Tag: land
How to manage increasing Professional Indemnity Insurance Costs?

Remotely Piloted Aircraft Consumer Guide
The SCSI Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) working group has prepared a consumer guide on the operation of...

SCSI Pre-Budget Submission 2017
Following member consultation in July and after receiving almost 300 responses to our online survey,...

Submission on the Proposed Draft Regulations for the Operation of Drones
In response to the request for submissions in relation to the proposed Draft Regulations for the Operation...

Dublin Area Transport Strategy 2015-2035
The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the review of...

Planning and Development Surveyor
What is a Planning and Development Surveying? Chartered Planning and Development (P&D) Surveyors...

Property and Land Boundaries: Checklist for Purchasers
Property ownership and rights of use are basic attributes of land and buildings. It can be surprising...

A Clear Impartial Guide to Boundary Disputes
Chartered Surveyors specialising in boundaries are professional advisors with relevant knowledge of both...

Boundaries: Procedures for Boundary Identification, Demarcation and Dispute Resolution in Ireland
Provides members with an understanding of the value and role that clearly identifiable boundaries provide...

SCSI Teagas Agri-land Review and Outlook Report 2018
Land Market Review and Outlook 2018 This annual SCSI/Teagasc Land Market Review and Outlook 2018 provides...