New survey predicts Irish 3rd level courses will meet just over half the demand – 52% – for graduate surveyors over next four years
Survey published as SCSI and ConnectIreland launch initiative to encourage graduates to return to Ireland
Friday 18th December 2015. The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland has warned there is a serious shortage of qualified graduates coming into the profession and that this could threaten the pace of recovery in the property and construction sectors.
A new survey of 300 construction and property firms shows that, based on a conservative forecast of economic growth up to December 2019 (3% growth p.a.), almost 2,042 new employment opportunities are expected to be created across the surveying profession.
However based on current student enrolments on surveying courses here there will only be sufficient Irish graduates to fill just over half those positions – 1047 or 52% – with the result that a growing shortage of qualified graduates is set to emerge over the next four years.
The President of the SCSI Andrew Nugent said a shortage of up to 1,000 graduate estate agents and quantity surveyors would restrict the capacity of the property and construction sector at a vital stage of the economic recovery.
“In order to maintain our competitiveness and to ensure that our economy grows at a sustainable rate, Ireland will need an adequate supply of qualified surveyors to build the infrastructure that our economy will require. It is in this context that the shortage of graduate surveyors illustrated by this research is of particular concern”
The SCSI, which is the professional representative body for the property, land and construction sectors, published the survey at the launch of a joint initiative with ConnectIreland aimed at encouraging surveyors working abroad to return home.
The focus of the two week campaign will be the T2 terminal at Dublin Airport and will include an information stand and on screen advertising.
The Director General of the SCSI Patricia Byron said that over the coming 12 months, the SCSI will be actively progressing a number of initiatives to combat the shortage of surveyors facing the property and construction industry.
“The SCSI will endeavour to build on the strength of this initiative with ConnectIreland in order to continue to attract the Irish diaspora home. With economic clouds gathering over the economies of the southern hemisphere, now is a timely opportunity for many of them to consider returning home. The SCSI will also be exploring opportunities to establish on the job training programmes as well as ways of accelerating routes for those interested in becoming surveyors.“
ConnectIreland is the company responsible for delivering the Irish government’s Succeed in Ireland initiative in partnership with IDA Ireland. Through the introductions of members of the global Irish community, ConnectIreland works on attracting expanding international companies to Ireland.
ConnectIreland CEO, Joanna Murphy welcomed the partnership with the SCSI.
“Ireland’s economic growth this year means that people who may wish to return now have the chance to do so. We are delighted to work with the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland and get the message out that Ireland is once again full of opportunities and by introducing companies to ConnectIreland we can continue to create these opportunities.”