North East Regional Connections Conference

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03/10/2024 @ 12:30

Join us on Thursday 3rd October in the North East region for the Regional Connections Conference in the Knightsbrook Hotel, Meath. 

The conference starts at 12:30pm with Tea/Coffee and lunch served on arrival, a great opportunity to grow your network in the North East region and meet members in your area. Tea/Coffee and biscuits will be available after the conference. 



Join us on Thursday 3rd October in the North East region for the Regional Connections Conference in the Knightsbrook Hotel, Meath. 

The conference starts at 12:30pm with Tea/Coffee and lunch served on arrival, a great opportunity to grow your network in the North East region and meet members in your area. Tea/Coffee and biscuits will be available after the conference.

Event Details

Date: 03/10/2024

Start time: 12:30 UTC

End time: 16:30 UTC

Venue: Knightsbrook Hotel, Trim, Co.Meath


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