Category: Submissions and Policy
SCSI Submission on RTB Statement of Strategy for 2023-2025
Submission to Health and Safety Authority
Submission to the Health and Safety Authority, requesting clarification on responsibilities of the Quantity...
SCSI Pre Budget Submission 2019 Preparing for a Changing Community
In this year’s Submission, we have focused on two core pillars: Increasing Availability & Affordability...
Banks need to change the way they implement the Central Bank’s mortgage lending rules
The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland has said that while it agrees with the Central Bank’s...
Joint submission on draft ‘Urban Development and Building Heights Guidelines for Planning Authorities’
We've joined with Engineers Ireland (EI) and the Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (AECI),...
Building Better Buildings: Budget 2020 Submission
This year's submission focuses on our belief that an adequate supply of serviced development land for...
SCSI Pre-Budget Submission 2022: Affordable, Viable & Accessible
The SCSI recommends a number of measures to increase the supply of homes and address the issue of affordability...