Workshop-Start your own Business

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3 March 2022 @ 19:00

Join Alec Drew on Wednesday 3rd March from 7pm for a two hour interactive workshop on Starting you own Business. If you are interested in working for yourself but don’t know where to start, this workshop will outline some of the key business areas that you can focus on. Making the decision to Start your own Business is a big decision and this workshop will help and support you as you navigate your way into becoming a business owner.

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Join Alec Drew on Wednesday 3rd March from 7pm for a two hour interactive workshop on Starting you own Business. If you are interested in working for yourself but don’t know where to start, this workshop will outline some of the key business areas that you can focus on. Making the decision to Start your own Business is a big decision and this workshop will help and support you as you navigate your way into becoming a business owner.

Event Details

Date: 3 March 2022

Start time: 19:00

End time: 21:00

Venue: Online

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