As part of our APC Training calendar, the SCSI Director of Education & CPD, James Lonergan and Deputy Director of Education, Ruth Comerford Morris are providing APC Counsellor Training on Monday, 10th June for Chartered Members who are looking to up-skill and support candidates coming through the APC process.
Please note that APC Counsellors, must be Chartered, Professional Members with the SCSI.
During this session, attendees will be provided with an overview of the APC to support your guidance to new APC applicants on APC routes and pathways. An in-depth review of the roles and responsibilities of APC Supervisors and Counsellors will also be delved into around the topics of:
- Mandatory competencies
- Pathway competency requirements
- Record keeping throughout the structured training period
- Pre-Qualification Structured Learning
- Interim & Final Records
- Competency Sign-Off
- Preparing for Final Assessment
- Referred Candidates
- Change of employer
- Resources, Supports & Guidance
This session is open to Chartered members across all pathways. Please note that APC Counsellors, must be Chartered Professional Members with the SCSI and have completed counsellor training.
CPD Hours: 1