Request for the appointment of a construction adjudicator in Ireland

Request for the appointment of a construction adjudicator in Ireland

Request for the appointment of a construction adjudicator in Ireland

  • Business Guides

Under the Construction Contract Act 2013 (CCA2013), there is an entitlement to adjudication of any dispute relating to payment arising on all construction contracts as defined under the Act entered into on or after July 25th 2016. Under the Act, parties are entitled to either agree their adjudicator or, failing agreement, they must seek an appointment from the chair of the Panel selected by the Minister (Sec 6 (3) and 6(4) of the CCA 2013). Where parties agree, they can select an adjudicator including those named on the Ministers panel, or other panels, or agree to seek a nomination from the other panels.

The SCSI has formed an Adjudication Panel of SCSI members experienced/qualified in dispute resolution/adjudication in accordance with the terms set out in the Act (section 8 (5) and 8(6)). SCSI may be agreed upon by the parties to nominate an adjudicator from the Panel or parties may agree to select an agreed named adjudicator from the SCSI Panel. Note that were parties apply for a nomination from SCSI a charge for processing the nomination will apply. To help you complete this application, please refer to the explanatory notes contained in this application for guidance.

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