||||
Gerry Kestell | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Land Surveys Ltd | Dublin Region | gkestell[at] | 13255 | |||||||||||
Brian Kevans | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KPMG Ireland | Dublin Region | brian.kevans[at] | 13257 | Hover Here |
Caroline Kevany | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | ckevany[at] | 13258 | |||||||||||
Kenneth Kiberd | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Ervia | Dublin Region | kenkib[at] | 13260 | |||||||||||
Jackie Kidney | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Southern Region | jackiekidney[at] | 13264 | ||||||||||||
Desmond Kieran | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Seamus Monahan & Partners | Dublin Region | des.kieran[at] | 13268 | |||||||||||
Sean Kieran | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Eircom Ltd. | Dublin Region | sean.kieran[at] | 13270 | |||||||||||
Edel Kiernan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | edelkiernan[at] | 13273 | ||||||||||||
Vanessa Kiernan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | IDA Ireland | Dublin Region | vanessakiernan02[at] | 13276 | |||||||||||
Yvonne Kiernan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | yvonne.kiernan[at] | 13277 | ||||||||||||
Patrick Kiersey | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | Patrick.Kiersey[at] | 13279 | |||||||||||
Ian Kilcoyne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kilcoyne Capital Allowances Practice | Dublin Region | ian.kilcoyne[at] | Website | 13281 | Hover Here |
Daniel Kilfeather | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kilfeather Chartered Quantity Surveyors | Western Region | dkilfeather[at] | 13284 | |||||||||||
Damien Kilgannon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Fine Grain Property (Ireland) Limited | Western Region | damienkilgannon[at] | 13288 | |||||||||||
Dessie Kilkenny | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | dessie.kilkenny[at] | 13292 | |||||||||||
William Kilmurray | MSCSI, MRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | wbkilmurray[at] | 13295 | |||||||||||
Tomas Kilroy | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Building Surveying | Knight Frank | Dublin Region | tomas.kilroy[at] | 13297 | |||||||||||
Dermot Kinane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dermot F. Kinane Ltd. | Southern Region | info[at] | 13298 | |||||||||||
Ben King | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor; Project Management Surveyor | Department of Environment, Climate & Communications | Dublin Region | ben.king[at] | 13302 | |||||||||||
Damian King | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Omega Surveying Services | Dublin Region | damian[at] | Website | 13303 | ||||||||||
Declan King | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | North Eastern Region | kingdeclan2013[at] | 13305 | ||||||||||||
Edward King | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | – | North Eastern Region | ekingauct[at] | 13306 | |||||||||||
Eileen King | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Southern Region | eileenmking[at] | 13307 | ||||||||||||
Kevin King | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KSN | Dublin Region | kking[at] | 13309 | |||||||||||
Regina King | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Aviva Life and Pensions Ireland DAC | North Eastern Region | reginaking89[at] | 13314 | |||||||||||
Tim King | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | timmyk1[at] | 13316 | ||||||||||||
Valerie King | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Individual Member | North Eastern Region | bercert.king[at] | 13317 | |||||||||||
Peter Kinghan | MSCSI, MRICS | Minerals Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Western Region | pkinghan[at] | 13320 | ||||||||||||
Deborah Kingsley-Bermingham | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | J.p. & M. Doyle Ltd. | South Eastern Region | deborah.kingsley[at] | 13322 | |||||||||||
Brian Kingston | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | briankingston34[at] | 13323 | |||||||||||
Geraldine Kingston | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | geraldine.kingston[at] | 13324 | ||||||||||||
Nigel Kingston | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Colliers International | Dublin Region | nigel.kingston[at] | 13325 | |||||||||||
Peter Kingston | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Self Employed | Dublin Region | petergkingston[at] | 13326 | |||||||||||
Samuel Kingston | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Casey & Kingston | Southern Region | info[at] | 13327 | |||||||||||
Seamus Kiniry | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dornan Engineering Ltd | Southern Region | seamus.kiniry[at] | 13328 | |||||||||||
Andrew Kinnear | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | andrewckinnear[at] | 13329 | ||||||||||||
James Kinsella | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry Fitzgerald O’leary Kinsella | South Eastern Region | james[at] | 13331 | |||||||||||
James Kinsella | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mulcahy McDonagh & Partners | Dublin Region | jkinsella[at] | 13332 | |||||||||||
Nadine Kinsella | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KMCS@KPMG | Dublin Region | nadinekinsella[at] | 13337 | |||||||||||
John Kirby | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Richard Walsh & Associates | Southern Region | john[at] | 13340 | |||||||||||
Tom Kirby | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Avision Young | Dublin Region | tom.kirby[at] | 13341 | |||||||||||
Patrick Kirwan | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | South Eastern Region | PMK[at] | 13349 | ||||||||||||
Rory Kirwan | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | rkirwan[at] | 13350 | |||||||||||
Su Zen Kong | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | suzen.kong[at] | 13360 | |||||||||||
Katerina Kopecna | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Aramark Property | Dublin Region | Kopecna-Katerina[at] | 13362 | |||||||||||
Patrick Kyne | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | pjmkyne[at] | 13370 | Hover Here |
Paul Laffan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | South Eastern Region | p.laffan[at] | 13374 | |||||||||||
John Lalor | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | David Walsh Civil Engineering Ltd | South Eastern Region | johnplalor.jl[at] | 13379 | |||||||||||
Celia Lamb | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Wilsons Auctions | Dublin Region | celialamb[at] | Website | 13380 | ||||||||||
Orla Lambe | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Tailte Éireann | Dublin Region | orla.lambe[at] | 13382 | |||||||||||
William Lambe | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Bannon | Dublin Region | willie.lambe[at] | 13383 | |||||||||||
Michael Lambert | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Lambert Surveyors | South Eastern Region | mlambert[at] | Website | 13385 | ||||||||||
Philip Lammas | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | philip.lammas[at] | 13386 | ||||||||||||
Daniel Lane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | South Eastern Region | danlaneqs[at] | 13388 | |||||||||||
Liam Langan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Buildcost Chartered Quantity Surveyors | Dublin Region | llangan[at] | Website | 13391 | ||||||||||
Loraine Langan | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | loraine[at] | 13392 | ||||||||||||
Eamonn Lannin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | eamonn.lannin[at] | 13394 | |||||||||||
Helen Lardner | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Gordon Hughes Estates Agents | North Eastern Region | helenlardner[at] | 13396 | |||||||||||
Colm Larkin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | colmlarkin1[at] | 13398 | ||||||||||||
Don Larkin | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Creative Space Services | Dublin Region | dlarkin[at] | 13399 | |||||||||||
Kevin Larkin | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | North Eastern Region | kevinplarkin[at] | 13400 | ||||||||||||
Ronan Larkin | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | North Eastern Region | ronan.larkin[at] | Website | 13402 | |||||||||||
Ian Larmer | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Larmer Property Consultants Ltd | North Eastern Region | ian[at] | Website | 13403 | ||||||||||
Richard Latham | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | richard.latham[at] | 13404 | |||||||||||
Declan Lavelle | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Valuation Office Ireland | South Eastern Region | declan.lavelle[at] | 13409 | |||||||||||
Mary Lavelle | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Western Region | mary.lavelle[at] | 13411 | |||||||||||
Peter Lavelle | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Peter Lavelle Building Surveyors | Southern Region | plavelle[at] | 13412 | |||||||||||
Rory Lavelle | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lavelle Chartered Surveyors | South Eastern Region | rory[at] | 13413 | |||||||||||
Simon Lavin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bank of Ireland | Dublin Region | simon.lavin[at] | 13416 | |||||||||||
Lorcan Lawler | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | lorcanlawler[at] | 13418 | ||||||||||||
David Lawlor | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hooke & Macdonald Ltd | Dublin Region | davidl[at] | 13422 | |||||||||||
Denise Lawlor | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Dublin Region | denise.lawlor[at] | 13423 | John Lawlor | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Tetrarch Capital Ltd | South Eastern Region | jlawlor[at] | 13424 |
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Steven Lawlor | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Lawlor Burns | Dublin Region |[at] | 13425 | |||||||||||
Robert Lawson | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | rlawson[at] | 13426 | |||||||||||
John Layzell | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | PM Group | Southern Region | layzellassociates[at] | 13427 | |||||||||||
Aidan Leacy | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Phoenix Estates | South Eastern Region | phoenixestates[at] | 13429 | |||||||||||
Adrian Leahy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | adrianleahy78[at] | 13431 | ||||||||||||
Marcus Leahy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | National Treasury Management Agency | Dublin Region | mleahy[at] | 13435 | |||||||||||
Seamus Leahy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Praxis Care | Dublin Region | seamusolaocha[at] | 13438 | |||||||||||
Andrew Leaver | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Andrew Leaver Chartered Building Surveyor | Western Region | andrew.leaver[at] | 13442 | |||||||||||
Aisling Leddy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Melford Property Consultants Ltd | Dublin Region | aleddy[at] | 13445 | |||||||||||
James Lee | MSCSI, MRICS | Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | John Lee & Son Real Estate Alliance | Southern Region | james[at] | Website | 13448 | Hover Here |
Laurence Lee | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Southern Region | larryolaoi[at] | 13450 | Hover Here |
Paul Lee | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Walls Construction Ltd | Southern Region | Paul.lee[at] | 13451 | |||||||||||
Ciaran Leech | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | ciaran[at] | 13454 | ||||||||||||
Tomas Lees | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Arthur & Lees Auctioneers Ltd | Southern Region | tomas[at] | Website | 13456 | Gerard Lehane | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | P. J. Hegarty & Sons | Southern Region | ger.lehane[at] | 13460 |
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Rory Lemass | Assoc. SCSI | Quantity Surveying | AECOM | Dublin Region | Rory.Lemass[at] | Website | 13463 | ||||||||||
Conor Lennon | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Dublin Region | conor.lennon[at] | 13468 | |||||||||||
Philip Lennon | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lambert Smith Hampton | Northern Ireland Region | plennon[at] | 13474 | |||||||||||
Gordon Lennox | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | South Eastern Region | Gordondblennox[at] | 13476 | ||||||||||||
Emma Leonard | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Sigma Retail Partners | Dublin Region | eleonard[at] | 13478 | |||||||||||
Kevin Leonard | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | The Land Development Agency | Dublin Region | kev.leonard[at] | 13479 | |||||||||||
Niall Leonard | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Other | nialldiet2010[at] | 13481 | |||||||||||
Richard Leonard | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Richard Leonard & Associates | Southern Region | richard[at] | 13482 | |||||||||||
Anthony Leonard | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Leonard & Williams | Dublin Region | a.leonard[at] | Website | 13484 | Hover Here |
Anton Leong | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Michael Barrett Partnership | Southern Region | anton.leong[at] | 13485 | |||||||||||
Bryan Lett | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kerrigan Sheanon Newman | Dublin Region | blett[at] | 13489 | |||||||||||
Peter Levins | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | South Eastern Region | peterlevins[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13491 | |||||||||||
Breda Lewis | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry Fitzgerald Lewis Hamill | South Eastern Region | breda[at] | 13494 | |||||||||||
David Lewis | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide | Dublin Region | david.lewis[at] | 13495 | |||||||||||
Michael Lewis | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Schofield Lothian | Dublin Region | michael[at] | 13496 | |||||||||||
Barry Leyden | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | – | South Eastern Region | barry[at] | 13497 | |||||||||||
Robert Lindsay | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor | Houses of the Oireachtas | North Eastern Region | robbielindsay76[at] | 13503 | |||||||||||
Donal Linehan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Michael Barrett Partnership | Southern Region | donal.linehan[at] | 13507 | |||||||||||
Hugh Linehan | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Bank of Ireland | Dublin Region | hughvlinehan[at] | 13508 | |||||||||||
Joe Linehan | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | – | Southern Region | joelinehan90[at] | 13509 | |||||||||||
Garrett Linnane | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Transport Infrastructure Ireland | South Eastern Region | glinnane[at] | 13513 | |||||||||||
Philip Littlewood | FSCSI, FRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | philip.littlewood[at] | 13517 | ||||||||||||
Margaret Loddick | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bank of Ireland | Dublin Region | margaret.loddick[at] | 13519 | |||||||||||
John Lombard | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | AECOM | Dublin Region | john.lombard[at] | 13528 | |||||||||||
John Lombard | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Copperstone | Dublin Region | john[at] | 13529 | |||||||||||
Evan Lonergan | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Knight Frank | Dublin Region | evan.lonergan[at] | Website | 13530 | ||||||||||
Jack Lonergan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Southern Region | jackdaniellonergan[at] | 13531 | |||||||||||
Anthony Long | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Southern Region | tonylong[at] | 13536 | |||||||||||
Oliver Long | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | Southern Region | oliverlongqs[at] | 13541 | |||||||||||
Ronan Long | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Property Partners Long | Western Region | rlong[at] | 13543 | |||||||||||
Barry Lordan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | barry.lordan[at] | Website | 13547 | |||||||||||
David Lorigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Lorigan Auctioneers | Dublin Region | david[at] | 13548 | |||||||||||
Catherine Loughnane | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Avision Young | Dublin Region | catherine.loughnane[at] | 13549 | |||||||||||
James Loughnane | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Western Region | Jamesloughnane1[at] | 13550 | |||||||||||
Tom Loughrey | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor | – | Western Region | tomloughrey[at] | 13555 | |||||||||||
David Love | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | BNP Paribas Real Estate | Dublin Region | David.Love[at] | 13556 | |||||||||||
Neill Love | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | NAL Consultancy Ltd | Dublin Region | neill[at] | 13557 | |||||||||||
Peter Love | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | Peter.Love[at] | 13558 | |||||||||||
Robert Love | FSCSI, FRICS | Project Management Surveyor | Buildings & Facilities Dept – Irish Rail | Northern Ireland Region |[at] | 13559 | |||||||||||
John Lowe | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lowe & Associates | Dublin Region | johnlowe[at] | 13562 | |||||||||||
Keith Lowe | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Douglas Newman Good | Dublin Region | keithlowe[at] | 13563 | |||||||||||
Olivia Lowe | Assoc. SCSI | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Olivia Lowe Property | Dublin Region | Olivia[at] | 13564 | |||||||||||
Declan Lowry | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | declanlowry100[at] | 13565 | ||||||||||||
Neil Lowry | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | nlowry[at] | 13566 | ||||||||||||
Denis Lucey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | Dublin Region | denislucey111[at] | 13568 | |||||||||||
Michael Lucey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Michael Lucey & Associates | Southern Region | michael[at] | 13571 | |||||||||||
Colm Luddy | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | colmwluddy[at] | 13575 | ||||||||||||
Brendan Lupton | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mccullagh Lupton Quinn | South Eastern Region | blupton[at] | 13577 | |||||||||||
Fiona O’Reilly | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Countrywide | South Eastern Region | fiona.oreilly[at] | 13579 | |||||||||||
Lynn Lynagh | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | T & J Gavigan Real Estate Alliance | North Eastern Region | lynn[at] | 13586 | |||||||||||
Siobhan Lynam | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | lynam[at] | 13588 | ||||||||||||
Austin Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | austin[at] | 13590 | ||||||||||||
Ciaran Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | ciaran.lynch[at] | 13596 | |||||||||||
Neil Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Omc Technologies Ltd | Southern Region | neil.lynch[at] | 13599 | |||||||||||
Darragh Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | ESB | Southern Region | lynch.darragh[at] | 13600 | |||||||||||
Gerald Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Declan O’Sullivan Chartered Surveyor | Southern Region | ger[at] | 13606 | |||||||||||
John Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Tom McNamara & Partners | Southern Region | johnlynchqs[at] | 13610 | |||||||||||
Julie Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Property Source | Dublin Region | julielynchiavi[at] | 13612 | |||||||||||
Karl Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Savills | Dublin Region | Karl.Lynch[at] | Website | 13613 | ||||||||||
Martin Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Electricity Supply Board | Dublin Region | martin.lynch[at] | 13614 | |||||||||||
Sarah Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | South Eastern Region | sarahmlynch1[at] | 13621 | ||||||||||||
Shane Lynch | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Avision Young | North Eastern Region | slynch042[at] | 13623 | |||||||||||
Timothy Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | nathypersonal[at] | 13625 | ||||||||||||
Peter Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Peter Lynch & Associates | Dublin Region | peterflynch[at] | 13627 | |||||||||||
P.J. Lynch | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | P.J. Lynch | Southern Region | pjlynchqs[at] | Website | 13628 | ||||||||||
Jarlath Lynn | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Savills | Dublin Region | jarlathlynn[at] | 13632 | |||||||||||
Anthony Lyons | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | anthony.lyons[at] | 13635 | ||||||||||||
Astrid Lyons | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | DNG Group Ltd | Dublin Region | astridlyons00[at] | 13636 | |||||||||||
David Lyons | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | David Lyons Real Estate | Dublin Region | david[at] | Website | 13642 | ||||||||||
Edward Lyons | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Mason Owen & Lyons | Dublin Region | elyons[at] | 13643 | |||||||||||
Ian Lyons | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Pepper Asset Management | Dublin Region | ilyons87[at] | 13644 | |||||||||||
Ollie Lyons | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | JLL | South Eastern Region | ollielyons[at] | 13646 | |||||||||||
Paul Lyons | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Paul Construction Ltd | Dublin Region | plyons[at] | 13647 | |||||||||||
William Lyons | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Southern Region | will[at] | 13649 | ||||||||||||
Duncan Lyster | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Irish Life Investment Managers | Dublin Region | duncan.lyster[at] | 13652 | |||||||||||
Fiachra Mac Aogain | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Michael Lucey & Associates | Southern Region | fiachraqs[at] | 13653 | |||||||||||
Fergus MacCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Hooke & Macdonald | Dublin Region | fergus.maccarthy[at] | 13657 | |||||||||||
Glenn MacCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mac Construction Consultants Ltd. | Southern Region | glenn[at] | Website | 13658 | ||||||||||
Seamus MacCrosain | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Independent Valuations | Dublin Region | smc[at] | 13660 | |||||||||||
Ken MacDonald | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hooke & Macdonald Ltd | Dublin Region | ken[at] | 13663 | |||||||||||
Renagh MacDonald | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hooke & Macdonald Ltd | Dublin Region | renagh[at] | 13664 | |||||||||||
Anthony Fitzgerald | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Anthony FitzGerald | Southern Region | info[at] | Website | 13666 | ||||||||||
Anthony MacInerney | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry Fitzgerald Hyland | South Eastern Region | tony[at] | 13667 | |||||||||||
Aidan Mackey | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | Southern Region | aidan_mackey[at] | 13670 | |||||||||||
Lisa Mackey | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CIE Group Property Management | Dublin Region | lisa.mackey[at] | 13671 | |||||||||||
Sabrina Mackin | FSCSI, FRICS | Building Surveying | ClearPoint Consulting Limited | Dublin Region | Sabrina_mackin[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13673 | Hover Here |
Enda Mac Mahon | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | North Eastern Region | enda.macmahon[at] | 13678 | |||||||||||
Liam MacMahon | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | l-mac7[at] | 13680 | ||||||||||||
Emer Madden | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | emer[at] | 13689 | ||||||||||||
Tony Madden | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | tony.madden[at] | 13691 | |||||||||||
Pauline Madden | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Power- Kelly & Company | Dublin Region | paulinemadden[at] | 13694 | |||||||||||
Thomas Madden | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Currie & Brown | Dublin Region | Thomas.Madden[at] | 13695 | |||||||||||
Donal Madigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Donal Madigan Chartered Surveyors | Dublin Region | dkamadigan[at] | 13697 | |||||||||||
Donogh Madigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Southern Region | donogh[at] | 13698 | ||||||||||||
Declan Magee | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Faithful & Gould | Other | declan.magee[at] | 13699 | |||||||||||
John Magee | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | South Eastern Region | johnmageeireland[at] | 13700 | ||||||||||||
Jonathan Magnier | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | CuddyQS | Southern Region | jmagnier[at] | 13702 | |||||||||||
Marcus Magnier | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | marcus.magnier[at] | 13703 | |||||||||||
Alan Maguire | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mitchell McDermot | Dublin Region | amaguire[at] | 13705 | |||||||||||
Arlene Maguire | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Tesco Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | arlene.maguire[at] | 13706 | |||||||||||
Eamonn Maguire | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Maguire Chartered Surveyors | Dublin Region | emaguire[at] | 13708 | Gearoid Maguire | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Wills Brothers Ltd | Dublin Region | gearoidmc[at] | 13712 |
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John Maguire | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Vincent Finnegan Ltd | South Eastern Region | maguirejt[at] | 13713 | |||||||||||
Kevin Maguire | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | O’Reilly Hyland Tierney & Associates | Dublin Region | kevin.maguire[at] | 13717 | |||||||||||
Kevin Maguire | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | BPL Management Ltd | Dublin Region | kevinmaguire[at] | 13718 | |||||||||||
Peter Maguire | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | peter.maguire[at] | 13722 | |||||||||||
Sarah Jane Maguire | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | sarahjane.maguire[at] | 13723 | Hover Here |
Serena Maguire | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | George & Maguire Properties | South Eastern Region | serena[at] | 13724 | |||||||||||
Anne-Maree Maher | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Tom Maher & Co. Ltd. | Dublin Region | anne-maree[at] | Website | 13729 | Hover Here |
Cathal Maher | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | HAIL | Dublin Region | colliemaher[at] | 13730 | |||||||||||
Ciaran Maher | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Maher Gleeson Estates Ltd | Dublin Region | ciaran[at] | 13731 | |||||||||||
Eamonn Maher | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Bord Na Mona | South Eastern Region | eamonn.maher[at] | 13734 | |||||||||||
Lorraine Maher | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Douglas Newman Good | Dublin Region | lorrainemaher[at] | 13735 | |||||||||||
Marie Maher | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Property and Facility Management Surveyor; Registered Valuer | South Eastern Region | mariemaher007[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13737 | Tom Maher | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Tom Maher & Co. Ltd. | Dublin Region | info[at] | 13739 | Hover Here | |||
Deborah Mahon | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Lisney | Other | dmahon[at] | 13741 | |||||||||||
Micheál Mahon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | MGM Partnership | South Eastern Region | micheal[at] | Website | 13743 | Hover Here |
Colin Mallon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cumming Group | Dublin Region | cmallon[at] | 13747 | |||||||||||
Ken Mallon | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Vincent Finnegan Ltd | South Eastern Region | ken[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13748 | ||||||||||
James Paul Malone | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Walsh Associates | Western Region | paul[at] | Website | 13758 | ||||||||||
William Malone | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | wmalone[at] | 13762 | Hover Here |
James Maloney | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Maloney Group | Western Region | maloneyarchitects[at] | Website | 13766 | Hover Here |
Steven Manek | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Dublin Region | steven.manek[at] | 13770 | |||||||||||
Adrian Mangan | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry Fitzgerald Mangan | Western Region | amangan[at] | 13771 | |||||||||||
Niamh Mansfield | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | AIB Group | Dublin Region | niamh.m.mansfield[at] | 13786 | |||||||||||
William Mansfield | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | William Mansfield | South Eastern Region | mansfield[at] | 13789 | |||||||||||
Hugh Markey | FSCSI, FRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | hugh.markey[at] | 13794 | ||||||||||||
Paddy Markey | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublet Ltd T/A Herbert Property Services | Dublin Region | paddy[at] | 13796 | |||||||||||
Shane Markey | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lisney | Dublin Region | smarkey[at] | 13798 | |||||||||||
Seán Markham | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | sean.markham[at] | 13801 | ||||||||||||
Robert Marks | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Ardmac Limited | Southern Region | robbiem77[at] | 13802 | |||||||||||
Brian Marron | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Franklin & Andrews (Ireland) Ltd. (Mott MacDonald) | Dublin Region | brianmarron[at] | 13804 | |||||||||||
Ciara Marron | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Valuation Office Ireland | North Eastern Region | ciara.marron[at] | 13805 | |||||||||||
Aine Martin | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | DOB Surveys Ltd | North Eastern Region | ainesmartin[at] | 13810 | |||||||||||
Audrey Martin | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | TU Dublin | Dublin Region | audrey.martin[at] | 13812 | |||||||||||
David Martin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KSN | South Eastern Region | david89martin[at] | 13814 | |||||||||||
Fiona Martin | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | BPM Property | South Eastern Region | fiona[at] | Website | 13816 | ||||||||||
Francis Martin | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | frank.martin[at] | 13817 | ||||||||||||
Gareth Martin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | AECOM | Dublin Region | gareth.martin0[at] | 13819 | |||||||||||
Janet Martin | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | janetmrtn19[at] | 13821 | ||||||||||||
John Martin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Stevens Martin Management Contracting T/A Renova | South Eastern Region | john[at] | 13822 | |||||||||||
Raymond Martin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | MKN Property Group | Dublin Region | raymond[at] | 13824 | |||||||||||
Brian Mason | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | brianmason79[at] | 13828 | ||||||||||||
James Mason | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Southern Region | james[at] | 13829 | ||||||||||||
Maria Mason | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | mason.maria.a[at] | 13831 | ||||||||||||
Sean Mason | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Mason Estates | Dublin Region | sean.mason[at] | 13832 | |||||||||||
Aidan Massey | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | John Paul Construction Ltd | South Eastern Region | massey.aidan[at] | 13833 | |||||||||||
Tony Massey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | BERMINGHAM KING & ASSOCIATES | Southern Region | tonymassey.qs[at] | 13834 | |||||||||||
Frank Masterson | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CIE Group Property Management | Dublin Region | frank.masterson[at] | 13835 | |||||||||||
Gary Mathews | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Savills | North Eastern Region | gary.mathews[at] | 13838 | |||||||||||
Christopher Matthews | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Southern Region | chris.matthews[at] | 13841 | |||||||||||
Philip Matthews | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Turner & Townsend | South Eastern Region | philip.matthews[at] | 13843 | |||||||||||
Alan Maxwell | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | DNG Maxwell Heaslip & Leonard | Western Region | amaxwell[at] | 13848 | |||||||||||
Thady McAleese | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Eir Property Services | Dublin Region | Thady.McAleese[at] | 13864 | |||||||||||
Hugh McAtamney | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | North Eastern Region | hugh[at] | 13871 | |||||||||||
Barbara McAteer | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Individual Member | South Eastern Region | barbmcateer[at] | 13872 | |||||||||||
Edward McAuley | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor | Society Of Chartered Surveyors Ireland | Dublin Region | edward[at] | 13875 | |||||||||||
Catherine McAuliffe | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Savills | Southern Region | catherine.mcauliffe[at] | 13876 | |||||||||||
Edel McAuliffe | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | mcauliffe.edel[at] | 13878 | ||||||||||||
Roisin McAuliffe | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | roisin.x.mcauliffe[at] | 13881 | ||||||||||||
Neil Paul McBeth | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Conway McBeth | Dublin Region | neil[at] | 13887 | |||||||||||
Conor McBrearty | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mitchell McDermot | Southern Region | cmcbrearty[at] | 13888 | |||||||||||
Eamonn McBride | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Mcbride Auctioneers Ltd. | Western Region | info[at] | Website | 13891 | Seamus McBride | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | seamus.mcbride[at] | 13895 |
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Michael McCabe | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | North Eastern Region | michael.mccabe[at] | 13900 | |||||||||||
Micheal McCabe | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | MMC Building Consultancy Ltd | North Eastern Region | mmcbuildingconsultancy[at] | 13901 | William Mccabe | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | will[at] | 13908 |
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Annie McCaffrey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | AMcCaffrey Chartered Surveyor | Southern Region | amccaffrey745[at] | 13911 | |||||||||||
Joseph McCaffrey | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Duke McCaffrey Consulting Ltd | Dublin Region | joseph.mccaffrey[at] | 13914 | |||||||||||
Denis McCague | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying; Project Management Surveyor | – | South Eastern Region | denismccague[at] | 13916 | |||||||||||
Gavin McCall | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | McCall Surveying | Southern Region | info[at] | Website | 13919 | ||||||||||
John McCann | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Quinn Agnew | Dublin Region | jmccann[at] | 13923 | |||||||||||
Chanel McCarrick | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | chanel.mccarrick2[at] | 13924 | ||||||||||||
Roger McCarrick | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Mccarrick & Sons Real Estate Alliance | Western Region | info[at] | 13926 | |||||||||||
Colin McCarron | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Kelly Walsh Property Advisors & Agents | Dublin Region | colin[at] | 13927 | |||||||||||
Gavin McCarron | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | – | Dublin Region | gmccarron[at] | 13928 | |||||||||||
Chris McCarry | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | chris.mccarry[at] | 13931 | |||||||||||
Aengus McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | aengusmccarthy[at] | 13932 | |||||||||||
Caroline McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | IPUT | Dublin Region | cmccarthy[at] | 13934 | |||||||||||
Charles McCarthy | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Charles McCarthy Auctioneers Valuers & Estate Agen | Southern Region | charlie[at] | 13935 | |||||||||||
Ciara McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Southern Region | Ciara.McCarthy[at] | 13936 | |||||||||||
Colin McCarthy. | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Northern Ireland Region | colin[at] | 13937 | ||||||||||||
Colm McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | colmmccarthy21[at] | 13938 | ||||||||||||
David McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Dublin Region | dmccarthy[at] | 13939 | ||||||||||||
David McCarthy | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | TDR Quantity Surveying Services | Southern Region | david[at] | Website | 13940 | ||||||||||
David McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Group | Southern Region | david.mccarthy[at] | 13941 | |||||||||||
Denis McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | P. J. Hegarty & Sons | Southern Region | denis.mccarthy[at] | 13943 | |||||||||||
Gerard McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Savills | Dublin Region | gerry.mccarthy[at] | 13947 | |||||||||||
Ian McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Dublin Region | ianmmccarthy[at] | 13948 | ||||||||||||
James Peter McCarthy | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | peter[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13949 | John McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Mccarthy & Associates Quantity Surveyors | Southern Region | info[at] | 13950 |
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Kevin McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Southern Region | kevinmccarthy303[at] | 13954 | |||||||||||
Kieran McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Glenman Corporation Ltd | Southern Region | kieranmccarthyqs[at] | 13955 | |||||||||||
Maeve McCarthy | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Charles McCarthy Auctioneers Valuers & Estate Agen | Southern Region | maeve[at] | 13958 | |||||||||||
Michael McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | MMC Quantity Surveyors | Southern Region | michael[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13960 | ||||||||||
Michael McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | michaelmac06[at] | 13961 | ||||||||||||
Stephen McCarthy | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Savills | Dublin Region | stephen.mccarthy[at] | 13969 | |||||||||||
Thomas McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Lisney | Southern Region | tmccarthy[at] | 13970 | |||||||||||
Trevor McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Irish & European Cork Ltd | Southern Region | trevor[at] | Website | 13973 | ||||||||||
Vincent McCarthy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Southern Region | v.mccarthy[at] | 13976 | |||||||||||
Anthony Joseph McCaul | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | McCaul’s Chartered Qunatity Surveyors | Western Region | tmccaul[at] | 13981 | Hover Here |
Leo McCauley | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | McCauley Properties | Western Region | leo[at] | Website | 13984 | ||||||||||
Tony McCauley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | J. J. Rhatigan & Company | Dublin Region | tcjmccauley[at] | 13986 | |||||||||||
Victoria McCausland | Assoc. SCSI | Geomatics Surveyor | AA Land Survey | Northern Ireland Region | survey[at] | Website LinkedIn | 13987 | Brian McCay | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | brian.mccay[at] | 13988 |
| | |
Andrew McClatchie | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Permanent Tsb | Dublin Region | andrew.mcclatchie[at] | 13989 | |||||||||||
Garrett McClean | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | garrett.mcclean[at] | 13990 | |||||||||||
James McConigley | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Bord Na Mona | South Eastern Region | jamesmcconigley[at] | 13992 | |||||||||||
David McConnell | MSCSI, MRICS | Project Management Surveyor | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | david.mcconnell[at] | 13994 | |||||||||||
June McConnell | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | June Mcconnell | Dublin Region | june[at] | 13996 | |||||||||||
Peter McConnell | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Primark | Dublin Region | gmcconnell[at] | 13997 | |||||||||||
T D McConnell | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | HSE | South Eastern Region | tom.mcconnell[at] | 14000 | |||||||||||
Keith McConville | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Paul Construction | Dublin Region | kmcconville[at] | 14002 | |||||||||||
Adam McCormack | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | IPUT | Dublin Region | amccormack[at] | 14005 | |||||||||||
Barry McCormack | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | barry[at] | 14006 | ||||||||||||
Miriam McCormack | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mulcahy McDonagh & Partners | Western Region | mmccormack[at] | 14014 | |||||||||||
Paul McCormack | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dng Mccormack Properties | South Eastern Region | paul[at] | 14016 | |||||||||||
Robert McCormack | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | REA McCormack Corish | South Eastern Region | rob[at] | 14017 | |||||||||||
Sean McCormack | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | South Eastern Region | seandavidmccormack[at] | 14019 | ||||||||||||
Conor Mc Cormick | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Mccormick Estate Agents | Dublin Region | conor[at] | 14021 | |||||||||||
Denis McCotter | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | denis.mccotter[at] | Website | 14023 | |||||||||||
John McCoy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | BAM Building Ltd | South Eastern Region | jmcoy[at] | 14024 | |||||||||||
Karl McCoy | MSCSI, MRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor; Registered Valuer | KMPC Consulting | Southern Region | kmccoy[at] | 14025 | |||||||||||
Paul McCoy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Airport Authority PLC | Dublin Region | paulb.mccoy[at] | 14026 | |||||||||||
Andrew McCracken | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | JLL | Dublin Region | andrew.mccracken[at] | Website | 14028 | ||||||||||
Peter McCreery | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald McCreery | South Eastern Region | marcella[at] | 14031 | |||||||||||
Warren McCreery | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Warren Mccreery Auctioneers Valuers & Estate Agent | South Eastern Region | info[at] | Website | 14032 | ||||||||||
Aoife McCrystal | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Valuation Office Ireland | Dublin Region | aoife.mccrystal[at]VALOFF.IE | 14033 | |||||||||||
Shane McCullagh | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mccullagh Lupton Quinn | South Eastern Region | smccullagh[at] | Website LinkedIn | 14038 | ||||||||||
Joan McCullen | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Smith Harrington | North Eastern Region | joanmccullen1978[at] | 14039 | |||||||||||
Ed McCulloch | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | BoyleSports | Dublin Region | edwardmcculloch[at] | 14040 | |||||||||||
Adrian McDermott | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Azure Contracting Limited | Dublin Region | amcdermott[at] | 14050 | |||||||||||
Eoin McDermott | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Eoin McDermott & Company | Dublin Region | emcdermott[at] | 14055 | |||||||||||
Jeremy McDermott | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Region | jeremymcdermott1[at] | 14057 | ||||||||||||
Shane McDermott | MSCSI, MRICS | Minerals Surveyor | SLR Consulting Ireland | Dublin Region | smcdermott[at] | 14060 | |||||||||||
Barry McDonagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Turner & Townsend | Dublin Region | Barry.Mcdonagh[at] | 14062 | |||||||||||
Billy McDonagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | King & Moffatt Building Services | Western Region | yllibmcdonagh[at] | 14063 | |||||||||||
David McDonagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | d.mcdonagh[at] | Website LinkedIn | 14066 | |||||||||||
JP McDonagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Dublin Region | jpmcdonagh[at] | 14069 | ||||||||||||
Michael McDonagh | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | mmcdonagh[at] | Website LinkedIn | 14071 | ||||||||||
Aidan McDonald | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Val O’Brien & Associates | North Eastern Region | aidan[at] | 14074 | |||||||||||
Barry Mc Donald | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Val O’Brien & Associates | North Eastern Region | barry[at] | Website | 14076 | Hover Here |
Clodagh McDonald | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lawrence & McDonald | South Eastern Region | info[at] | 14078 | |||||||||||
Gerard McDonald | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Murphy International Ltd | Dublin Region | gerardmcdonald[at] | 14081 | |||||||||||
Timothy McDonald | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | McDonald & Company | Dublin Region | Timmcdonald[at] | 14083 | |||||||||||
Tom McDonald | MSCSI, MRICS | Rural Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Tom McDonald And Associates | South Eastern Region | info[at] | Website | 14084 | ||||||||||
David McDonnell | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | – | Southern Region | dpmcd[at] | 14089 | Hover Here |
David McDonnell | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Western Region | dave[at] | Website LinkedIn | 14090 | |||||||||||
Derek McDonnell | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Nolan Construction Consultants | South Eastern Region | derek[at] | 14091 | |||||||||||
Enda McDonnell | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | RF Property Management | Dublin Region | endarfpm[at] | 14093 | |||||||||||
Fiacra McDonnell | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | TU Dublin – Bolton Street | North Eastern Region | fiacra.mcdonnell[at] | Website LinkedIn | 14094 | Hover Here |
Finbar McDonnell | FSCSI, FRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | RF Property Management | Dublin Region | fmcdonnell[at] | 14095 | |||||||||||
Gerard McDonnell | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Savills | Southern Region | ger.mcdonnell[at] | 14096 | |||||||||||
Gerard McDonnell | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Pembroke Mcdonnell | Dublin Region | gerard[at] | 14097 | |||||||||||
Gillian McDonnell | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Ltd | Southern Region | gillian.mcdonnell[at] | 14098 | |||||||||||
Jim McDonnell | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | empsol2009[at] | 14100 | ||||||||||||
Natalie McDowell | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | DAVY STOCKBROKERS | Dublin Region | natalie.mcdowell[at] | 14108 | |||||||||||
Paul McDowell | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Paul McDowell Ltd | Dublin Region | paul[at] | Website | 14109 | ||||||||||
Paul McElearney | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | McElearney CS | Dublin Region | paul[at] | 14111 | |||||||||||
Paul McElhinney | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Mcelhinney Real Estate Alliance | Western Region | paul[at] | 14114 | |||||||||||
Patricia McElligott | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Siro | Southern Region | tricia.mcelligott[at] | 14115 | |||||||||||
Pearse McElroy | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Wyse Property Management Ltd. | Dublin Region | pearse.mcelroy[at] | 14116 | |||||||||||
Hugh McElvaney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cairn Homes PLC | North Eastern Region | mcelvaneyhugh[at] | 14119 | |||||||||||
Martin McEneaney | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lavelle Auctioneers and Valuers Ltd | Northern Ireland Region | mobaneman[at] | 14123 | |||||||||||
Eoin McEnery | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Mitchell McDermot | Southern Region | emcenery[at] | 14124 | |||||||||||
Kevin McEnteggart | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | North Eastern Region | kevin[at] | 14129 | ||||||||||||
Gerard McEvoy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Ger McEvoy Project Management Ltd. | Southern Region | gerardfmcevoy[at] | 14132 | Hover Here |
Laurence McEvoy | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | Larry_McEvoy[at] | 14135 | ||||||||||||
Paul McEvoy | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | O’Reilly Hyland Tierney & Associates | Dublin Region | paul.mcevoy[at] | Website | 14138 | ||||||||||
Simon McEvoy | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Northern Ireland Region | simonmcevoy67[at] | 14140 | ||||||||||||
Siobhan McFadden | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Kelland Homes | Dublin Region | cossiobhan[at] | 14144 | |||||||||||
Sean McGagh | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | ATU Sligo | Western Region | sean.mcgagh[at] | 14146 | |||||||||||
DP McGahon | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying; Registered Valuer | McGahon Surveyors | North Eastern Region | damien.mcgahon[at] | 14147 | |||||||||||
Shelagh McGann | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Keane Mahony Smith | Western Region | info[at] | 14150 | |||||||||||
Michael McGarry | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Savills | North Eastern Region | michaelmcgarry17[at] | 14152 | |||||||||||
Michele McGarry | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Colliers International | Dublin Region | michele.mcgarry[at] | 14153 | |||||||||||
Mary McGarry Murphy | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Wyse Residential Ltd | South Eastern Region | mary.mcgarry[at] | 14154 | |||||||||||
Anthony McGee | MSCSI, MRICS | Planning and Development Surveyor; Registered Valuer | REA McGEE | Dublin Region | anthony[at] | 14155 | |||||||||||
Ronan McGee | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Duke McCaffrey Consulting Ltd | Dublin Region | ronan.mcgee[at] | 14160 | |||||||||||
Deirdre McGennis | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | South Dublin County Council | Dublin Region | d_mcgennis[at] | 14163 | |||||||||||
Pauric McGettigan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Western Region | pauricmcgettigan[at] | 14168 | ||||||||||||
Brendan McGing | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying; Project Management Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | brendan[at] | 14170 | |||||||||||
Daniel McGing | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | HSE | Dublin Region | daniel.mcging[at] | 14171 | |||||||||||
Brendan McGinley | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | North Eastern Region | brendanjmcginley[at] | 14172 | ||||||||||||
Garry McGinley | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | D G Jones & Partners | Dublin Region | garymcginley[at] | 14175 | |||||||||||
Susan McGinnell | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | susan.mcginnell[at] | 14178 | |||||||||||
Stephen McGoldrick | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kerrigan Sheanon Newman | North Eastern Region | smcgoldrick[at] | 14184 | |||||||||||
Brendan McGovern | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Faithful & Gould | Dublin Region | Brendan.McGovern[at] | 14188 | |||||||||||
Martin McGovern | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | North Eastern Region | martin.mcgovern[at] | 14193 | |||||||||||
Pat McGovern | FSCSI, FRICS | Building Surveying | McGovern Surveyors | North Eastern Region | pat[at] | 14194 | |||||||||||
Diarmuid McGowan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Wicklow County Council | Dublin Region | dmcgowan[at] | Website LinkedIn | 14199 | Hover Here |
Linda McGowan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | PM Group | North Eastern Region | lkmcgowan76[at] | 14200 | |||||||||||
Lourda McGowan | MSCSI, MRICS | Rural Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Western Region | mcgowanauct[at] | 14201 | ||||||||||||
Michael McGowan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | HKA | Dublin Region | mjmcgowan105[at] | 14202 | |||||||||||
Lisa McGrane | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | lisamcgrane71[at] | 14208 | ||||||||||||
Aidan McGrath | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Rothwell Staunton & Associates | Western Region | rothwellauct1[at] | 14210 | |||||||||||
David McGrath | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying; Registered Valuer | Mccullagh Lupton Quinn | South Eastern Region | dmcgrath[at] | 14213 | |||||||||||
Eugene McGrath | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | PM Group | Western Region | eugene.m.mcgrath[at] | 14216 | |||||||||||
Fiachra McGrath | Assoc. SCSI | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | REA McDonald | Dublin Region | fiachra[at] | Website | 14217 | ||||||||||
Finbar McGrath | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Dublin Region | finmcgrath[at] | 14218 | |||||||||||
Gerard McGrath | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Project Design & Building Consultants Ltd. | Southern Region | gerry.mcgrath[at] | 14220 | |||||||||||
Jeremiah McGrath | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Mccarthy & Mcgrath Ltd. | Southern Region | miah[at] | 14222 | |||||||||||
Marc McGrath | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Bennetts Auctioneers | Dublin Region | marc[at] | 14225 | |||||||||||
Mary McGrath | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | The McGrath Group | South Eastern Region | mary[at] | 14226 | |||||||||||
Ronan McGrath | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Self own business | South Eastern Region | ronanmcgrath[at] | 14231 | |||||||||||
Stephen McGrath | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Trinity Real Estates | Dublin Region | stephen.mcgrath[at] | 14233 | |||||||||||
Tony McGrath | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | – | Southern Region | tony[at] | 14236 | |||||||||||
Paul McGrath | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Bartra Capital Property | Dublin Region | pmcgrath[at] | 14237 | |||||||||||
Kevin McGrattan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Office Of Public Works | Dublin Region | kevin.mcgrattan[at] | 14239 | |||||||||||
Mark McGreevy | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Southern Region | m.mcgreevy[at] | 14241 | |||||||||||
Enda McGuane | FSCSI, FRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Planning and Development Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Land Development Agency | Western Region | emcguane[at] | Website LinkedIn | 14247 | ||||||||||
Cormac McGuckian | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Stellar Property | Western Region | cormacmcguckian[at] | 14248 | |||||||||||
Stephen McGuinness | FSCSI, FRICS | Building Surveying | Dublin City Council | Northern Ireland Region | stephen.mcguinness[at] | 14252 | |||||||||||
Brian McGuirk | Assoc. SCSI | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Sherry FitzGerald Lannon | North Eastern Region | brian[at] | 14255 | |||||||||||
Orla McGuirk | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | KMCS@KPMG | Dublin Region | orla.mcguirk[at] | 14257 | |||||||||||
Darren McGwynne | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | CQS Consulting (Irl) Ltd. | Western Region | dmcgwynne[at] | 14259 | |||||||||||
Peter McHale | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | mchale.peter[at] | 14260 | ||||||||||||
Damien McHugh | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Kerrigan Sheanon Newman | Dublin Region | dmchugh[at] | 14262 | |||||||||||
Garreth McHugh | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying; Registered Valuer | McHugh Glynn & Associates Ltd. | Southern Region | garreth[at] | 14265 | |||||||||||
Jane McHugh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Kennedy Wilson Europe Ltd | Dublin Region | jmchugh[at] | 14266 | |||||||||||
Kevin McHugh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | William Harvey & Co | Dublin Region | kmchugh[at] | Website LinkedIn | 14268 | Hover Here |
Paul McHugh | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Keystreet Management LTD. | Dublin Region | paul.mchugh[at] | Website LinkedIn | 14273 | ||||||||||
Robert McHugh | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | robert.mchugh[at] | 14276 | |||||||||||
Daniel McInerney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying; Project Management Surveyor | Hillview Developments Ltd. | Dublin Region | dan.mcinerney[at] | 14277 | |||||||||||
Lisa McInerney | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | AIB | Dublin Region | mcinerney.lisa[at] | 14278 | |||||||||||
Arlene McIntyre | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | AIB Group | Dublin Region | arlene.t.mcintyre[at] | 14281 | |||||||||||
Ciaran McIntyre | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | ciaran[at] | Website LinkedIn | 14282 | Hover Here |
John McIntyre | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | ESB (Estates Management) | Dublin Region | johnmack00[at] | 14284 | |||||||||||
John McKay | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | Dublin Region | john.mckay[at] | 14287 | |||||||||||
Robert McKay | FSCSI, FRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | McKay | Dublin Region | robert[at] | Website LinkedIn | 14290 | Hover Here |
Ian McKee | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Quintain Development Ireland Ltd | Dublin Region | imckee[at] | 14292 | |||||||||||
Lorraine McKeigue | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | PM Group | North Eastern Region | lmckeigue[at] | 14296 | |||||||||||
Colm McKenna | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Arcadis | North Eastern Region | COLMMCKENNA1990[at]GMAIL.COM | 14302 | |||||||||||
David McKenna | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | Dublin Simon Community | Dublin Region | davidmckenna[at] | 14303 | |||||||||||
Desmond McKenna | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor | REA Halnon McKenna | Dublin Region | des[at] | Website LinkedIn | 14304 | ||||||||||
Gerard McKenna | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Edward Cotter Partnership | Southern Region | ger.mckenna[at] | 14306 | |||||||||||
Johnny McKenna | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Lisney | Southern Region | johnnymckenna92[at] | 14310 | |||||||||||
Joseph McKenna | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Desmond MacGreevy & Partners | Dublin Region | jmckenna[at] | 14311 | |||||||||||
Ken McKenna | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Pinebridge Construction Ltd | Dublin Region | ken[at] | Website | 14312 | ||||||||||
Michael McKenna | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Michael Mckenna Auctioneer | Southern Region | info[at] | Website | 14316 | ||||||||||
Michael McKenna | Assoc. SCSI | Building Surveying | McKenna & Associates | North Eastern Region | info[at] | Website | 14317 | Hover Here |
Noel McKenna | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | DUNDALK INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY | North Eastern Region | noel.mckenna[at] | 14318 | |||||||||||
Ronan McKenna | Assoc. SCSI | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Glenveagh Homes Ltd | North Eastern Region | ronan.mckenna[at] | 14321 | |||||||||||
Helen McKenny | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Hosford Property Consultants | Dublin Region | h.mckenny[at] | Website | 14323 | Hover Here |
Gareth McKeown | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Kroll Advisory (Ireland) Ltd | Dublin Region | garethmckeown2[at] | 14330 | |||||||||||
Mark McKernan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Ireland Limited | Dublin Region | markmckernan[at] | 14336 | |||||||||||
Michael McKiernan | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | Waterways Ireland | North Eastern Region | michaelemckiernan[at] | 14338 | |||||||||||
Jacqui McKinnell | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | South Eastern Region | callaly0[at] | 14339 | ||||||||||||
John McKone | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Wyse Property Management Ltd. | Dublin Region | johnmckone20[at] | 14342 | |||||||||||
Daniel McLaughlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | mclaughlind1[at] | 14344 | |||||||||||
Feargal McLaughlin | Assoc. SCSI | Rural Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Crana Financial Services | Western Region | porthawglen21[at] | Website | 14345 | ||||||||||
Damien McLoughlin | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | South Eastern Region | d.mcloughlin[at] | 14359 | |||||||||||
David McLoughlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | McLoughlin Construction Consultants Ltd | Southern Region | david[at] | 14360 | |||||||||||
Emma McLoughlin | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | South Eastern Region | emma[at] | 14364 | ||||||||||||
Ian McLoughlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | CBRE Advisory (IRL) Ltd | Dublin Region | ian.mcloughlin[at] | 14365 | |||||||||||
Laurna McLoughlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Kennedy Wilson | Dublin Region | lmcloughlin[at] | 14367 | |||||||||||
Leigh McLoughlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | ATU Donegal | Western Region | leigh.mcloughlin[at] | 14368 | |||||||||||
Martin McLoughlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Rolbay t/a Linesight | Western Region | marty.mcloughlin1[at] | 14369 | |||||||||||
Neil McLoughlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | P. J. Hegarty & Sons | Dublin Region | neil.mcloughlin[at] | 14370 | |||||||||||
Paul McLoughlin | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | North Eastern Region | pmclough[at] | 14371 | ||||||||||||
Fergus McMahon | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Cairn Homes PLC | Western Region | fmcmahon68[at] | 14377 | |||||||||||
Gregory McMahon | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | ESB | South Eastern Region | mcmgreg[at] | 14378 | |||||||||||
Kevin McMahon | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | Savills | Dublin Region | kevin.mcmahon[at] | 14379 | |||||||||||
Leon McMahon | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | ESB | Dublin Region | leon.mcmahon[at] | 14380 | |||||||||||
Paul McMahon | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Southern Region | pmmqs[at] | 14381 | ||||||||||||
Sean McMahon | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Austin Reddy & Company | North Eastern Region | seanmcmahonqs[at] | 14384 | |||||||||||
Edward J McManus | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Sole Practitioner | Southern Region | mceng[at] | 14389 | |||||||||||
James McManus | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Jones Lang Lasalle | Dublin Region | jameskmcm[at] | 14390 | |||||||||||
Sandra McManus | MSCSI, MRICS | Property and Facilities Management Surveyor; Rural Surveyor | Dublin Region | sandimcmanus[at] | 14392 | ||||||||||||
Daniel McMonagle | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | McMonagle Stone | Western Region | daniel[at] | 14402 | |||||||||||
Cian McMorrow | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | – | North Eastern Region | cianmcmorrow[at] | 14403 | |||||||||||
David McMorrow | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Mcmorrow Properties | Dublin Region | david[at] | Website | 14404 | Hover Here |
Orla McMorrow | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | Douglas Newman Good | Dublin Region | omcmorrow[at] | 14405 | |||||||||||
Patrick McMorrow | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Dublin Region | kpmcmorrow[at] | 14406 | ||||||||||||
Conall McMullan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin Region | conall[at] | Website | 14407 | |||||||||||
Eamonn McMullen | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | The Building Consultancy | North Eastern Region | eamonn[at] | 14408 | |||||||||||
Alan McMurray | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor | Herbert & Lansdowne | Dublin Region | alanmcmurray1[at] | 14409 | |||||||||||
Eugene McNaboe | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | ESBI | Dublin Region | eugene.mcnaboe[at] | 14410 | |||||||||||
John McNally | MSCSI, MRICS | Commercial Agency Surveyor | WKN Real Estate Advisors Limited | Dublin Region | jmcnally[at] | 14412 | |||||||||||
James McNamara | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | TUS Midlands | North Eastern Region | james.mcnamara[at] | 14416 | |||||||||||
Maurice McNamara | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | John Sisk & Son Ltd. | Southern Region | m.mcnamara[at] | 14417 | |||||||||||
Patrick McNamara | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | Dublin City Council | Dublin Region | patrick.mcnamara[at] | 14418 | |||||||||||
Paul McNamara | FSCSI, FRICS | Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Colliers International | Dublin Region | pcmcnamara67[at] | 14419 | |||||||||||
Tom McNamara | FSCSI, FRICS | Quantity Surveying | Tom McNamara & Partners | Southern Region | tmcnamara[at] | 14422 | |||||||||||
Vivian McNamee | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying; Project Management Surveyor | Mcnamee Chartered Building Surveyors | North Eastern Region | info[at] | 14425 | |||||||||||
Eimear McNerney | FSCSI, FRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | TU Dublin | Dublin Region | eimear.mcnerney[at] | 14430 | |||||||||||
Neill McNicholas | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Savills | Western Region | mcnicholas.neill[at] | 14431 | |||||||||||
Sean McNulty | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | OHMG Construction | Northern Ireland Region | Seanmcnulty2014[at] | 14435 | Hover Here |
James McParland | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Logical Real Estate Consulting | North Eastern Region | james[at] | 14437 | |||||||||||
Triona McPartlan | MSCSI, MRICS | Valuation Surveyor | Tailte Éireann | South Eastern Region | triona91[at] | 14439 | |||||||||||
Jonathan McPhillips | Assoc. SCSI | Valuation Surveyor | Hwbc | Dublin Region | jmcphillips[at] | 14442 | |||||||||||
Marian McQuillan | Assoc. SCSI | Residential Agency Surveyor; Registered Valuer | Quillsen | Dublin Region | m.mcquillan[at] | 14447 | |||||||||||
Noel Michael McQuillan | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | McQuillan Chartered Surveyors | North Eastern Region | info[at] | Website | 14450 | Hover Here |
Jill McStay | Assoc. SCSI | Commercial Agency Surveyor; Planning and Development Surveyor | Dublin Region | jill.mcs[at] | 14453 | ||||||||||||
Kevin McSweeney | MSCSI, MRICS | Quantity Surveying | South Eastern Region | kevinmcs[at] | 14454 | ||||||||||||
Patrick McSweeney | MSCSI, MRICS | Building Surveying | Gleeson Mcsweeney | Southern Region | pat[at] | Website | 14455 | ||||||||||
Brendan McVerry | MSCSI, MRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor; Valuation Surveyor; Registered Valuer | McVerry Estate Agents | North Eastern Region | info[at] | 14460 | |||||||||||
Dave Meagher | MSCSI, MRICS | Geomatics Surveyor | BPM Surveys Ltd | South Eastern Region | info[at] | 14463 | |||||||||||
James Meagher | FSCSI, FRICS | Residential Agency Surveyor | KNIGHT FRANK LTD. | Dublin Region | james.meagher[at] | Website | 14464 |