Energy Saving: Capturing and Reusing Heat Waste | Sustainability Week Series
Energy Saving: Capturing and Reusing Heat Waste | Sustainability Week Series
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Join us for the SCSI’s first Sustainability Week Series from the 3rd to the 7th of October.
It is a well-known fact that the consumption of energy has been rapidly increasing due to the impact of industrialisation and urbanisation. This has led to unprecedented demand for energy in the last few decades resulting in a massive increase in pollution since for a long time we have been relying on fossil fuels and other non-renewable sources for our energy demand.
In a building, space heating is the major end-use for which most of the energy is consumed. Especially in residential, around 61% of the energy used is for space heating according to the SEAI’s Energy in the Residential Sector report. By utilising the waste heat, we can reduce our carbon footprint, increase the efficiency of space heating and save much on energy bills.
On the first day of the week series, Maurice Falvey from Nilan will present. Maurice is the founder of Nilan Ireland and the UK and is a Mechanical Engineer with over 20 years of experience in challenging technical roles including management of high-value engineering projects worldwide.
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