Southern Region Social Networking Event

This is a member-only CPD or event

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This is a member-only CPD or event


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07/11/2024 @ 16:30

Join us at the Southern Region Social Networking event this autumn! SCSI members and guests will be enjoying a drinks reception on Thursday, 7th November, at the Shelbourne Bar in Cork City from 4pm.

This is a fantastic opportunity to grow your network, reconnect with SCSI members, maybe even meet a potential future employee or employer!



Join us at the Southern Region Social Networking event this autumn! SCSI members and guests will be enjoying a drinks reception on Thursday, 7th November, at the Shelbourne Bar in Cork City from 4pm.

This is a fantastic opportunity to grow your network, reconnect with SCSI members, maybe even meet a potential future employee or employer. Come and introduce your colleagues to the SCSI.

Some lucky surveyor may even win the €50.00 One4all gift card! On behalf of the Southern Regional Committee, we hope you’ll join us.

Event Details

Date: 07/11/2024

Start time: 16:30 UTC

End time: 19:00 UTC

Venue: Shelbourne Bar, MacCurtain Street, Cork City.


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