ATU Sligo: defect remediation scheme

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14 November 2023 @ 15:00

Join ATU Sligo on the 14th November for a CPD on the defect remediation scheme. In January of this year the Minister for Housing, Darragh O’Brien announced the setting up of a legacy defect remediation scheme. This presentation will elaborate on the issues affecting the subject constructed between 1991 – 2013 including outlining the key take aways from the various reports on the matter including the “Defects in Apartments” report and the recently issued Code of Practice for Remediating Fire Safety Defects in Buildings.

Kevin Hollingsworth

Kevin is managing director and manages the team of surveyors to attend to the company’s management company, receiver and commercial clients.

Kevin has provided professional services for commercial clients such as dilapidations, pre purchase surveys and compliance checks to a variety of property types.

Kevin is seen as an authority on construction and fire related issues.



Join ATU Sligo on the 14th November for a CPD on the defect remediation scheme. In January of this year the Minister for Housing, Darragh O’Brien announced the setting up of a legacy defect remediation scheme. This presentation will elaborate on the issues affecting the subject constructed between 1991 – 2013 including outlining the key take aways from the various reports on the matter including the “Defects in Apartments” report and the recently issued Code of Practice for Remediating Fire Safety Defects in Buildings.

Kevin Hollingsworth

Kevin is managing director and manages the team of surveyors to attend to the company’s management company, receiver and commercial clients.

Kevin has provided professional services for commercial clients such as dilapidations, pre purchase surveys and compliance checks to a variety of property types.

Kevin is seen as an authority on construction and fire related issues.

Event Details

Date: 14 November 2023

Start time: 15:00

End time: 16:00

Venue: Online


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