“Zero Tolerance” Approach – How do Professional Behaviour and Ethical Standards Align with Wider Societal Commitments to Tackling Climate Change?

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04/12/2024 @ 13:00

Join us on 4th December for a CPD on “Zero Tolerance” Approach – How do Professional Behaviour and Ethical Standards Align with Wider Societal Commitments to Tackling Climate Change? In this CPD, David Hourihan FRICS FSCSI will look at how professional behaviour and compliance with ethical standards are closely linked to sustainability. Topics will include societal commitments to tackling climate change, SCSI/RICS ethical standards and the environment and professionalism and sustainability in the wider market.


David has over 30 years of industry and education experience in the commercial real estate sector across the UK and Ireland.  He is a specialist in investment, office agency, retail asset management and valuation and is currently Programme Leader for the MSc Real Estate at UCEM. David is also a Member of RICS Governing Council, recently elected as Commercial Agency seat holder. He is a Visiting Professor, Ecole Supérieure des Professions Immobilières (ESPI) an APC Chair and Assessor for SCSI and RICS an RICS Inspire Ambassador and ‘Ethics and Professionalism’ Champion at UCEM.



Join us on 4th December for a CPD on “Zero Tolerance” Approach – How do Professional Behaviour and Ethical Standards Align with Wider Societal Commitments to Tackling Climate Change? In this CPD, David Hourihan FRICS FSCSI will look at how professional behaviour and compliance with ethical standards are closely linked to sustainability. Topics will include societal commitments to tackling climate change, SCSI/RICS ethical standards and the environment and professionalism and sustainability in the wider market.


David has over 30 years of industry and education experience in the commercial real estate sector across the UK and Ireland.  He is a specialist in investment, office agency, retail asset management and valuation and is currently Programme Leader for the MSc Real Estate at UCEM. David is also a Member of RICS Governing Council, recently elected as Commercial Agency seat holder. He is a Visiting Professor, Ecole Supérieure des Professions Immobilières (ESPI) an APC Chair and Assessor for SCSI and RICS an RICS Inspire Ambassador and ‘Ethics and Professionalism’ Champion at UCEM.

Event Details

Date: 04/12/2024

Start time: 13:00 UTC

End time: 14:00 UTC

Venue: Zoom

Email: events@scsi.ie

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