Getting On The Register

Getting On The Register

The Register

To apply for Registration to use the title Building Surveyor or Quantity Surveyor, please contact

The professional titles “Building Surveyor” and “Quantity Surveyor” are protected titles under the Building Control, Act, 2007.  

A person cannot use these titles either alone or in combination with any other words or letters, or name, title or description, implying that the person is so registered, without being registered. 

Therefore, if you are a professional and need to use one or both of these titles, you must apply for registration. 

If you have been elected by the SCSI as a Charter Surveyor in the practice area of Building Surveying or Quantity Surveying and you need to use one or both of these titles, you must apply for registration.

Perhaps, you are a Graduate of a Building or Quantity Surveying course and wish to use the protected titles, you must apply for registration. 

Maybe you have been offered a job as a Building or Quantity Surveyor in the Republic of Ireland; you must apply for registration. In April 2019, the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation added “Quantity Surveyors” to the Critical Skills Employment Permit List. Proof of statutory registration is a pre-requisite to work permit approval by the Department.  


Essential Areas of Competence when demonstrating practical experience

Most entry routes to the registration of title require applicants to demonstrate practical experience. 

When preparing this formal submission, it is important for you to review our guidance. These guidelines have been developed by the Registration Body. These Guidelines are intended to provide guidance and clarification to applicants on the essential areas of competence required from applicants when demonstrating experience of performing duties commensurate either with those of a Building Surveyor or Quantity Surveyor. 

Experience Guidance for Quantity Surveyors 

Experience Guidance for Building Surveyors  


Registration Fees

Annual fees for registration are listed here. Payment of a once-off assessment fee of €160 is payable on application. The Assessment Fee covers the cost of processing and evaluating your submission.

This assessment fee does not apply to applications via section 31.(4), 45.(4), 43.(2)(k) and 29.(2)(l)


Registration Fee Details

The below outlines the annual fees for registration. Payment of a once-off assessment fee of €160 is payable on application. The Assessment Fee covers the cost of processing and evaluating your submission.

This assessment fee does not apply to applications via section 31.(4), 45.(4), 43.(2)(k) and 29.(2)(l)

Quantity Surveying — List of registration fees

Building Control Act 2007 Reference Amount
Section 29.(2)(a)(i)(1) €460
Section 29.(2)(a)(i)(2) €460
Section 29.(2)(a)(ii)(1) €460
Section 29.(2)(a)(ii)(2) €460
Section 29.(2)(b) €460
Section 29.(2)(c) €460
Section 29.(2)(d) €460
Section 29.(2)(e) €460
Section 29.(2)(f) €460
Section 29.(2)(g) €460
Section 29.(2)(h) €460
Section 29.(2)(i) €460
Section 29.(2)(j) €460
Section 29.(2)(k) €460
Section 29.(2)(l) €1850
Section 31.(4) €966
Section 60.(1) and (3) €460
Section 60.(1) and (2) €460

Building Surveying — List of registration fees

Building Control Act 2007 Reference Amount
Section 43.(2)(a) €460
Section 43.(2)(b) €460
Section 43.(2)(c) €460
Section 43.(2)(d) €460
Section 43.(2)(e) €460
Section 43.(2)(f) €460
Section 43.(2)(g) €460
Section 43.(2)(h) €460
Section 43.(2)(i) €460
Section 43.(2)(j) €460
Section 43.(2)(k) €1850
Section 45.(4) €966
Section 60.(1) and (2) €460
Section 60.(1) and (3) €460


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