President/CEO meet up – South East Region

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27 February 2024 @ 11:00

President/CEO meet up – South East Region

Join us on the 27th February for a President/CEO meet up for the South East Region. SCSI CEO Shirley Coulter and SCSI President, Enda McGuane will be online discussing updates for the South East Region as well as providing updates on what is happening within the society.

If you have any questions for either Shirley or Enda, please email your question to and we will do our best to get your questions answered on the day.



Join us on the 27th February for a President/CEO meet up for the South East Region. SCSI CEO Shirley Coulter and SCSI President, Enda McGuane will be online discussing updates for the South East Region as well as providing updates on what is happening within the society.


If you have any questions for either Shirley or Enda, please email your question to and we will do our best to get your questions answered on the day.

Event Details

Date: 27 February 2024

Start time: 11:00 UTC

End time: 12:00 UTC

Venue: Zoom


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