We are delighted to share with you our new three year strategic plan Roadmap 2024 through with which we are seeking to continue to deliver on both of these fronts, enhancing current services while also innovating to increase the value and relevance of membership.
The plan was drafted following extensive member research over a five month period commencing in December 2020. As part of the planning process we have updated our vision, mission and values to recognise the evolution of the organisation in recent years and to better align them to the aspirations we have for the continued development of the SCSI.
Roadmap 2024 can be accessed here and provides a high level summary of the approach to drafting the plan and its key objectives and milestones which will be delivered across 4 pillars that reflect the role of the SCSI in advocating, educating and regulating the surveying profession. The implementation of the plan will see the actioning of in excess of 100 key deliverables across the four pillars of ‘Representing, Supporting, Connecting and Influencing’.