- 60% of renters say it is difficult to get deposits returned – RED C Poll
- PRTB, SCSI, USI and Threshold publish new Guide to Security Deposits
- Guide should help reduce confusion around deposit disputes – Minister Jan O’Sullivan
Tuesday 1st July 2014: A RED C poll published by the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) has shown that 60% of renters say that it is difficult to get deposits returned from landlords in Ireland, with 36% strongly agreeing.
The research coincided with the launch of a new guide entitled ‘A Short Guide to Security
Deposits for Residential Tenancies’, published by the Society of Chartered Surveyors
Ireland, the Private Residential Tenancies Board (PRTB), the Union of Students in Ireland
(USI) and Threshold.
The guide, which was launched by Jan O’Sullivan, T.D., Minister of State with special
responsibility for Housing and Planning, aims to provide guidance for both tenants and
landlords. It covers industry best practice on issues including paying a security deposit,
reasons why a security deposit may be withheld, checklist for the return of a security deposit
and what to do if a security deposit is not returned.
Minister O’Sullivan praised the collaborative effort in producing the guide, noting that it was
an excellent resource for those in the private rented market, providing clear guidance with
regard to rights and obligations in respect of deposits.
The Minister highlighted work on the introduction of a deposit protection scheme, saying that
“the scheme will provide a fair, transparent solution to the issue of deposit retention, a
solution that will be of benefit to both landlords and tenants.” She advised that the drafting of
legislation is at an advanced stage and is expected to come before the Oireachtas shortly.
Vincent Hickey, incoming Chairman of the SCSI Property & Facilities Management
Professional group said “The private rented sector almost doubled in size between 2006 and
2011 and approximately 1 in 5 households in the country are now renting private properties
and it is very important to ensure that people renting are fully informed in relation to their
rights and responsibilities in this growing sector”.
Bob Jordan, CEO of Threshold said “the issue of tenancy deposits is the main cause of disputes between tenants and landlords. This guide will help to raise awareness of the rights and obligations of both parties. We welcome the publication of this guide and also look forward to the introduction of a deposit protection scheme which will help solve this problem”
The Short Guide to Security Deposits for Private Residential tenancies is available for free
download from each of the stakeholder websites www.scsi.ie, www.prtb.ie, www.usi.ie and