SCSI Member Christmas Lunch 2023

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14 December 2023 @ 12:30

SCSI Christmas Lunch 2023

Join us in-person for the SCSI Christmas lunch on Thursday the 14th December in 38 Merrion Square from 12:30pm till 2 p.m.

We will have festive drinks and light lunch available for members and staff to begin celebrating the festive season and another successful year for the industry. SCSI President Enda McGuane will also be in attendance to meet with members and discuss everything from what’s going on in the industry to upcoming activities and reports being launched by the SCSI.



Join us in-person for the SCSI Member Christmas lunch on Thursday the 14th December in 38 Merrion Square from 12:30pm till 2 p.m.

We will have festive drinks and light lunch available for members and staff to begin celebrating the festive season. SCSI President Enda McGuane will also be in attendance to meet with members and discuss everything from what’s going on in the industry to upcoming activities and reports being launched by the SCSI.

Event Details

Date: 14 December 2023

Start time: 12:30 UTC

End time: 14:00 UTC

Venue: 38 Merrion Square


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