Category: Regulation
Standing Committee on Regulation & Standards (SCoRS)
Standing Committee on Regulation & Standards (SCoRS)
The purpose of the Standing Committee on Regulation & Standards is to oversee the delivery of the...
Constitution of the SCSI
Constitution of the SCSI Constitution of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland
Standing Committee on Regulation (SCoR)
The purpose of the Standing Committee on Regulation is to oversee the delivery of the Society’s regulatory...
SCSI Conduct and Disciplinary Rules and Procedures
These Rules provide a strong foundation for the Society and its Members, and are designed to protect...
Making a Complaint
Complaints/Allegations/Relevant information concerning the conduct of a member of the Society of Chartered...
Disciplinary Activity
Disciplinary Activity We take disciplinary action in cases where members fall short of the standards...
CPD Monitoring
Members of the Professional Body the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland are obliged always...
Memorandum Articles of Association
Memorandum of Association of the The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland under the Companies Acts
Bye Laws of The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland
Bye Laws of The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland.